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Tool-TIPLS addresses directly one of the priorities set by the Copenhagen Declaration-to investigate how transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of competences and/or qualifications, between different countries and at different levels, could be promoted by developing reference levels, common principles for certification, and common measures, including a credit transfer system for vocational education and training. The aim of the project is to develop the tool to improve transparency of professional English language (as lingua franca) skills in the selected target sectors of the Hospitality industry. This will ensure future relevant levels of foreign language competences and their evaluation to people employed or seeking employment in this area. The project’s specific objectives are to:-define the levels of skills developed using existing VET curricula in each project partner country-prepare the tool of descriptors of professional English language skills and competences(TOOL) based on CEF and ECVET-implement international piloting in partner countries -consult social partners–potential employers and professional consultants to implement the final improvement of the TOOL-disseminate and valorise the project products via local, regional, national and international networks, via a project conference and other means as opportune In addition the project's general objectives are to:-develop vocational skills through professional foreign language knowledge, specifically in relation to the Hospitality industry -enhance young peoples’ potential for mobility within the European labour market-encourage intercultural learning and empathy in the Hospitality industry for international communication in different countries -integrate professional language learning in theory with practical application within specific occupational sectorsThe main output of the project is a tangible product- a set of downloadable CD’s with the tool of descriptors and user guide in all of the partner languages.The consortium of the project consists of VET institutions from Lithuania, Latvia and Finland, language teaching professional institutions from Lithuania and Romania and internal evaluator from the UK.

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