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"Be Young - Be Social"
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Venue: Lithuania, Vilnius Project Type: Youth Exchanges: workshops and activities focusing on social media and social networks. Theme: “Be Young – Be Social” Objectives: To develop: leadership, self confidence and self estimate, together with mental toughness, presentation skills and public speech skills. Aims of the project: • To conduct youth exchanges to improve knowledge and practical skills about social media and social networks in youth work; • To use social media and social networks as a tool against youth unemployment. Objectives of the project: • Participants during the project go practical knowledge and developed practical skills how to the use social media and social networks as a tool for reaching, motivating, involving and promoting active citizenship of young people and promoting European citizenship and to stimulate youth employment, marketing and youth entrepreneurship. • To generate knowledge for the promotion of programme ”Erasmus+" and the application of non-formal education in social networks, social media and other digital environments; • To share practical experience of partners in using social media and social networks as a tool in youth work, while ensuring safety and protection of young people in the online environment; In order to realize the objectives were implemented the following activities: preparation, motivation, organization, implementation, evaluation and self-reflection.
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3 Partners Participants