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...vement of these goals we aim to strengthen the competences of the professionals working in schools (particularly at the management level), so they can better aid the young learners to enter the European employment more successfully.An overriding objective of the project is to increase the integration of participants with a migrational background, who are young parents or who are disadvantaged lear ...
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Global Rivers for an Environmental and Energetical Education Network II

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The labour market becomes increasingly international, Europe, and thus also our Country, needs VET systems that fully respond to the requests coming from the labor market. One of the central ideas underlying European Lifelong Learning policies is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels wh ...
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YES Academy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Throughout the EU, young people are the category of persons hit hardest by unemployment, underemployment and feel discouraged to look for work. Furthermore the last European elections and numerous elections in the Member States in recent times show, that there is a growing absenteeism of young people combined with an increasing European scepticism. This development and the complex situation of you ...
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Osez la diversité

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...n issues of diversity and citizenship education so that these issues are taken into account naturally in the coming years. These issues will be the major challenges of tomorrow's world, especially in Europe where nationalism takes turns dangerous.The objectives at this youth exchange are:• Exchange with young people on the themes of diversity and intercultural learning• Promote the exchange of bes ...
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The rate of drug using is rising day by day threatening the youth. Rapid urbanization, stress and/or monotony at work/schools, narrowing hobby fields and lack of communication are the main reasons for this. By means of this project, we will point out this problem with a historic point of view and prepare good examples for youth.Objectives;-The cultural heroes of the partner countries will meet and ...
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Eat Healthy, Do Sports, Stay Fit

Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Jul 29, 2016, 9 days. First and last day were planned beforehand for arrival and departure. Project participants will have a chance to visit a beautiful city, Istanbul. This unique city, at the meeting point of Europe and Asia, located on both sides of the Bosphorus is a city of synthesis of the East and the West on the subjects of culture, art and religion . The main goal of the Project is to help the parti ...
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A Basic Approach for Disabled Students (Temel Engelli Yaklaşımı 101)

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Jun 29, 2016,

We, as Ankara University EU youth programme office assistant willing to run a project, based on ‘approaching disadvantaged young’s problems’. By being awared of many difficulties they face in their lives that we can’t even realize what they are. Besides, to provide enough knowledge for youth when they meet with any disabled person in the daily life a youth exchange will be done. Working on decr ...
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United Youth Combating Hate

Start date: May 11, 2015, End date: May 10, 2016,

“United Youth Combating Hate” is a long-term training program for youth workers and leaders of the EU and the Eastern Partnership - Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Estonia, Georgia and Turkey. The project is aimed at developing skills in the fight against hate speech by training in human rights. The project tackles the more and more alarming situation am ...
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Your Europe

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

... the project and the results they achieved by participating. However, as the training course took place in Denmark, the participants were missing the presence and input of those living outside of the European Union. They also pointed out that talking about issues regarding active and European citizenship, and learning about the rights, opportunities and duties coming with it would be an important ...
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Transition in Action

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The Youth Exchange “Transition in Action” under the Erasmus+ Programme took place from 20st July (arrival day) till 2nd August (departure day) 2015 in Hungary, Kunbábony a village situated 80 km to the South of Budapest in a beautiful rural setting, in a peaceful homestead used for educational and training purposes in Kunbábony, Hungary. The homestead is run by a cooperative, the Adács-bábony Soci ...
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European Citizens, Global Citizens

Start date: May 9, 2015, End date: Jan 8, 2016,

European Citizens, Global Citizens aimed to promote the values of sustainable development, peace and security, solidarity and mutual respect among young people, values highlighted in the Treaty of Lisbon. Furthermore, this project seeks to develop participants attitudes, skills and knowledge on cooperation and participation, as well as their competences on international development. The idea of ...
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"Be Young - Be Social"

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016,

...and developed practical skills how to the use social media and social networks as a tool for reaching, motivating, involving and promoting active citizenship of young people and promoting European citizenship and to stimulate youth employment, marketing and youth entrepreneurship. • To generate knowledge for the promotion of programme ”Erasmus+" and the application of non-formal education in socia ...
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Start date: Feb 8, 2015, End date: Dec 7, 2015,

