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Enhancing Innovation in Pre-Commercial Public Purchasing Processes (PreCo)
Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of this action is to support public authorities in undertaking pre-commercial procurement actions which stimulate innovation and citizen participations. For this purpose, we propose establishment of a thematic network for the development and adaptation of European wide models, frameworks and policy recommendations in the selected domain areas. In this project we focus on timely topics of eHealth and eEnergy.The objective of this thematic network is to address identified barriers in public sector RDI and pre-commercial procurement, and contribute to Lisbon strategy for growth and globalization: 'Investments in R&D alone will not guarantee an improved R&D performance'. Thus the project addresses the objective 9.3. General accompanying measures: raise awareness of pre-commercial innovation in Europe and exchange experiences between stakeholders, as well as to debate concrete mid-to-long term public needs that would require the development of new technology solutions with a potential role for pre-commercial procurement strategies.This network will bring together stakeholders from the various parts of public sector RDI process: Cities, innovation agencies, Living Labs and universities. Within this networking effort the partners will benchmark best practices and policies, and jointly develop guidelines for participative pre-commercial RDI activities (rapid prototyping, validation of scalability and rapid market entry, as well as wider impacts of RDI and new innovations).For successful public procurement of innovation/ pre-commercial procurement projects interactive learning between stakeholders is essential. One multidisciplinary field developed to facilitate interaction for the purpose of innovation is Participatory Innovation (PI). PI methods are truly multidisciplinary in that they draw from an array of disciplines (e.g. Design Anthropology, Interaction Design, Innovation Management, User Centred Design and Theatre of Change Management).

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