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35 European Projects Found

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Against the background of a raising number of refugees and IDPs in Europe, predominantly due to the war in Syria and Ukraine and not to forget the “old” IDPs from the wars in the 1990ies in the Caucasus, the project would like to provide youth workers from Western and Eastern Europe with a platform debating reasons and effects of migration as well as approaches and concrete activities for addressi ...
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The beginning of the third millennium goes together not only with the dawn of digitalized media technologies, internet, websites, computer multimedia, video games, augmented reality, etc. but also with a social revolution initiated by the interconnectibiliy of users throughout the planet. From an industrial revolution over a commercial revolution the creation of social media has made it possible t ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Training course ?Youth builds Peace in Europe? was held in Kobuleti, Georgia, on 20 - 28 June 2015. In the training participated together 32 youth workers, youth leaders and youth educators as well as youth activists from 13 European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Moldova. Peace-building and conflict transfo ...
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The project „Desert, Forest and Ice – Cultural Understanding through Environmental Exploration“ will make the participants aware of the connection between culture and environment. This connection will be made through understanding of environmental issues and their influence on cultural habits. Through exploring different environmental settings the participants will be lead to more cultural underst ...
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Explore your Potential

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Participation of young people is one of the key questions that youth workers address in their work. Concepts of participation usually refer to at least four dimensions: social participation, political participation, economic participation and cultural participation. Unfortunately, in today`s Europe young people do often not participate in any of these societal dimensions. With youth unemployment r ...
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Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe (ET2050)

Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Policymakers in the field of territorial development and cohesion are in need of a future oriented and integrated vision on the development of the European territory. Therefore the ESPON Programme started a territorial vision-building process following a participatory process and involving relevant stakeholders at European, national and regional level. This vision has a strategic character that al ...
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Youth Training and Resource for Energizing the Employability

Start date: Jun 16, 2014, End date: Jan 15, 2015,

The "Youth TREE" project will take place in Istanbul, Turkey between the dates of 11-20 September, 2014 with the participation of 50 young people from 23 different countries (youth workers, trainers and experts) and facilitators, speakers and various actors. Within the scope of the project, the problem of youth unemployment and its solutions will be discussed together with young people from 23 dif ...
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Youth Participation Outside the Ballot Box

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Is already in English.
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The South Est Europe (SEE) economic area is a SME-based economy in which the sectors of horticulture and animal breeding play a vital role regarding economic growth and employment opportunities. However, SMEs face severe common problems in sustainably keeping up their competitiveness in their national and on the European market. Project partners have decided to tackle the urgent need to improve bu ...
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Many valuable heritage sites in the SEE region are under pressure. Cultural heritage is often used to respond to economic concerns (tourism), rarely to valorise culturally a territory, its people, its traditions, its roots. The innovative approach of SUSTCULT is that cultural heritage has a social and ecological intrinsic significance which shall be safeguarded as a source of sustainable developme ...
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Amber Coast Logistics (ACL)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

...ent services to the market which are neutral in terms of competition. To achieve this, ACL will organise workshops and conferences, arrange staff exchange programmes and initiate an embedded policy forum for effective dissemination of project results. The project partners agreed to compile action and business plans focusing on specific issues. The findings are completed by in-depth research of per ...
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Assessing sustainability and strengthening operational policy (SUSTAIN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Background: The increasing intensity of human activities along our coastline (viz. the development of ports and harbours, coastal protection, land reclamation, tourism and sand/gravel extraction) has a severe impact on coastal communities and natural habitats. The EC has adopted a renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy. It aims at bringing about a high level of environmental protection, socia ...
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The Danube River is one of the most important natural axes in South-East-Europe. It links most of the countries in the SEE area. Thus the improvement and good examples of transnational cooperation of all countries at this river will be a brilliant signal for the whole region. This project has a far reaching strategic focus beyond risk management and could become a flagship project for the SEE prog ...
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Adriatic Danubian Clustering (A.D.C)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Thanks to the topic on clusters put for by the EU for cohesion and innovation strategy, the Adriatic Danubian Clustering (ADC) project is particularly suitable to give momentum to public support for entrepreneurial cooperation in the strategic productive sectors of South Eastern Europe. Even if a number of quite similar productive specialisation are existing among companies in the AdriaticDanubian ...
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Project Transnational River Basin Districts on the Eastern Side of the Baltic Sea Network - TRABANT endeavours to improve basis for the integration of significant ecological and management aspects in the Eastern Baltic Sea region, including links to spatial development. The conditions in the Baltic Sea result to a large extent from the activities in river basins. The activities have been and will ...
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Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The goal for the Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB) project was to increase awareness of the marine pollution situation in the target sectors of fishing, shipping, and leisure craft owners. Focus areas have been environmental issues in guest harbours and marinas, Blue Flag activities, courses for fishermen and seamen, and a media campaign. The ultimate goal of Baltic SeaBreeze was to change the attitudes and ...
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Network of European Automotive Competence (NEAC)

Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The project intends to provide a platform to help automotive regions understand the competences and excellence of their own supply base within the context of the EU. By creating joint approaches and instruments, NEAC wants to improve regional and European competitivity of the automotive supply industry. ...
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The InterBaltic project is initiated by the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission and seconded by the Baltic Development Forum, based on the assumption that there will be a considerable increase in transportation and logistics within, to and from, and through the Baltic Sea region. This situation will affect political decisions, business development and living conditions in general.The main objective of this ...
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Cultural heritage, history and traditions play a mayor role in tourism development. Today tourists are often looking for qualitative offers and a combination between study tours and entertainment. The objective of the Ancient Times project was to preserve and further develop cultural heritage sites of the participating partners according to visitors' demands and in an ecological way. The aim was a ...
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The Baltic Palette II (Baltic Palette II )

