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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...ider of adult education in the province of Taranto. It works with Italian people at risk of social exclusion (NEETs) and with EU and non-EU migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.The Association EUROEDUAS in Romania is a non-profit association located in a disadvantaged region with experience in integrating and re-integrating adults and former migrants in the local labour market. The Escola Tecnolo ...
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In the current context that includes but is not limited to the warming up phenomena, the transnational and transcontinental mobility of the work force, the economic and political emigration and migration, the racial mix up, etc. the project develop specialised research and identify the most encountered infectious disease transmitted from non-human animals to humans (zoonoses). Zoonotic diseases re ...
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Across the EU, we recognise that the health, sustainability and competitive edge of our economies depends on our young people entering and retaining meaningful employment and the appropriate skills to adapt to the new demands of the labour market. This understanding is highlighted in the EU economic strategy “Europe 2020” and embedded within the detail of its various flagship Initiatives such as: ...
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Let Europe Know about Adult Education

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Research has shown that several target groups, including adult learners and adult education professionals, can best be reached in a journalistic manner. Therefore journalistic means, such as journalistic articles, campaigns, online media and mass media play an important role in raising the knowledge and awareness about learning as an adult. However, adult education institutions often do not have t ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The PRIMETECH project addresses the need in EU policies for high quality teachers able to innovate using ICT and for improved data on their digital competence which can lead to inclusive education. It also tackles the need to enhance the uptake of ICT in teaching and learning, to promote stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools, and strengthen the pro ...
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We accept that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Madela) and thus our vision has always been to provide our learners of all ages with the key competences and skills in order to equip them to explore their potential and capabilities in reaching out to succeed in life.Our contribution to achieving the targets set in Europe 2020 Strategy has introdu ...
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"WE Play-WE Learn-WE Teach"

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...en EU institutions, in order to revitalization educational system;Different kinds of organizations will take part in the project: public/private schools, adult education providers and associations: -Euroeduas is an NGO in field of education,has an experience in co-ordinating and managing EU projects, expertise in educational competence ;-MOTML from Tukey,is a public school wich organises differen ...
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Improving the initial education of adult immigrants

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Immigrants, especially in their first year of life in the host country, have language problems in the host country, making it difficult to offer them any educational programs (with the exception of language learning) and learning possibilities. In view of this fact, the proposed project is specially sought to create an intellectual product that would be more accessible as possible for immigrants. ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project is called "EU-Tours + ';The project is coordinating by EUROEDUAS association;Aims: professional development for 40 trainees VET from the Hunedoara VET + consortium, by increasing knowledge, skills, attitudes ,specific to The Tourism area,especially for qualification:"Technician in Tourism " , in order to obtain professional, personal, socio-cultural and language skills;The aim of the ...
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E-Learning from Nature

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The project rationale is deeply rooted in the long lasting effort of European policies in addressing the underachievements in basic skills as far as scientific issues are concerned. The "Council conclusions on increasing the level of basic skills in the context of European cooperation on schools for the 21st century" stated that "A good level of reading literacy and numeracy, together with a solid ...
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Learning Families

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The link between Early School Leaving and lack of parental engagement is well established through numerous studies and research work (e.g. Tackling Early School leaving from Education and Training in Europe, Euroice, EACEA, 2014). Children from poor families are unlikely to get support from their parents/carers and are at a higher risk of becoming early leavers. In some cases, parents are intimida ...
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For Europe to attain the objectives regarding growth and jobs set by the Lisbon strategy, it is imperative that its young men and women are socially as well as professionally well integrated. The Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth acknowledges lifelong learning. The crisis has highlighted the major role which adult learning can play in achieving the Europe 2020 goals, ...
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Palliative care must be an integral part of a country’s health care system, and as such it must be an element of comprehensive health care plans, and of specific programmes concerning, for instance, cancer, Aids or geriatrics. On the basis of a needs assessment, national or regional governments need to design and implement comprehensive rational palliative care strategies in close collaboration wi ...
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Theater of the oppressed as a tool for youth exchanges

