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Education Gate (EdGATE)
Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation “Education Gate” focuses on the educational dimension of European integration and the challenge of the knowlegde-based economy for the educational systems and policies in the regions. The partnership aims to translate the experiences of an earlier INTERREG IIIA project on education in the knowledge society into strategic measures for improving regional educational policies identifying good practices and developing joint concepts and guidelines. Moreover the partnership wants to test new promising approaches such as the "European Regional College". The project’s overall aim is to design policies and strategies for education in support of the Lisbon goals and the transition to a knowledge-based society at the regional level. Based on the exchange of knowledge and best practice, partners will develop regional strategies and guidelines for the following priority areas: Equality in education (social inclusion, gender mainstreaming), quality of education (quality assurance, teacher education), European dimension in education (modern language tuition), vocational education and ICT (e-inclusion). The operation increases awareness on the relation between educational policies and a region's development potentials among key regional target audiences. It further results in new regional models that translate the EU's Lisbon agenda and the needs of the knowledge-driven economy into educational objectives and, thus, contributes to improving educational policies in the partner regions Activities focus on analyzing regional needs and determining priority areas, identifying good practice, elaborating a best practice manual and developing new educational models and policy proposals to support the Lisbon Goals at the regional level. Partners have started to develop and implement a “European Regional College”, a school with a strong focus on European society and culture, language education and cultural diversity, as a demonstration project to disseminate and propagate the knowledge and experience gained from the operation to other European regions.

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  • 51.2%   778 468,60
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants