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Meeting learning needs of A8 migrants using ICT
Start date: Dec 1, 2007,

The aims of the Migrant ICT project were threefold namely to improve the social and economic integration of migrants from the 2004 EU Accession Member States (A8 countries) especially those with lower levels of education; to develop new ways for adult education practitioners to assist migrants in making active use of their pre-migration knowledge, skills and qualifications and to support the acquisition of ICT skills by migrants to better meet their social, cultural and career needs. To achieve this, partners from 4 countries came together to exchange experiences from the perspectives of both provider and recipient countries. Migrant worker qualifications were mapped against those in the host countries and adult education tools and strategies were considered in terms of their appropriateness in meeting the needs of in-migrants. Training in ICT focused upon the use of social networking and bilingual materials helped learners to improve their language skills. End project results took the form of support materials for both adult educators (tutors) and individual learners.

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4 Partners Participants