Search for European Projects

26 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background In Europe, the farming and livestock sectors contributed 94% of the total ammonia (NH3) emissions in 2011 (EEA, 2014). Although this figure showed a reduction of 26% from 1990 to 2011, more effort is required to reduce these emissions. In some countries, such as Spain, they have actually increased. Ammonia emitted to the air, soil and water cau ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The “Health Care Work Exchange 2016” project will enable 100 apprentices and students of health care vocational schools from 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2018 to carry out an internship in all countries participating in the ERASMUS+ Mobility Program. Apprentices and students in the fields of nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and in medical techn ...
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Background Climate change is a well-known and urgent challenge for international, national, regional and local environment policies and actions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been identified as a vital and shared worldwide aim to mitigate the effects of climate change. LIFE projects and many other initiatives across Europe have looked at ways to r ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

From 1.6.2015 to 31.5.2017 the project “Health Care Work Exchange 2015” will offer 100 apprentices and students of health care vocational schools an opportunity to carry out an internship in all countries participating in ERASMUS+. Foremost apprentices and students in the fields of nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and in medical technica ...
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Background The EU is moving towards a low-carbon economy as part of its strategy to tackle challenges caused by changing climate patterns. Improvements in, and expansion of, sustainable agricultural practices can contribute to this strategy. According to the Commission’s Communication, ‘A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050â ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2014

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

From 1.6.2014 to 31.5.2016 the project “Health Care Work Exchange 2014” will offer 100 apprentices and students of health care vocational schools an opportunity to carry out an internship in all countries participating in ERASMUS+. Foremost apprentices and students in the fields of nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and in medical technica ...
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Background A variety of interconnected issues relate to climate change impacts. These include increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, traffic related emissions, soil degradation and subsequent loss of agricultural capacity and landscape, as well as loss of bio-diversity and eco-systems. One of the most devastating consequences of climate change is the ...
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Afirmar as Regiões Centro de Portugal e Castela-Leão como agentes impulsionadores da inovação, criação de empresas e valorização tecnológica; Fomentar a competitividade das empresas das Regiões Centro de Portugal e Castela-Leão; Contribuir para o desenvolvimento e crescimento económico das Regiões Centro de Portugal e Castela-Leão; Dotar potenciais empreendedores e investigadores de competências t ...
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The theme of the forest adaptation to climate change is a priority for the entire forestry in the AA, since the material currently installed will have a direct impact on forest production in the next 15, 50 or 80 years, under the influence of a climate that will average 2 to 5 degrees warmer.The REINFFORCE project (Resource infrastructure for monitoring and adapting European Atlantic forests Under ...
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OBJETIVOS: Incrementar a cooperação institucional, social e empresarial transfronteiriça entre agentes do SCT das Regiões Centro de Portugal e Castela-Leão, bem como entre estes e as empresas. ACCIONES: O projecto implementar-se-á por um conjunto de acções que integrarão as actividades, implementação de círculos de cooperação e acompanhamento/avaliação. Estas acções consistem em: (1) Propriedade I ...
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Supercritical fluid networks and materials (SUPERMAT)

Start date: Sep 14, 2003, End date: Dec 27, 2007,

To answer the needs of the strategy of sustainable development, the industrialists of the Atlantic Area seek, now more than ever, procedures and products offering solid environmental advantages. The SUPERMAT project offers them a new prospect for development, founded on the technology of supercritical fluids. This method, consisting of bringing fluids to precise conditions of temperature and press ...
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Since sustainable development for the forests of the Atlantic Area cannot be conceived without sustainable management of forest resources, the Pan-European Forestry Certification system (P.E.F.C) makes it possible for the consumer of today to ensure that the wood purchased comes from a forest managed with sustainable methods. However, the criteria of certification have not so far been the object o ...
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This project is aimed at using and adapting materials and products developed in previous projects, relying on new technologies to offer distance learning training in key competences to people who participate in mobility projects across Europe. This training involve a learning, tutoring, follow-up and assessment system applied during the acquisition of professional competences at work-linked traini ...
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The quality of the rehabilitation of visually impaired depends on the quality of training of professionals in visual impairment.The two professional in rehabilitation of visual impaired people are the Orientation and Mobility Instructor (OM) and Instructor Autonomy in Daily Life (ADL). While the needs are the same in each country (acquired by visually impaired people of independent mobility and ac ...
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In this age of rapid pace of innovations and technological changes, the success oforganisations depends to a large extent on the continued learning and improvement ofits processes. Structured methods for innovation are needed. In 2003 - 2006 theinnovation manager profession has been developed by a Leonardo project (productinnovation, process innovation, market innovation) with guidance, courses, a ...
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This innovation transfer is implementing TermNet's terminology and ontology interoperability framework from Austria in Hungary, Spain, Romania and Ireland in an operating professional training environment (European Internal Financial Control Assessor) where barriers of language localization issues were identified and the international translation agreement with the copyright owner of the base term ...
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SummaryIn spite of The European Economy’s recovery young people across Europe continue to face high levels of unemployment. To face this reality, “effective training programmes need to be accessible to all young people in order to ensure that they have the necessary skills to apply to a variety of positions in the EU. During these difficult economic times we need to look at unlocking the huge po ...
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The network "ELL-Young Europeans Love Languages“ is a European Network aiming toraise the motivation of young people to learn foreign languages by offering an attractiveand joyful learning environment outside formal education.In order to achieve this, the network will:1. Facilitate the sharing of existing good practice of language learning conceptsin combination with sport, cultural and entertainm ...
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The lack of experienced practitioners having proper competence of applying the international internal audit standards for European specific requirements in European funding structures is the target problem of the project. Formal and sectoral education has been concentrating on general accounting and financial audit policies or on high level certification requirements of internal audit, which are l ...
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As a result of a previous analysis of social and economic science degrees and the identification of a number of gaps between what is offered by education providers and what is required by industry, the FORTIUS project aims to contribute to improving the training of students and recent graduates (particularly those following career paths unconnected to their studies) by ensuring that they have the ...
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The lack of experienced practitioners having proper competence of applying the international internal audit standards for European specific requirements in European funding structures is the target problem of the project. Formal and sectoral education has been concentrating on general accounting and financial audit policies or on high level certification requirements of internal audit, which are l ...
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New information sources for small business : The project has developed a website with country specific information for SMEs which aims to support their development. In addition, a package of courses has been produced to help business people acquire the skills needed for commercial success. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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WBT WORLD will develop a flexible educational tool, supported by the internet and information and communications technologies (ICT) that will enable web-based trainers to make best use of information and instruction necessary for the design of web-based courses.A further web-based, 'wide-open' virtual resource will be introduced, content of which is to include: best practice in e-learning at Europ ...
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The project aims to reduce the number of dropouts in VET, across a range of training sectors, by developing and testing an ‘empowering’ pedagogical model for guidance and counselling. The model is based on a learner-centred approach to VET, which accommodates different levels of user education and offers a variety of 'best practice' in counselling support. The project targets people who are at ris ...
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The social group formed by young adults who have experienced school failure shows poor key competencies, a characteristic that limits their access to and success in adult learning processes and makes them socially and economically vulnerable, as they lack the mechanisms to optimise the training resources available. EDUKEY is a project aimed at facing this unfavourable situation with competency- ...
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The Lisbon priorities form the basis for the cohesion policy adopted by the EU and are intended to ‘facilitate access for all to training and the labour market’, in order to promote the building of a ‘socially’ fair and economically competitive Europe.However, adult participation in education and training remains limited and unbalanced, with the least skilled population groups registering the lowe ...
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