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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Transactions (FutureTrust)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

Against the background of the regulation 2014/910/EU on electronic identification (eID) and trusted services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS), the FutureTrust project aims at supporting the practical implementation of the regulation in Europe and beyond. For this purpose the FutureTrust project will address the need for globally interoperable solutions through 1) basic re ...
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High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles - International (HEXAFLY-INT)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

...ove Mach 7 to verify its potential for a high aerodynamic efficiency during a free-flight while guaranteeing a large internal volume. The feasibility for a 3m long vehicle was demonstrated during the European L0 precursor project HEXAFLY. Its realization will now be enabled on an international scale underlining the need for global cooperation in case of a future deployment of a high-speed cruiser. ...
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The main goal is to strengthen capacity of public authorities to successfully apply GPP with priority, enhancing their ability and capacity to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions and costs by applying innovative solutions on GPP. By the establishment of “supporting permanent structures”, called G.PP.S. – Green Public Procurement Supporters (Supporting Units) within the participating Energy Agencies, ...
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ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (ONLINE-S3)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

...odologies, initiatives and tools developed by the EC for the RIS3 strategy, but it will also investigate, develop and test new and innovative technologies, tools and services aiming to strengthen the European capacity for knowledge-based policy advice.The platform and the accompanied services will constitute an online mechanism for policy advice, integrated with a well-defined, commonly accepted a ...
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Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Mar 15, 2018,

... System on Chip (SoC) pilot line demonstration for harsh environment applications in Europe300mm wafers manufacturing and 65nm technology for space developed by STm, are a worldwide leading item. The European Space Community needs high complexity radiation-hardened reprogrammable FPGAs allowing dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) and providing state of the art, tamper proof, security features. T ...
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Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Background:Since the European Union has ratified the UN – CRPD, educational systems in Europe should become inclusive. Children and young adults, who need special support for attending educational institutions, are reliant on qualified staff. To give support, very different systems were established across Europe. The variety covers „care managers“ in Belgium with a well-defined qualification profi ...
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Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood (SIMWOOD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"SIMWOOD presents a novel idea for an innovative, integrated approach to multifunctional forestry and enhanced wood mobilisation across European forest regions. The project targets a multitude of forest owners and stakeholders to spread integrated, transferable solutions and viable policies to unlock immobile forest resources and ensure sustainable forest functions. A novel pan-European Informatio ...
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Recognising Adverse Drug Reactions (WEB-RADR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

WEB-RADR is a consortium of leading experts in pharmacovigilance from regulatory agencies, research, academia and patient support groups. Together with EFPIA partners our aims will be to set policy & guidance and deliver robust information technology tools to address the potential for the reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) through mobile applications and the recognition of drug safety sign ...
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Global Research in Paediatrics (GRiP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Paediatric drugs (PD) lack appropriate testing. Most drugs have inadequate information about dosing regimen, dose adjustment and how to administer them. These are longstanding problems that unquestionably require concerted efforts at the international level. Both the US and the EU have introduced paediatric legislation that facilitates participation of children in research and pharmaceutical innov ...
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By 2050, global agricultural productivity will need to increase with at least 70%. In order to guarantee food production for future generations, agricultural production will need to be based on sustainable land management practises. At present, earth observation based (global) crop monitoring systems focus mostly on short-term agricultural forecasts, thereby neglecting longer term environmental ef ...
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Incorporating real-life clinical data into drug development (GETREAL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

When a new medicine reaches the market, it is accompanied by an extensive data package that provides information about the safety and efficacy of the medicine in a clinical trial setting. However, assessing the expected future value of the medicines when used in “real world” clinical practice requires additional information next to traditional (pre-authorisation) clinical trials. Regulatory, HTA ...
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Federation for FIRE (Fed4FIRE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