...pportunity to theoretically and practically learn more about the process of organizing Erasmus + projects and will be grounds where youth workers, youth leaders and project coordinators from all over Europe will have a chance to acquire or improve their knowledge on preparing project applications, becoming capable of initiating action in their countries and in Europe, in general. During the Traini ...
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Tell Me!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 10, 2015,

Current Situation: Marital discord has a negative impact on young people. As a result, the number of individuals who are unsuccessful in all aspects of society, increases, those young people experience same kind of discord in their future family that they founded in their adulthood and they may become psychologically unhealthy persons who fail to adapt the social life around them. There are variou ...
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... from the following countries: Sweden (Stockholm), Denmark, Belgium, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus and Russia. Each partner delegated 3 representatives. The training's main aims were: to promote European citizenship's values; to improve participants' level of competence and knowledge in the field of democracy; to encourage active citizenship, inter-cultural dialogue, social inclusion and soli ...
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Acting European 2

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Following the Acting European project, which aimed to promote volunteering as a manifestation of European citizenship and to develop a tool to support it, by strengthening the NGO environment from Bacau and Neamt counties, has been identified the need for continuous development of youth workers involved in promoting European citizenship, but also the sharing of best practices at international leve ...
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Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Jan 15, 2015,

The seminar "Plan free time for youth with developmental disabilities", which members from Polish, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Turkey and Italy will take part in, is a response to the low level of knowledge referring to the ways of organizing leisure activities for young people and the practice showing a high demand for this type of action. The aim of the project is to search for ideas and share ...
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ROad safety in South East European regions  (ROSEE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Road safety is important for smooth accessibility of SEE regions. The road crash and injury tool within SEE regions accounts for social and economical losses affecting the development of South East European Space. In the EU 56% of road deaths occur on rural roads while 37% of fatalities are counted in built-up areas. 44% involves vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and riders of po ...
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... in small urban and rural areas often do not have the same opportunities as do youngsters in regional centres. The project aims to involve the volunteers as promoters and multipliers in order to spur European Awareness and active citizenship and establish bridges of communication in between sites in their home country and the areas they are established as well as to foster intercultural understand ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The Helpers applying for the support of the European Community is an informal group of 16-28 years old local youngsters. All of us are determinative individuality and we undertake the proving of youngsters' interests.The topic of the Brainstorming project are to encourage the participation of youngsters on the fields like social, public and representative democracy, and to prompt them for social p ...
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...ill produce a robust framework tested and improved via the activities and best practices of all partners, in order to produce an innovative framework to support the sustainable delivery of VET across Europe.The partnership will enhance the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes of VET professionals to increase their competencies in delivering in the light of personal fulfilment, social inc ...
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... on developing competences for using cultural diversity as a positive and powerful tool within youth work. The training has on one of its objectives to establish new network for later development of European projects. We aim to create a network ( or to make the fundament of a network) for organizations who work with social disabled youngsters or of organizations who wish to collaborate in interna ...
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City Contact 2 Berlin / City View

Start date: Feb 1, 2009,

Das multilaterale Projekt City View (mit TN aus DE, EE, TR, NL und BG) ist Teil einer Projektreihe, die sich aus verschiedenen Elementen zusammensetzt.Im Rahmen dieser zweiten Begegnung der Reihe geht es darum, dass die TN sich in öffentlichen Stadträumen in Berlin mit der visuellen Erfassung dieser Räume auseinandersetzen, um anschließend die kulturell bedingt unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen abzu ...
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...2011" wiil connect 50 young people coming from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Hungary and Spain. For all participants coming from different European cultures and countries the YE will be great opportunity to learn and discover cultural heritage not just all participants' countries but also they will have a chance to take part in Carnival ...
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Voluntary Service Toolbox

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

...from each of them, and at the same time provide feedback to AVSO for the finalization of the manuals-The seminar will take place in Brussels over four days. The participants will come from different EU countries and diverse types of organisations. The participants will be asked to bring their experience and to share their tools and expertise.The Association of Voluntary Service Organisations - AVS ...
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Pop your learning

