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The Corporate Volunteering as a bridge between the world of work and schools – training for schools leaders, teachers and other school personnel.
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Education and training have an important place in the Lisbon strategy for career development and career chances. There is wide agreement that our future prosperity depends acutely on increasing the skills and knowledge of the working population. The curriculum changes now being introduced engage employers to help young people develop the personal skills that allow them to prosper in the new economy and achieve more by exposure to different and potentially more motivating styles of learning. Partnership with employers can bring new perspective to subjects for both students and their teachers, as employers can bring with them a deep subject knowledge and broader range of theoretical and applied experience. But how to involve employers in school life? In opinion of the consortium members the best way is by volunteering, because volunteering has a great, but so far underexploited potential, in many EU Member States, for the social and economic development of Europe. Special role on this area has the Corporate Volunteering. A basic problem in the implementation of Corporate Volunteering in school life is the appropriate preparation of school leaders and teachers regarding this area, as they need to acquire the competence which is necessary to take on new roles. Therefore the aim of the project is to develop an extensive knowledge of this area among school leaders, teachers and other workers of secondary schools, within the range of the schools' collaboration with the world of work, especially in the domain of Corporate Volunteering.The results of the project will be a set of materials on methods to transplant the idea of Corporate Volunteering from the world of work to secondary schools and a training course programme concerning the methods and ways of cooperation between schools and and Corporate Volunteering.The very important aim of this project is also dissemination of the cooperation between the world of work and secondary schools.
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