A federation of experimentation facilities will significantly accelerate Future Internet research. Fed4FIRE will deliver open and easily accessible facilities to the FIRE experimentation communities, which focus on fixed and wireless infrastructures, services and applications, and combinations thereof. The project will develop a demand-driven common federation framework, based on an open architect ...
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...y:a) Linking and bringing together in cooperation key actors from both regions to create sustainable "ICT Communities" in areas of high importance;b) Promoting and reinforcing the cooperation between European Technology Platforms and relevant EECA initiatives and stakeholders in areas of mutual interest to bridge the EU-EECA research and industrial leadership.c) Stimulating and encouraging the par ...
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European programme in Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology (EU2P)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The Eu2P training network in Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology will meet the needs of industry,regulatory authorities and academia at the European level. It will give access to a harmonised training programme that gathers complementary specialized and eminent European partners. The Eu2P consortium consists of course providers with aproven record including the University of Bordeaux (Eu2P ...
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Get Professional Skills in Europe - III

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

...Portugal, has been working in the field of vocational training for more than 20 years. From the beginning . The school tried to wide its intervention and be in the front of innovative process within European schools. The region “Vale do Ave” is currently characterized by a hard economical and social crisis caused by high unemployment rates among students' especially those who have completed their ...
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Creating Opportunities - Social Entrepreneurship for Innovative Youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Training Course "Creating Opportunities - Social Entrepreneurship for Innovative Youth" is a 7 and half day training course, scheduled to take place from 5th to 13th September 2015 in city if Istanbul, Turkey Training course, organized by TOG - Community Volunteers Foundation as applicant and hosting organization and it will gather 26 young people from 12 different organizations from Bulgaria, C ...
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Broadband in EU Regions via satellite (BRESAT)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Project BRESAT will define guidelines for the successful deployment of high speed broadband via satellite across regions of Europe to assist with the objective of 100% EU broadband coverage. It will support the objectives of the EU Digital Agenda and assist national regional initiatives. Project BRESAT will include following objectives:1.\tLeveraging previous experience, it will identify the cond ...
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Support to the Grand Coalition for ICT jobs (DIGITALJOBS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Exploitation of ICT has a crucial role to play in Europe's future prosperity and well-being. The single largest obstacle to harnessing the power of ICT is a shortage of skills, particularly ICT practitioners, where the shortfall is estimated at 900,000. President Barroso remarked on this problem following the final session of the EC on 15 March - "Opportunities exist and we must train our young p ...
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European Youth Environmental Sentinels

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

EYES – European Youth Environmental Sentinels’ main aim was to promote sustainable environment and health protection, on the basis of Art. 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The project involved youth workers and young leaders interested or having a personal experience in environment and health issues, who acted as “multipliers” at the local and international levels. The p ...
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History which connects

Start date: May 7, 2015, End date: Oct 6, 2015,

The project "History that connects", implemented by the FERSO Foundation, aims to increase mutual understanding between youth leaders in the countries of the former Eastern bloc in the topic of history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century in the period of totalitarianism. Through intercultural workshops and debates about contemporary history in each of the countries involved in the pr ...
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Fighting Youth Unemployment and Social Exclusion

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The aim of the project is to organize an international seminar which will allow exchange of information and transfer of know-how on the issues of youth unemployment and social inclusion among the participants, support exchange of innovative ideas and best practices and generate development of new ideas and projects. It will gather partners from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina ...
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Improvment of the rural economic performance in the Lower Danube crossborder area. Expected Results: 60 trained, qualified and authorized Romanians, Moldavians and Ukrainians, in processing fruit/vegetables agro alimentary loc ...
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Start date: Dec 2, 2013, End date: Aug 1, 2015,

To contribute to the improvement of the economic, social and environmental situation in the cross- border area by stimulating the efficient utilization of the conventional and renewable energy sources (RES); To contribute to the improvement of the energy efficiency (EE) of the public services sector in the cross- border area; ...
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The overall objective of the project is to support the development of durable environmental policies by deploying innovative research initiatives focused on the analysis, monitoring and investigation of physical-chemical and biological parameters of surface aquatic systems in North Western Black Sea Basin. ...
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Lacking information about public transport is often an obstacle for travellers to use public transport at all. This is an even bigger challenge when travelling by sustainable transport modes to and within destinations of the Alpine Space, where often cross-border information is needed. This project aims to provide travellers with comprehensive information about sustainable transport modes beyond r ...
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The growing demand for renewable energy (RE) will increase the pressure on the Alpine environment. It will strongly impact land use patterns, ecological connectivity and biodiversity. Both the demand for renewable energy and the need for the conservation of biodiversity, soil, and connectivity transcend national borders. A transnational dialogue to address multiple environmental objectives, interd ...
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The use of European experience in the fight against soil erosion

