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Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background:Since the European Union has ratified the UN – CRPD, educational systems in Europe should become inclusive. Children and young adults, who need special support for attending educational institutions, are reliant on qualified staff. To give support, very different systems were established across Europe. The variety covers „care managers“ in Belgium with a well-defined qualification profile to „school assistants“ with no qualification profile in Austria. The different names for the services across Europe causes additionally confusion: “Teacher Assistant”, “Special Educational Needs Assistant”, “School Assistant”, “Learning Support Assistant” and so on. Aims:To help realising the aims of the European Union to implement the demands of the UN-CRPD, it needs a transnational cooperation on European level, about the nature of services in the field of assistance in inclusive educational institutions, based on inclusive values, inclusive structures and inclusive practices. Furthermore these activities should lead to a common specification of the services in the field of assistance, taking into account, that systems of providing assistance vary across Europe. As future prospects it will be necessary to develop a common qualification profile and a curriculum to further educate practitioners in the field of assistance.Partners:There a four different types of partners participating in the project, also representing different levels and approaches concerning inclusive, educational systems:- The Austrian school system offers different support systems in kindergarten and school for pupils threatened by exclusion but concerning the assistance, the system is not standardised and unclear in its definition.- In Bulgaria, the confrontation with the demands of UN-CRPD just started, our Bulgarian partner is the first and only provider of services in the field of assistance in regular school system. Also Portugal and Slovakia are at the beginning of the process.- Our partner from UK is expert on inclusive development and has published several tools and recommandations on inclusive development for educational institutions.-EASPD as umbrella organisation of more than 10.000 social service providers across Europe, located in Brussels, is an experienced partner for dissemination of project results and is cross-linked with social service providers, universities, as well as in European policy.Activities:There will be three partner meetings during the project:1st Meeting:- Exchange of good pratices and the current situation in the partner countries and development of an analysis framework with dimensions and fields of activities, to develop a specification for the services in the field of assistance2nd Meeting:-Development of a transnational, universal specification of services in the field of assistance3rd Meeting:-Finalising the specification of services in the field of assistance and reflection about necessary country-specific adaptionsIn every partner country, one round table with experts and stakeholders during the runtime of the project will be organised, on one hand to discuss and reflect the actual progress in the project and on the other hand to disseminate the ideas and outcomes of the project.In a five days training activity for assistants actually working in the field, a common understanding for the transition process toward an inclusive educational system in general and in particular for services in the field of assistance will be worked out through the support of international experts. Furthermore the specification of the services in the field of assistance will be reflected with persons working daily in the field or are directly affected. Outputs:-Transnational, universal specification of services in the field of assistance, adapted to the situation in the partner countries in English language-SWOT analysis and description of the current status of the systems of services in the field of assistance for every partner country-Workshop design of the training activity in English, orientated to NQF respectivly EQF criteria- At least 20 participants at the "training activity"- At least 60 participants at the round tables in the partner countriesFollow up:The partners in the project, depending on a positive development in the actual project, plan a follow-up project to develop a qualification for assistants working in the field. The preparations for this follow-up will be done paralell to the actual activities in this project with the aim to hand in an application in the Erasmus Plus Programme in spring 2017.If it is not possible to establish a follow-up, the partners will try to find partners for realising a qualification (universities, teacher-training colleges, providers of adult education) after the end of the project in the partner countries.

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5 Partners Participants