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The current project's primary goal is to introduce the Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool for youth teams and activities under the Erasmus+ program. Theatre of the Oppressed is a set of non-formal learning methods and exercises of Augusto Boal, which places the viewer in the spotlight of the theatrical act, turning him into the protagonist of the play and in this way helping him to become the prot ...
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Non-Formal Learning Can Prevent Early School Leaving

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

“If it wasn’t for the afternoon lessons of computing, guitar and my work at the local youth centre to earn some money for the summer camp, I would believe that I am a looser, a school failure and I would drop out of school at the age of 14. I am not doing well at school ... but I am not lazy and I am not stupid. Achieving a Grade 6 in guitar and getting my ICT Diploma should not count towards my s ...
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Not Only Fair Play

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project has the following objectives:• Promotion of awareness of the importance of sport at school through a better integration of physical education into school curricula• Enhancement of sport as a mean to promote social inclusion of all students, particularly those at risk of exclusion and early school leaving• The promotion of an ethical approach to sport• The promotion of a comprehensive s ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...tunity to get know different European countries:culture, foods,traditions,european healthy lifestyle; The period of youth exchange will be between 11-17 July 2016,and the host organization will be EUROEDUAS from Romania;
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Digital timelines

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Digital Timelines is a training course and support materials to produce videos for the benefit of people with dementia. The project maximises the use of developments in ICT with regards “multi-media” digital devices and associated progress in consumer access to produce a training programme and bespoke digital resources which can encapsulate memory stimulating information from a variety of media to ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The School&Work project aims at the prevention of early school leaving (ESL) making reference to the results of previous projects already successfully carried out by most of this project partners. The project will build on the experiences and results of existing projects, introducing an element of innovation based on the creation of a synergy between schools and world of work. The aim will be ...
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Take Initiative! Youth Entrepreneurship Training of Trainers

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Praxis Europe Erasmus+ Youth Project: Take Initiative! Youth Entrepreneurship Training of Trainers The project’s main objective is to train youth workers in developing young people’s initiative and entrepreneurship skills, thus developing their youth work competences, increasing quality of their work and strengthening the capacity of their organisations. The project is set in the context of Erasm ...
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YW-Youth Culture and Creativity

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The Youth Culture and Creativity (YCC) project will brought together people, who are working as youth workers, youth volunteers or mentors from partner countries to explore youth work, best practice, cultural learning and teaching. The project provided youth workers with a enhanced set of skills that they have would be able to test during the project and that they can apply in their partner cou ...
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Youth Can Do It !

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

...s way to increase youth employment; O 4- to promote cultural diversity in a European context; The main activity of the project was the training course for youth workers ,wich will be hosted by Euroeduas Association from Romania,Petrosani those principal aims are to help the young people to integrate into society and to facilitate the rapid integration of them in the local labor market; Within the ...
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"The work first of all"

Start date: Mar 23, 2015, End date: Jul 22, 2015,

“The work first of all” is a project of bilateral youth exchange in which will take part the association “Officina della Creatività” , the romanian association ASOCIATIA EUROEDUAS and turkish association HAYAT BOYU ÖĞRENİMİ DESTEKLEME DERNEĞİ. This exchange will take part in Pignola (identified as City of Europe), a little town of about 7000 inhabitants in the heart of Basilicata. The exchange w ...
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All Different All Equal: Multimedia and Diversity Training

