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...are no homogeneous measures of intervention and social integration, although last year the reception's theme entered in the policy Agenda, pushing national governments to intervene.In May 2015, the European Commission stresses the need to reduce the causes of irregular migration and to establish a system of redistribution in the EU countries (Agenda Juncker of the 05.13.2015); Italy, however, and ...
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Life Skills for Europe

Start date: Dec 28, 2016, End date: Dec 27, 2018,

...y- More and better tools for the work with low-skilled people, refugees and people with low intercultural understanding- Acquisition of concrete advocacy tool to target regional, national and European policy-makers- Increased recognition of the role of non-formal (adult) education in achieving social inclusion in the EU- Closer cooperation between agencies and stakeholders dealing with refugees on ...
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Implementing Outreach Empowerment and Diversity

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

... Outreach – Empowerment – Diversity (OED). The participation in adult education has stagnated or even decreased in some countries while we do know through the PIAAC survey that large numbers of Europeans lack basic skills. And while participation is low, those who do participate are already better educated. There is a real need across Europe to attract especially low-skilled and disadvantaged ad ...
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Technology in Rehabilitation

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

During last years, rehabilitation activities have been becoming very important since the number of people with disabilities is growing for many reasons, like ageing of the population and increase of chronic diseases. The introduction of leading-edge technologies in the treatment of disabilities is central in order to improve the efficiency of rehabilitation and the access to health-care services. ...
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Helping Students with Learning Disabilities - Dyslexia

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...s well as adults (estimated prevalence 8-20%). The long-term effects from it are higher youth unemployment rates, functional illiteracy, high rate of unfinished vocational trainings. According to the European Dyslexia Association, 8% of the population suffers from dyslexia, although some experts claim that the percentage reaches 20%, of which between 2 and 4% are seriously affected.Dyslexia is a f ...
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Professional development through learning exchanges

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Context:AONTAS have a long history working and engaging at a European level. AONTAS is represented on the Board of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and acts as the Irish correspondent for the Infonet project. In 2014 AONTAS were assigned the role of the National Co-ordinator for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult learning which runs until 2018.Over the n ...
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Early school leaving can constitute an obstacle not only for the person's professional development but also for its mental, psychological and social prosperity in general. It is therefore extremely important that the proper counselling and support is provided to the student that is 'at risk', as well as to the people of the student's environment. It is also important that support is provided to en ...
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Tourism for VET

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The dropout affects 22.7% of young people in Spain, 18-24, nearly double the European average, data from the first half of 2014 (IEE), Eurostat stands at 11%, Spain doubles the EU average. The latest data confirm that 2014 was the year of tourism in our country. The arrival of about 65 million tourists (+ 7.1% in 2013) has generated 49,000 million euros in foreign exchange. According to data colle ...
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Participation for Inclusion

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

In recent years the number of educational projects addressed to European youth has increased significantly, giving young people an unprecedented opportunity to develop in different fields. Every year there are hundreds of youth projects dedicated to a huge variety of issues, such as intercultural learning, antidiscrimination, arts and culture, healthy lifestyle, employability and many other. Regar ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

..., Brain Simulation, High Performance Computing, Medical Informatics, Neuromorphic Computing and Neurorobotics, and create a user community of research groups from within and outside the HBP, set up a European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, complete a set of pilot projects providing a first demonstration of the scientific value of the platforms and the Institute, develop the scientific and ...
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...ed on 15 pilot classes, 15 volunteer teachers and 20 teachers who will participate in the CCD training course. 15 CNPR teachers will take part in 15 different training courses in 10 European countries. They will be selected according to their own training needs and according to their capacity to work as team members. The activity will be structured as follows: selection of participating teachers, ...
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Live and Learn - Audiovisual Stories of Adult Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Our project is inspired by two observations, shared by most European education policy documents and relevant studies. Firstly, there is a clear need to increase participation in adult education across Europe; and secondly, new ways of sharing best practices among European adult educators must be found. We want to address this need in an innovative way: through the medium of videos. We will produc ...
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The main project activity, the Training Course “Keys to employability – soft skills development for empowering young people” took place between 8th -15th of September 2015 (plus 2 days for travel, in total 10 days between 7-16.09.2015) in Aghveran, Armenia. 27 youth workers(plus 2 trainers from ICRLD) and youth leaders from 11 countries (Poland,Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Bulgar ...
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The growing development, production and use of engineered nanomaterials and associated products will increase exposure of both humans and ecosystems to these new materials. However, current knowledge is still incomplete and established test methods are as yet inappropriate to reliably assess the extent of exposure and risk of materials at the nano-scale. There is an urgent need to develop methods ...
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Put It in Action

