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32 European Projects Found

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Innovation support by the Enterprise Europe Network - SEIMED to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs & services as key account managers for the SME Instrument beneficiaries in the regions of Comunidad Valenciana y Murcia. In order to enhance SME innovation management capacity, we will support SME´s to implement truly effective processes in order to become more competitive and have a ...
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The Mediterranean region is currently being affected by increasing environmental and cultural deterioration. Although it is still one of the foremost tourist areas in the world, the Mediterranean is progressively losing attractiveness. In order to regain competitiveness, Mediterranean countries need to modernise the management of touristic assets, investing in new technologies and innovative polic ...
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Background About 8-9% of fossil fuels consumed in the EU are used as raw material in various industrial processes. About half of this amount is used in the manufacture of polymers. Fossilised carbon is therefore transformed into products that may, at the end of their useful life, release this carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. As ...
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Background The project is targeting the reuse of waste wood and rubber tyre products. (1) The recycling of waste wood products is increasing. This is a positive development as it increases the total volume of CO2 stored as wood-based products, broadening the life-cycle of the fixed carbon in the newly recycled products. However, such wood wastes current ...
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Background The textile and clothing industry is an important part of the European manufacturing sector, accounting for 3% of total manufacturing added value in Europe. In many EU regions, it accounts for an even bigger share of manufacturing activity and is vitally important to economic and social well-being. The industry covers a large number of activiti ...
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Background The European graphic sector makes a significant contribution to the European economy. It has an annual turnover of over €125 billion and employs more than 1.2 million people. It is made up of over 106 000 companies, 95% of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The production life cycle of graphic products gives rise to differ ...
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Background Wastewater from the city of Xativa overflows most years from the municipality’s combined sewer system, due to the local water treatment plant being unable to cope with large water volumes during periods of heavy rainfall. The sewer discharges directly into the river Albaida, thus deteriorating water quality and threatening the river’s ecolo ...
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Emissions Free Refrigerated Urban Distribution (EFRUD)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Background Most green public procurements do not include the transport sector, even though urban transport planning greatly impacts the environmental balance of 'green' urban planning initiatives. One example of this is distribution of perishable goods using refrigerated systems. The goods themselves may be selected on the basis of their environmental ben ...
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Background Forest biomass provides a carbon store and is important for mitigating climate change. It is therefore important to protect this biomass from forest fires, which cause significant CO2 emissions and damage both the environment and property. Forest fire risks can be reduced by managing the amount of ground-level waste biomass in forest areas. Cle ...
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Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development (MEID)

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The project aims to realize the M.E.I.D. model to plan, build and govern sustainable Industrial Areas (IAs).The model goals to enhance capacities and decision tools of Competent Authorities to integrate environmental friendly solutions into the Regional and Interregional Development Strategies related to Industrial Policy. Thanks to the integration approach, SMEs will be the first beneficiaries, i ...
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"In the Mediterranean region the pressure on water resources is high, so there is no water to “waste”. Water is becoming a limiting factor for agricultural, and even for industrial development. Treated wastewater is part of the community’s water resources and one component of sustainable water management approach. The direct reuse, instead of wastewater discharge in the network, reduces costs of t ...
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In the global context of fighting against climate change, the European Union has committed itself to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020. The main decisions are taken at the European and national levels but the results have to be achieved in the field. The regional and local levels have therefore a crucial role to play. The starting point of the project is a study on greenh ...
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Background The increase in the use of electronic equipment all over the world has occurred without the development of safe disposal strategies. These products are characterised by fast technological change, for example, the switch from cathode ray tube (CRT) to LCD and plasma screen technology. This means they often have a short lifespan and therefore pre ...
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Interregional Partnership Platform (IPP)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The innovation capacity of regions and firms depends on their ability to create, diffuse and exploit knowledge from outside the region through the regional innovation system. This regional innovation system is determined by policies, funding instruments, companies and technology providers. Public innovation intermediaries play a crucial role in providing innovation support measures, creating partn ...
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Eco-marketing to promote Eco-industrial Parks (ECOMARK)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

ECOMARK wants to develop a GREEN MARKETING, specifically for Eco Industrial Parks (EIP) and generally for Industrial Areas (IA), with the aim of favouring the competitiveness of SMEs and a more sustainable community development. The Green Marketing principle is based on sustainable (Green) products, processes and services, and is oriented towards the external communication. Green Marketing is alre ...
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highly scalable Deployment model" of Inclusive E-GOverm (DIEGO)

Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

The main outcome of DIEGO, will be to offer to any European Public Authority a FULL e-accesibility front-end for e-Gov services, highly scalable and affordable:1) a new "user-centric" and accessible service provision model for speeding up Inclusive e-Government & e-Governance (Inclusive e-Gov), including trans-borders services, according to preferred ICT media available (interactive TV, smart mob ...
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Environmentally friendly oxazolidine-tanned leather (OXATAN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

