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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The PRIMETECH project addresses the need in EU policies for high quality teachers able to innovate using ICT and for improved data on their digital competence which can lead to inclusive education. It also tackles the need to enhance the uptake of ICT in teaching and learning, to promote stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools, and strengthen the professional profile of the teaching profession. According, to the recent Survey of Schools: ICT in Education, two-thirds of teachers in the EU learn about ICT in their own time, and almost all are positive about ICT impact on students. Despite this readiness, the Survey revealed that teachers’ ICT use in lessons and confidence in their digital competency has to increase. In addition according to TALIS (OECD, 2013), teachers report the view that the two areas of most critical need for professional development are 'teaching students with special needs' (20%), and 'developing ICT skills for teaching' (18%). This is followed by 'new technologies in the workplace' (16%) and 'teaching in a multicultural or multilingual setting' (13%). Additionally, according to the “Opening Up of Education Initiative” (COM2013) “most teachers at primary and secondary level do not consider themselves as ‘digital confident’ or able to teach digital skills effectively, and 70% would like more training in ICT”.The recent Report “New Priorities for EU Cooperation in E&T” (SWD (2015) 161) reinforces the above as it urges MS:- To promote the use of ICT as a driver for systemic change to increase quality and relevance of education at all levels. - To boost availability and quality of open and digital educational resources and pedagogies at all education levels. - To address the development of digital skills and competences at all levels of learning in response to the digital revolution.- To support educators continuing professional development to be fit for dealing with diversity and use innovative pedagogies and ICT tools in an optimal manner.In the above context the PRIMETECH project the project aims:- to create the Technology Enhanced Teaching Competence Code which will be used as the basis of the creation of the OPEN BADGES system to be used for the recognition and validation of teachers’ practices, knowledge and skills acquired.- to design and implement the PRIMETECH professional development programme for teachers with in-built ICT training offered both on-line and school-based, and constant monitoring and assessment procedures through a mentoring and peer assessment process offered in an open environment.- to design a dynamic, interactive and powerful tool eco-system-open platform which will provide e-learning, e-connectivity ande- communication functionalities accompanied with learning modules, training material, guides etc.Throughout the project 7 main Intellectual Outputs are planned to be produced ranging from a survey to e-platform, Digital Guides, assessment tools and use of OPEN BADGES system. A strong dissemination and exploitation strategy is planned during the 24 months targeting interested professionals at the organizational, local, regional, national and EU level.The direct target group of Teachers and the indirect group of primary students will benefit from the implementation of the project at a transnational level, as developing comprehensive professional programmes in the digital field cannot be achieved without the exchange of information, identification of good practices and complementarity of expertise. Transnational implementation of the project will help partner countries towards utilizing EU tools such as the ECVET and mechanisms such as the OPEN BADGES for the recognition and validation of the digital skills acquired while ensuring transferability, credibility and, transparency. At the same time the project promotes various Erasmus+ priorities: such as strengthening educators’ profiles by developing digital competences and by using open and innovative education embedded in the digital era through creating synergies, digitalizing learning and promoting the use of ICT as a driver for systemic change to increase the quality/ relevance of the education.

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