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Today social entrepreneurship is becoming one of the effective and innovative methods to solve the social problems. It gives the opportunity to deal with the problematic issue in a creative way that in turn helps to involve into social sphere more people, create alternative jobs and income. In light of economic changes, globalisation and requirements on labour market (the moving from employment to ...
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Be Active and activate the inactive young volunteer

Start date: Jan 12, 2015, End date: Jul 11, 2015,

see above
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One Europe for All – Evaluating Social Inclusion in European Youth Projects (EU and South-East Europe) This is an Erasmus+ - Key Action 1 – Mobility of Youth Workers project. It consists of a seven-day seminar focusing on evaluating how social inclusion is fostered in European youth projects, including Youth in Action/Erasmus+ projects and other international initiatives. The main aim of the proj ...
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The demographic and economic situation in all parts of the South Baltic (SB) area calls for actions towards a more integrated labour market. Common challenges in this area are shrinking and ageing work forces and a lack of highly-qualified workers. In addition, the Southern and Eastern parts of the area have to cope with high overall unemployment. Improving qualification of workers and unemployed ...
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Demokratie neu gestalten

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015, to Prague and back in September 2014. In November, approximately 20 young people will prepare a declaration based on the results of the workshops in Magdeburg, which will be passed over to the European Youth Ministers in Berlin.
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Sun, water and biomass are a natural capital of the Alpine Space. It is a must to use them for the production of energy. Besides intelligent grids, storage systems will be key enablers for a future mostly renewable energy supply.Electric vehicles (EV) will be integral elements of the future energy system. Their batteries can be charged with excessive power from intermittent energy sources and elec ...
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...ivil society and research institutes - and start a transnational web portal for debates. This is piloted on nanotechnology, then every few months a new debate starts. These are connected to the European reflection on the grand societal challenges for the future of the ERA.To be able to answer to research requests, it is necessary to enlarge and strengthen the network of research bodies doing resea ...
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Cancer Genomics of the Kidney (CAGEKID)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

... types and/or subtypes, with the aim of elucidating the genomic changes present in the many forms of cancers that contribute to the burden of disease throughout the world. We present a proposal for a European contribution to this effort through application of state-of-the-art approaches to the genomics of the most common form of renal cell cancer (RCC). RCC is of particular importance within Europ ...
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Innovation scores low in SEE, proper framework conditions are missing to bridge research, education & business and the region is characterized by a weak culture for innovation. Although SEE Science PPs have excellent chances for innovative business development since universities and high technology companies are located there, their potential to improve social climate for new developments, is unde ...
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Many valuable heritage sites in the SEE region are under pressure. Cultural heritage is often used to respond to economic concerns (tourism), rarely to valorise culturally a territory, its people, its traditions, its roots. The innovative approach of SUSTCULT is that cultural heritage has a social and ecological intrinsic significance which shall be safeguarded as a source of sustainable developme ...
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Peripheral Baltic Sea regions have been characterized by depopulation and weak socio-economic conditions. These trends are contrary to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), VASAB and the integrated territorial development of the EU (see Art. 3 (2c) of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 and Art. 6 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006). Although train and ferry connections exist, on ...
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European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology (ENGAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"ENGAGE (European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology) has, as its central objective, the translation of the wealth of data emerging from large-scale research efforts in molecular epidemiology into information of direct relevance to future advances in clinical medicine. ENGAGE will do this through the integration of very large-scale genetic and phenotypic data already available from a sub ...
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Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