Background Chrome tannage is the most commonly used technology for the production of tanned leathers, used in the case of more than 90% of leathers tanned worldwide. The process of chrome tannage uses trivalent chromium, a substance that under specific conditions could oxidise to hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium, however, is harmful to the environ ...
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Background Biomass is expected to become a vital renewable energy resource because of its wide availability and storage possibilities. Compared with other renewable energy sources, biomass can produce peak performance on short notice if possibilities to store the raw material exist. Moreover, a multitude of technical methods are available for recovering e ...
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Background The European Graphic sector makes a significant contribution to the European economy; it is formed by more than 106 000 enterprises with 1 281 478 employees and a combined turnover higher than 125 billion euros. The sector is characterised by many small and medium-sized companies. Roughly 95% of graphics enterprises employ less than 20 workers. ...
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The overall objective of this action is to support public authorities in undertaking pre-commercial procurement actions which stimulate innovation and citizen participations. For this purpose, we propose establishment of a thematic network for the development and adaptation of European wide models, frameworks and policy recommendations in the selected domain areas. In this project we focus on time ...
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Regional cooperation towards adaptation to climate change (REGIOCLIMA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Societies have come to a point where they are asked to adapt to a changing climate irrespectively of the result of global mitigation efforts. To this respect, the overarching objective of the project is to assist societies to adapt to the new climate conditions both by minimising the risk of damage and exploiting the new opportunities arising from a changing climate. The action aims at enhancing c ...
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Background The surface treatment of metal products is a significant industrial activity in Europe. A number of liquid wastes are generated by surface treatment processes such as degreasing, acid pickling, alloy baths or lacquering. Many of these procedures form part of other products’ manufacturing processes. This can lead to an ‘invisible’ generati ...
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Background The huge volume of pig manure generated across Europe, and its customary use as fertiliser for agriculture, is the cause of serious environmental problems. These include the leaching of high nitrogen, which causes an excess nutrient enrichment of soil and water, and the emission of odours and greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the use of manure for ...
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Environmental integration for ports and cities (SIMPYC)

Start date: Aug 1, 2004, End date: Jan 31, 2008,

Background The frontier between port and city has become a focal point for a wide range of tensions of an urban, environmental and social nature. Sustainable solutions to these problems are needed, contributing to a more harmonious coexistence between port and city. One approach to this is to build a cooperative network for sharing of experience relating ...
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Ce projet prétend élaborer un cours e-Learning pour enseigner á analyser l’entreprise et son contexte depuis le modèle systémique, qui es relationnel et contemple la globalité, en détectant les dysfonctions et en appliquant des stratégies de changement orientées aussi bien á l’organisation comme aux travailleurs qui la compose, et ayant comme objectif l’amélioration du rendement et de la productiv ...
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All big and medium size ports have a development strategy which includes such objectives: Increase the operative efficiency and the qualifications of workers, create new traffics and offers, and develop the co-operation with the towns creating new services in order to promote logistic activities and to manage the important changes created by the liberalisation and globalisation. This project tries ...
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The WebPOL project will develop a virtual learning environment for European police personnel, with a particular focus upon three profiles, namely, police officer, inspector and official. The project will initially undergo an analysis of the training needs for the three local police services selected for the pilot (Valencia, Bologna and Bremen). Further activities will include the development of th ...
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The aim is to design of a training module for English teaching, at beginner and intermediate level. The group of target for this project is public and private organisations dealing with taxi business, public transportations run by private and public bodies but also enterprises working together with them. The users of the project would be professional taxi drivers and bus drivers both in the privat ...
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Reason for the project:Although the level of poverty and social exclusion varies considerably from country tocountry, and social and economic inequality is linked to specific local/nationalconditions, these issues present major challenges for Europe today. The rise in thenumber of EU member states to 27 has increased the competition between states andpeople and is a source of worry most notably fo ...
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The rationale behind the IT-CLEX project is to respond to the need for reducing the drop-out rates and improving the quality of education and training in Europe. IT-CLEX intends to identify and transfer best practices and provide tools, mechanisms and methodologies, especially focused on active co-operation between educational and non-educational actors. It will also provide a framework for these ...
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Vulnerable and marginalized adults are the target groups who more need the participation in LLL. Despite the policy agenda of many EU countries seeks to upgrade their skills, lots of studies have demonstrated that the worse the social situation, the less likely people are to take part LLL. This framework proves that adult learning is a complex process for vulnerable groups: exclusion from educatio ...
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Education and training have an important place in the Lisbon strategy for career development and career chances. There is wide agreement that our future prosperity depends acutely on increasing the skills and knowledge of the working population. The curriculum changes now being introduced engage employers to help young people develop the personal skills that allow them to prosper in the new econom ...
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