Start date: Dec 23, 2013, End date: Jun 22, 2015,

To create pre-conditions for effective soil preservation in the cross-border area of Bukovyna and Moldova. Expected Results: Experimental farm with system against soil erosion; The map with exact situation and factors regardin ...
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To contribute the readiness to the emergency situation in the medicine sphere in the cross-border area of Bukovyna and Moldova. Expected Results: Purchased equipment for the Novoselytsya district central hospital, Zastavna dis ...
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Network of professional training for local public administration

Start date: Nov 13, 2013, End date: May 12, 2015,

Improving the economic, social and environmental situation of the border area by increasing the efficiency and performance of local public administration. Expected Results: 5 training centers created by the end of the project; ...
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...eous reports and conflicting results from pharmacoepidemiology studies may lead to delay in, or inappropriate, regulatory decisions. The PROTECT consortium, consisting of 20 core partners lead by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), willdevelop and test methods of proactive monitoring of drug safety and benefit risk (B/R) assessment utilising a large range of EU data sources and expertise. in par ...
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The main objective of the project is a full usage of spa, historic and tourism potential of partner places of Horyniec-Zdroj (PL) and Morshyn (UA) to increase tourist flow which in turn will lead to the creation of new jobs and income increase in the sectors of culture, tourism and indirect tourist services.One of specific goals is complex development and management of spa parks in Horyniec-Zdroj ...
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Improving the conditions for the development and use of renewable energy sources in the two regions covered by the project contributing to the socio-economic development of Krośnieńsko-przemyski Subregion in Poland and Lviv District in Ukraine through the implementation of a joint initiative of institutions supporting the development of RES ...
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Regional Business Incubators Network (“Black Sea BI-Net”)

Start date: Mar 26, 2013, End date: Mar 25, 2015,

The overall objective of the project is to accelerate the development of a productive and competitive economy and improve cooperation in the Black Sea region. The specific objectives of the project are to increase the institutional capacity of the business support organizations, public authorities and business incubators in development and promotion of specific policies related to business incubat ...
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We are change!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 1, 2015,

The entire project will put a lot of emphasis on the key competence “learning to learn”, as mentioned before the whole project is meant to bring out the importance of the youthpass regarding self-learning recognition and learning organization. Participants will go through Youthpass as a program session within Erasmus +, about self-assessment and competence development, common understanding in the ...
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Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe (ET2050)

Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Policymakers in the field of territorial development and cohesion are in need of a future oriented and integrated vision on the development of the European territory. Therefore the ESPON Programme started a territorial vision-building process following a participatory process and involving relevant stakeholders at European, national and regional level. This vision has a strategic character that al ...
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Start date: Aug 13, 2013, End date: Feb 12, 2015,

To encourage young people from Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova cross-border area to get involved in scientific and technical careers, in order to contribute on the long term to the development of innovation and R&D sectors in the cross border area. ...
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...ilities, by using e Infrastructure (distributed computing and storage resources linked by high-performance networks).The 48 month EGI-InSPIRE project will continue the transition to a sustainable pan-European e-Infrastructure started in EGEE-III. It will sustain support for Grids of high-performance and high-throughput computing resources, while seeking to integrate new Distributed Computing Infra ...
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Cooperatives of Employment and Services in Rural areas (CesR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... methods for transfer will be gathered in a handbook available online on the project website, and sent to local and regional policy makers in the 8 regions involved, but also to thematic national & European networks. This handbook will be a decision making tool for future policies.All along CesR implementation, partners commit themselves to communicate widely on the project's results, through a we ...
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... made in order to pinpoint the possible Ils and subjects that could be engaged on various levels, including the scientific sector(universities, laboratories), companies and policy makers at the European level. "There are many difficulties in Central Europe, but there are also numerous laboratories, a number of actively involved enterprises, and a plethora of universities, students and professors r ...
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...n strategies in Pilot Areas, and conclusions drawn from the dialogue group survey that was also published on the project website. C3-Alps intensified the cooperation with other networks (e.g. the European Environment Agency or Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention). More than 20 stakeholder workshops were organized and the project achieved a high media coverage.
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