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

" Pop your learning " met en lumière le besoin de coopération entre différents secteurs dans ledomaine de la jeunesse qui sont face à une problématique commune de développer des projetsd'éducation non formelle pour l'inclusion avec les jeunes avec moins d'opportunité. La thématiqueest centrée sur l'apprentissage de ces jeunes. Des partenaires de deux domaines sont enconséquence invités à cette act ...
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From September 8th till September 15th 2011 training course "I wanna be a star, I wanna be a volunteer" will be organized in Kavadarci, Macedonia. The training course will gather young people from 6 European countries - 3 Program countries - Malta, Romania and Turkey; and 3 Neighboring Countries - Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, gathering all in total 24 participants. The main goal of TC is to f ...
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"No boundaries, no exclusion - the next chapter" - peer education training will be organized in Nis, Serbia in the period 27.08.-03.09.2011 and it will involve young people from 7 European countries – Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, involving 10 promoters. The training will build capacities and competence of young people, coming from different European ...
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...lore “Youth in Action” Programme as a significant tool for promoting gender equality within youth work;• To increase awareness of gender as a social construction in broaden European dimension.No of participants: 26; Countries involved: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Romania, Italy and UK.In this project we are a hosting organization.
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Life is a movement

Start date: Dec 15, 2011,

SPPMD will host and organize TC "Life is a movement" in the period 22nd March - 30th March 2012 in Kavadarci, FYR of Macedonia. The training course will gather young people from 8 European countries - 4 Program countries - Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey; and 4 Neighboring Countries - Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, gathering all in total 24 participants. The main goa ...
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...uild capacity of the organizations participating in TC and will give the base for the exchange of good practices and further networking. Finally, the training will network young people from different European countries and allow intercultural learning as well as enable them to further work in the youth field in the European level.
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Gender connection

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...artnership-building activity “Gender Connection” is designed to provide the opportunity for youth workers, project managers and youth leaders working with youth in Programme countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA) to meet, to build the common understanding on gender issues, to discuss the challenges of gender equality in youth work, to discover how to build good quality projects within “Y ...
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 FINISHED parliament in the Salzkammergut which is organised by about 50 young people from Finland, Poland and Austria. About 100 young people will attend the youth parliament to discuss questions about the EU among each other and with regional and national EU politicians. Furtheron a network between young people and organisations should be build through follow-up actions.
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Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

Youth exchange “Reconciliator” is 8 days youth exchange in Serbia that will gather 36 young people from 6 different EU (Croatia, Turkey and Bulgaria) and SEE countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia) tackling reconciliation and dealing with the past in post conflict areas, such as ex-Yugoslavia, but also other regions in Europe. Dealing with a past and reconciliation process are bas ...
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...ure’ is addressed to young people willing to explore new learning and growing opportunities through an experience within an international organization which promotes organic food and farming in Europe. Starting from IFOAM EU core issues (sustainable food and farming, climate change, resource efficiency, protection of biodiversity), volunteers will be invited to further develop their major interest ...
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The Rocky Road To Peace

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

Regional Studies Center is organizing an exchange entitled “The Rocky Road to Peace”, which is scheduled to take place on 21-29 October 2013 in Tsakhkadzor Armenia. The exchange will bring together 40 young people from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Belarus and Romania . The exchange is aimed at sharing different views and opinions regarding the ways of achieving peace, also u ...
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With 8-days youth exchange ''Eight Intelligences'' we wish to invite young people to explore their learning styles, their strengths, talents and their potential, raise their awareness of who they are and what they are capable of. Each day of the exchange is designed around one of these intelligences. Mix of outdoor activities, drama and dance exercises, problem solving initiatives, artistic search ...
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Youth Mobile Books

Start date: Aug 3, 2013,

Poverty and marginalization are the issues that many young people face with. Youth Mobile Books is an innovative project designed to promote dialogue, reduce prejudices and thereby encourage integration of marginalized youth through Living Library Method. The youth exchange will tend to remove all barriers and prejudism and promote diversity and tolerance. Participants will have the opportunity to ...
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...ts implementation at different institutional levels. The project shall provide models for full formal implementation of the BHQFHE at institutional levels, based on all criteria and procedures of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL) and the European Qualifications for European Qualifications Framework Area (QF-EHEA). Specific project objectives are:• Strengthening ...
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YE Street ART fusion

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

... exchanges “Street pARTy” 1, 2 and 3 which took place in Ukraine, 2008 and in Serbia 2009, Macedonia 2012. This exchange is an international meeting focused on developing mutual understanding of European citizenship, improving youth mobility in the Neighboring partner countries, raising intercultural learning process of young people and their international experience in general.The main project t ...
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