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18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects



Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

With the 2006 European Recommendation on Key Competences, all EU Member States have agreed on a framework of eight Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. Digital Competence is a transversal key competence which, as such, enables acquiring other key competences and is a very relevant and necessary skill to equip people more competitive on the labour market and overall digitally competent. Europe is ...
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It has been well documented that Europe is currently experiencing a skills shortage in the field of IT with an estimated shortage of 900,000 IT professionals by 2020. The EU is currently home to some of largest multinational IT companies in the world, however with a lack of relevant skills available in the local labor market they may be forced to locate to competing, more IT skilled markets. Anoth ...
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Healthcare English Language Programme

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The consortium brings together language training departments of higher education centres dedicated to the training of medical and care staff. As common challenge the partners have identified the lack of a modular, adequate, homogeneous, media supported training programme, based on CEFR standards to satisfy demands of learner-centred formal and informal learning approaches for the English levels B ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...ect will be carried out by the following partners: - Enaip Ente Acli Istruzione Professionale Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy) - En.A.I.P. (Ente Nazionale Acli Istruzione Professionale) Veneto (Italy) - Fast Track into Information Technology Ltd. (Ireland) - Berufsfoerderungsinstitut Oberoesterreich (Austria) - Universitatea Dunarea De Jos Din Galati (Romania) - Association Européenne pour la Formati ...
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The YouthEmploy project provides a response to the EU wide crises of youth unemployment through the development & introduction of an innovative cloud-based framework to support VET providers, employers & unemployed young people to undertake & validate relevant & practical work experience & by so doing prevent & break the cycle of structural employment & lost generation effect threatening young peo ...
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Research shows that despite significant adoption of technologies in education, therepersists a difficulty in demonstrating a measurable link to improved learning outcomes.Many existing research reports cite specific case studies with good outcomes but fallshort of establishing an evidential basis to support good practice. Cause and effect arehard to establish empirically and recent research papers ...
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Existing research which benchmarks the use of ICT in learning uses indicators such asteachers' own perception of their competency and confidence in using ICT or,alternatively the perception of school principals. While this is a useful methodologicalapproach to underpin European benchmarking across member states it is less useful atthe practitioner level. A more sophisticated and useful assessment ...
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Migration after EU enlargement in 2004 is a recent phenomenon but official statistics &research already show large flows from Poland & Lithuania to the UK & Ireland; thatmost work below their skill levels; and a lot more can to be done by adult educationauthorities in the UK & Ireland to meet their needs. The project aims to address thissituation by:-Supporting the integration of the new migrants ...
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Often people engaged in creative fields such as web design (WD) and computer animation (CA) have gained their knowledge, skills and competence through a kind of informal learning (IL). Gradually validation of IL has become a EU priority in the field of VET being “seen as a way of improving lifelong and life-wide learning”. Although addressed to a different extent in various EU countries, the issue ...
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The aim of the project was to transfer positive experience and knowledge in the use of Learning Platforms by European Organisations into the Vocational Education and Training sector.The objectives were to: - Carry out a survey of Education Organizations in Europe to determine their needs, experiences and preferences regarding Learning Platforms/VLEs.- Advise and support the CDVEC in selecting an o ...
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Creativity and innovation are often key to the success of a business, particularly in strategic planning and when designing new products and services. All companies and in particular SMEs face increasing competition not only for sales, but also for technical know-how and skills. In this environment, competitiveness at company level depends crucially on the speed with which new products can be brou ...
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The PADD project will address the gap between political goals, at EU and national level, to equip citizens with IT skills and the reality that large numbers of citizens do not yet possess these basic skills nor do they have access to IT training. PADD will develop a model to address this 'digital divide' by providing marginalised social groups with IT skills/training, to include the old, the unemp ...
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The ICTEM project plans to both develop and validate an integrated method of vocational and personal guidance to assist young unemployed people in accessing suitable vocational training and in meeting the skill demands of individual employers. This approach is expected to be used by vocational guidance counsellors in schools, colleges and employment advice centres.Based on existing knowledge and p ...
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The project aims at developing an e-learning tool for addressing youth and adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy. It will produce a person-centered web-based multi-lingual tool and courseware with vocationally specific materials. Target groups are: people with low literacy/numeracy skills and limited ICT skills with a focus on youth at risk, lone parents, workers from declining industries, ...
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It is widely recognised that ICT contributes to improving the quality of everyday life andsocial participation of Europeans, facilitating access to information, media, content andservices. Improving ICT access for the elderly is particularly important. The issue ofuser motivation is central to the lower usage levels among the older population. Formany, ICT has not played a significant part in thei ...
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The aims of the Migrant ICT project were threefold namely to improve the social and economic integration of migrants from the 2004 EU Accession Member States (A8 countries) especially those with lower levels of education; to develop new ways for adult education practitioners to assist migrants in making active use of their pre-migration knowledge, skills and qualifications and to support the acqui ...
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Web 2.0 technologies are a new wave of innovation that is rapidly changing the way we live, work, learn and interact. There is growing evidence that digital technology can greatly enhance both quality of services and quality of life, particularly for the most disadvantaged citizens and communities. But statistics still show a big gap between older and younger generations of Internet users. A key i ...
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Every European country has a group of "youth left behind". Across Member States they share the common fact of being disadvantaged, in many cases from the day they were born. These are mainly young people who never entered a formal path of education / come from an immigrant background / live in remote neighbourhoods. Their situation is changing into even more difficult while economic crisis hits Eu ...
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