Tell Me!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: Sep 10, 2015
Current Situation:
Marital discord has a negative impact on young people. As a result, the number of individuals who are unsuccessful in all aspects of society, increases, those young people experience same kind of discord in their future family that they founded in their adulthood and they may become psychologically unhealthy persons who fail to adapt the social life around them. There are various factors that cause marital discord to affect young people negatively. Family is the first social environment for children where they develop their emotions/reactions and where they shape their future accordingly. The feelings and behaviors which children observe from their parents during their development create a framework of their emotional life. In particular, the family life is so important in terms of children?s socio-psychological development during the period when their personality is started to shape.
According to the researches about marital discord, one of the main negative results on children is adaptation and behavioral problems. Also, in one of the researches, problem solving skills of children were scored by researchers and the scores of the children who grew up in steady family life were higher than the ones who grew up in a marital conflict. This result shows that the parent who cannot solve their own problems cannot be a role model on solving problems. Furthermore, research results suggest that the children grew up in marital discord try to solve the problems they face in daily life by escaping from the problem or by using violence (*Atmaca).
Increase in the percentage of divorce in recent years is an indication of an increase in the number of children who face the problems mentioned. According to Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI), the number of divorce, which is 91,022 in 2004, surged to 125,305 in 10 years with 38% percent increase. The research of TSI shows that marital discord takes place on the top of the causes of divorce with 96.70% (** Gönülta?, 2014).
The project prepared by the non-formal youth group Alltogether has following overall and specific objectives;
Overall Objective: To contribute the decrease in number of psychologically unhealthy young people who suffer from a lack of adaptation to social life.
Specific objective: Within 10 days, to contribute the decrease in negative effects on 20 young people who witnessed marital discord by making them aware of the negative impacts of their family related experiences on their social life and by providing a closed social environment to make them develop their social relationships.
- 20 young people (10 female and 10 male) who witnessed marital discord from 4 countries (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Italy and Romania).
Profile of participants:
- 18-25 years old
- With an official document to prove that their parents were divorced (for participants outside Turkey)
- 4 people; 2 male and 2 female and a group leader from each organization
A1. Dealing with social-psychological issues: The main activity which will be supported by sub-activities that will make participants learn their rights, express themselves, share their own experiences with the peers suffering from the same problem and strengthen the relationship with their family and social surroundings.
A2. Healing: The main activity that aims to make participants have a habit of using the healing effects of art, sport and nature.
Non-formal education-based methodology will be used. Interactive workshops, group works, learning tools are the methodologies to be used in non-formal education activities.
R1. Participants increased their knowledge about their rights, found an opportunity to express themselves in different ways such as art and photography, developed their relationship with their families and social surroundings and had a chance to share their experiences with the ones who suffer from the same problems.
R2. Participants got aware of the healing effects of art, sport and nature and got a habit of using these healing effects in everyday life.
O1. Participants were trained about youth rights.
O2. Paintings made during workshops, photos taken during walking and sightseeing, participation documents
Long-term benefits:
Young people who are in the same situation with participants of this project will be able to get help or to share their experience by using the networks created by the project participants and the partners. Also, these young people will be supported to get a habit of using the healing effect of art, sport and nature. It is also possible to create new projects with the same topic via the networks built during the project. All the project results will contribute the decrease in negatives effects of marital discord on young people. As a result, they are expected to become active young people who know their rights and who are able to solve the problems they face.