...e preferences to propose career paths that are compatible with the worker's objectives. This process-view on lifelong employability of people perfectly fits in the decision number 1672/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2006 establishing a Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity The healthcare sector is another context in which the TAS3 architectur ...
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European Educational Research Quality Indicators (EERQI)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

...f socially- and politically-embedded research fields within the humanities and social sciences. The resulting prototype framework of quality indicators and methods will provide the base toolset for a European information service for the observation and evaluation of educational research publications. The toolset can be applied to other social sciences and humanities fields. Complementary to tradit ...
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Education Gate (EdGATE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The operation “Education Gate” focuses on the educational dimension of European integration and the challenge of the knowlegde-based economy for the educational systems and policies in the regions. The partnership aims to translate the experiences of an earlier INTERREG IIIA project on education in the knowledge society into strategic measures for improving regional educational policies identifyin ...
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...ivities, will release research reports on the authentication of e-learning, will distribute the developed ‘prototype’ web-based central control system and will publish a final project report. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) will play a significant role in the dissemination of the project's results, through internet and e-mail, with dissemination further relying upon a more trad ...
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Outreach, empowerment and diversity

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

... migrants and ethnic minorities, for the development of more diversity in adult education, and especially the inclusion of learners’ voices, and for the empowerment of its learners to become active European citizens.We want to - provide a collection and analysis of good practice examples from across Europe that tackle the overlap of social inclusion and active citizenship (EN, FR, DE)- analyse out ...
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Many persons with disabilities throughout Europe receive support by a service providing organisation. The quality of the provided service depends mostly on the quality of the staff of the service providers. Though staff education and training differs from country to country almost nowhere persons with disabilities act as trainers. The project aimes at training persons with disabilities to become t ...
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Many adult education staff do not have formal training in AE.EAEA knows from members that there is huge need & interest to learn more about European policies, programmes and other countries’ systems & innovations.We therefore propose an online learning format in order to reach more participants and to make it affordable. An exchange between staff generations,the learning from experts but also peer ...
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The project “Women in SMEs” aimed to transfer, adapt and pilot an innovative process for validating/certifying the management competences acquired by spouses in non-formal (e.g. in-company training) or informal (through life & work experience) settings. A validation process has been developed by the Swiss Union of Crafts and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SGV) resulting in a nationally recogn ...
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The Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, including the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation sub-programme grants projects to make use of previously developed products. In the “Further Development and Transfer of Competence Assessment Tools” project we are to expand the soft-skill competence assessment range of a formerly prepared software as the necessity of competence assessment ...
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The Back to work project intends to develop the validation and recognition of knowledge and competencies that unemployed people have previously acquired, in different contexts, as part of unemployment services, in order to facilitate better matching between needs and competencies on the labor market.
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...ments;- study possible ways of practically implement project results, including on how to connect them to the job market.The Partnership is both geographically and sectorally diverse, with a wide European coverage and complementary competences (ICT provider, research institutes, women organisations, public bodies).
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MOSEP addresses the growing problem of adolescents (aged 14 to 16) dropping out of the formal education system around Europe. Students of this age find themselves in a transition phase in their lives where they have to choose between going into upper secondary education or entering vocational training. It is a time when they have to make decisions and need to be supported in making the best choice ...
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Putting the disabled on an equal footing : The project has produced a training curriculum together with an assessment tool aimed at both professionals working with the disabled and the beneficiaries themselves. It will contribute to improved standards of care for the disabled. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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...jor issues and focus groups in each partner country (involving researchers, developers, practitioners. Social Partners and policy makers). Special attention will be paid to policy development through European funding (to include European Social Funds under Objectives 1 and 2).The outcome of the project will be methodology, supported by thematic studies and best practice examples to assist in the p ...
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