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Get Youth into IT: Encouraging and Supporting Young People in the IT Careers
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It has been well documented that Europe is currently experiencing a skills shortage in the field of IT with an estimated shortage of 900,000 IT professionals by 2020. The EU is currently home to some of largest multinational IT companies in the world, however with a lack of relevant skills available in the local labor market they may be forced to locate to competing, more IT skilled markets. Another urgent issue within Europe is that of youth unemployment which due to the economic crisis in recent years has resulted in a lost generation of young people with no job prospects, forcing many to emigrate or disengage with society. The GYIT project believes that these two problems can be addressed concurrently and in a systemic way. Some of the GYIT objectives include: 1. Encouraging and anchor the interest of students in IT from an early age (15-18) 2. Guide them towards a very sustainable, achievable and rewarding career in IT 3. Helping young people to acquire new digital skills which they can use in education, employment or their interests / hobbies 4. Ultimately inspire the next generation of work force to pursue and IT career thereby contributing to the narrowing of the IT skills gap in Europe. These will be achieved through the development of the following outputs: IT Taster Course – The curriculum will be based on the most in demand ICT skills as identified by the consortium. The course will focus on the practical application of IT skills and will be designed in a fun and engaging was so as to pique the long-term interest of the young people. This course will be delivered to secondary school age young people (15-18). Course material will come in the form of paper and online resources and will be accredited by Mozilla Open Badges (a form of digital recognition of learning) which can then be displayed digitally on LinkedIn profiles or listed on a CV or application form. Career Guidance Pack – Guidance material on all IT courses in all disciplines and at all levels available in each country and how to apply for courses, eligibility criteria etc. This is to facilitate and support the transition of the young person from school to the next phase of their IT training and ultimately, their IT career. Taster Course follow on pack – IT resources, links to online courses, MOOCs etc. to maintain the student’s interest in IT and build on the skills they will learn during the IT Taster course. Target Audience 1. Age range: 15 – 19 2. Young people engaged in secondary or general education i.e. a non-specific course 3. Career Guidance services throughout Europe The planned impact of this project is: • For as many schools / youth education providers across Europe to integrate the IT Taster Course into their curriculum as possible • Integrate the Taster Course Follow on pack into the resources of all Career Guidance services throughout Europe • Encourage a generation of young people to choose IT as a viable and rewarding career option • Provide Europe with thousands more new IT professioanals in order to bridge the IT skills gap
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