Start date: Jun 1, 2002, End date: Nov 30, 2004,

The Baltic Palette II is a joint effort between the metropolitan areas surrounding Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and St. Petersburg to develop a dynamic and sustainable region. The main challenges in the Baltic Palette region are the vast differences in development levels between the partners from the old and new EU member states and the non-EU partners. The Baltic Palette network has been es ...
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... and local inhabitants. Water tourism by kayak and canoe is a traditional branchof sustainable tourism. Both the Felső-Szigetköz Leisure and Water Sports Association,and its Slovakian partner the Forum Centre participated in working out the feasibilitystudy of the Szigetköz-Csallóköz National Park in 2005 initiated by non-governmentalorganisations. This was complemented by two events, the Dunakili ...
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Social Media for Democracy

Start date: May 1, 2012,

Training in Georgien mit 28 Fachkräfte der Jugendarbeit aus Programm- und Eastern Partnership Youth Windows-Ländern zum Thema Rolle und Einfluss von Sozialmedien in Demokratiserungsprozesse. Die Teilnehmende reflektieren darüber inwiefern soziale Medien die politische Partizipation im Allgemeinen und insbesondere bei jungen Menschen beeinflussen. Darüberhinaus überlegen sie wie Jugendorganisation ...
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Business Transfer concerns the transfer from parents to children or outside the family. VET institutes have almost no part in this process while the elements of this process are important study subjects in vocational education: economics and tax regulations, business administration, social communication within the family, management, marketing and business strategies and above all the target group ...
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Facilitating distance learning for SME employees : This project will enable SME employees to gain access to flexible distance learning in order to improve their skills without leaving work. This is vital for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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Students with proven entrepreneurial characteristics should be stimulated to continue after graduation. There are difficulties for this group of starters in fact: colleges take care for students and not for entrepreneurs (after graduating) and support organisations (mainly) support entrepreneurs (registered at the Chamber of Commerce) and not students. The project aims to bridge this gap in suppor ...
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European Citizenship through active participation? Our societies are based on its citizens. Especially in the current situation, facing times of crisis and if we want to build a Europe that citizens can relate to, we need to think of creating a culture of participation. Europe starts with the people in the local communities. Therefore active participation of young people in our societies is first ...
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Gender connection

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The partnership-building activity “Gender Connection” is designed to provide the opportunity for youth workers, project managers and youth leaders working with youth in Programme countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA) to meet, to build the common understanding on gender issues, to discuss the challenges of gender equality in youth work, to discover how to build good quality projects with ...
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Rehearsal for life

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...ty; To stimulate the participants to act as Social Theatre multipliers in their own organization and regions; to develop (with participants as coordinators) national/regional/local projects that uses Forum Theatre (Theatre of the Oppressed) as a working method ; To introduce Youth in Action programme, as a great provider of educational opportunities.
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“You are a Human Being, Be Aware of Your Rights” was developed based on the situation of human rights in Europe and the emergency to invest and develop skills in Human Rights Education (especially among youth workers who are dealing with the target group that is at the same time the most sensitive and with the biggest capacity of change among the global population: Youth! UN adopted recently the H ...
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The Youth Exchange"The charm of supremacy - European Youth against xenophobia, fanaticism and nationalism” is aimed to promote the values of democracy, human rights and free will of people among young Europeans. On the basis of the novel “The Wave” (original: “The Wave” by Morton Rhue) the youngsters will deal with the topics of xenophobia, fanaticism and nationalism by the use of different worksh ...
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Youth Exchages - Welcome!

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

The partnership-building activity (PBA) “Youth Exchanges - Welcome!” is designed to create a fertile platform for new, and creative ideas on youth exchange projects to be developed in the field of inclusion of young people living in rural and deprived urban areas. The unique 1+1 formula of the PBA will bring together both the representatives of young people themselves (who will be participating in ...
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The Seminar “Youth Policy Development - Challenges and Achievements” will be organized for 24 youth workers from Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Germany, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, and Georgia.Th seminar aim to reviews the EU’s European Youth Strategy in view to its relevance for youth policy development in EECA region. Based on experiences made in EU members states ...
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Youth Exchange "Happy Bus"

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

40 young people from eight different countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Estonia) will come together in Dilijan, Armenia to promote Europe through street art, music and street performances. Youth Exchange "Happy Bus" will have a base in Dilijan and will drive in three directions towards three other towns-villages near Dilijan to perform for locals and also ...
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Cultural clusters - to be discovered is an EVS group project that requires the involvement of 52 EVS volunteers from 15 states, but also 26 local volunteers. The project is coordinated by the Millennium Center Association whom also takes the responsibility as a hosting organisation, the number of sending organisations being in a number of 24.The project is structured in two stages each of 6 months ...
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The seminar will provide the 43 participants a platform to discuss on the theme Active Youth Participation, to exchange and experience different concepts of democracy and to discuss and reflect about obstacles in decision-making processes and how young people can overcome them. The seminar offers space to learn from each other and exchange best practice examples.
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