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

All Different, All Equal is an innovative training programme for youth workers (Key Action 1 – mobility of youth workers) combining elements of diversity training with multimedia (photography and video) skills, organised Praxis Europe, a Birmingham-based youth-led community interest company recognised for its expertise in youth empowerment. The main aim of the project is to train participants – 6 ...
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The project will develop an internet-based training tool to enhance the basic skills of employees in relation to computer-based technology, communication skills, entrepreneurship and the use of foreign languages. The project targets employees with low or minimal levels of formal education and low levels of ICT knowledge who are in danger of marginalisation and unemployment. Computer-based, problem ...
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In-CLASS responds to the Transfer of Innovation criteria according to the general and operational objectives including Priority 2 by transferring, developing and implementing a new type of European professional: the language auditor specialising in export communication for SMEs in Romania and Italy,where no such scheme exists and updating and enhancing the scheme in Hungary. The introduction of a ...
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LaProf is a Multilateral Project that aims at promoting language awareness toimmigrating workforces in two particular sectors, ICT and agriculture. The main goal isto provide access to language learning resources that will help candidate immigrants getmore familiarized with the terminology and cultural issues in their sectors, throughdeveloping and disseminating a number of language learning exerc ...
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The FALCON project aimed specifically at the organisation of a conference on the theme of family learning. The resulting event took place in Oslo in September 2005 and covered a range of topics such as didactical approaches to family learning, quality criteria, cultural adaptation and learning infrastructure. An additional goal for the FALCON project was to establish a European platform for family ...
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The project's objective is to find high-quality ways of improving theintegration of socially disadvantaged youth as a target group intoeducational systems and labour markets. Failure to provide young peoplewith vocational training opportunities means greatly restricting theirparticipation in society and isolating them socially. Specially structuredtraining courses, special learning programmes (for ...
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Cooperation needs communication : An online portal has been developed containing language and culture training packages, a glossary and a personal development module. This will generate better language skills amongst office staff, improving business cooperation. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The aim of DissMark (The dissemination, marketing and networking conference for Socrates project coordinators and partners) was to bring promoters of Socrates and Leonardo language projects together with experts in educational marketing and commercialisation, with a view to identifying good practice in the dissemination and promotion of project results.
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Lingua Connections is a network of language project partners whose goal is to collect useful tools and methods for the successful dissemination and promotion of language products while creating a forum for language promoters to meet on-line and exchange ideas about their experiences. The Lingua Connections network promotes best practice in the promotion and exploitation of language projects, by ma ...
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‘Learning by moving’ addresses the need to develop language skills among Europe’s increasingly mobile citizens. They move around, travel, explore unfamiliar countries and places of interest, meet local people and interact in diverse social surroundings. They therefore need to be equipped with a stock of basic phrases to make themselves understood in unfamiliar circumstances. The project has develo ...
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The 21st century is characterised by the on-going change from the industrial society to a“knowledge society”. The so-called “upskilling” of the employers and therewith the trendto higher qualification of employees is evident. The qualifications of employees areimportant so as to be able to compete on the European labour market. Therefore,employees in the future need a good basic education and leve ...
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OBJECTIVESThe NELLIP project has the aim to promote the:- networking among language learning initiatives having received the European Language Label. - adoption of a joint methodology that will allow the implementation of quality language learning initiatives that can successfully apply for the European Language Label- spreading of information about the European Language Label.TARGET GROUPSThe pr ...
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CONTEXTA common challenge for the European school systems was the prevention of early school leaving. AIMSThe aim of the Stay@School project was to provide school teachers with the necessary skills to prevent early school leaving using the strategies and tools developed in the framework of the School Inclusion project:• Database of reviews of publications on early school leaving• Database of case ...
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CONTEXTNew information technologies have changed training methodologies, introducing elements of innovation that have redrawn the role of teachers and trainers. This context, valid in general, is even more relevant in language teaching and training. Multilingual skills, in fact, are increasingly important to avoid exclusion from the dynamics of a social and economic system with increasing inter ...
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Tool-TIPLS addresses directly one of the priorities set by the Copenhagen Declaration-to investigate how transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of competences and/or qualifications, between different countries and at different levels, could be promoted by developing reference levels, common principles for certification, and common measures, including a credit transfer system ...
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The target groups were teachers and trainers based within the upper secondary, apprenticeship, vocational and CLIL sectors and their learners. The resources focus on the development of transferable business skills which are useful for vocational learners involved in areas such as business, retail, travel and tourism and customer service. They prepare learners and trainees for the labour market by ...
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The 2003 – 2005 Leonardo ELS project (2003-I-03-BF-LA-154168) was taken over by one of the partners, EuroEd Foundation, which decided to gather this partnership and apply for a grant for the transfer of innovation of the products of this project. This new project addresses the difficulties that recent EU member countries meet in international business relations as a result of office workers’ insuf ...
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