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In sight

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

This project supports equipping all young people with the knowledge and skills to think for themselves, challenge and debate ideologies in a safe environment. It will also give young people the opportunity to learn about different cultures and faiths, building mutual trust and respect. The project brings together the relevant partner countries in the following way(i) It brings together regions who ...
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... advice, especially for disadvantaged groupsall of which have been detailed in the EU Inventory of Validation of non-formal and informal learning 2014 Executive Summary4. The successful experience by EQUAL Ireland in partnership with Athlone Institute of Technology, of supporting disadvantaged adults through a Mentor process which has resulted in a significant increase in the practical use of RPL ...
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MILAR Modelli Inclusione Lavoro Rifugiati

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Feb 2, 2019,

...e labour integration of a heterogeneous target, such as the refugee population in Europe.The project is promoted by training agencies, social organizations, and institutions, all of which are equally involved in the phases of:• RESEARCH: collection and analysis of successful community welfare experiences and preparation of a transnational research framework • MODELLING: transnational ...
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The CHOICE project is based on a non formal learning path for students aged 13-18 years old to be included in school curricula and aimed at using drama to prevent technology, drugs and gambling addiction.Addiction is on the rise in Europe. An increasing number of young people are unable to control their use of drugs, technology, gambling. Experts warn against the growing number of addicts. Every t ...
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The aim of the Strategic Partnership is to develop an e-learning course and interactive online portal “Learning place Bio-Farm”, offering learning materials and OERs for training of teachers, farmers, staff of coordinating agencies, other pedagogues and NGO staffs as “Bio-Farm Guides. Farm visit as pedagogical methodEducational farm visits provide an alternative and innovative space that enables “ ...
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Recent studies carried out by the EU Commission and by Italia Lavoro, in our Country, show that the field of social and health care continued to expand in the peak years of the crisis and even after. The employment opportunities in the health and care sectors are growing and, indeed, the forecasts indicate that there are margins for a further increase in the coming years. The sector, however, rema ...
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The aim of the Strategic Partnership is to develop an e-learning course and interactive online portal “Sustainable food in kindergartens”, offering learning materials and OERs on sustainable food in kindergartens for pedagogues, kindergarten staffs, caterers and kitchen staff. The content of the developed English pilot course will be transfer and adapt it to the seven partner countries. New requir ...
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Deaf Enterprise: Entrepreneurship Training for Deaf Sign Language Users

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Sign languages are recognized as equal languages of the EU. Sign language users however are a traditionally under-served minority. Many Deaf sign language users are unemployed, or working in unfulfilling and/or unrewarding jobs. Entrepreneurship is recognized as a key competence that enables people to develop the skills they need for life and work. Entrepreneurship education generally address acti ...
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... other institutions of informal adult education is required.It is therefore the objective of the project "Something better" to improve the quality of the informational and educational offer at Animal Equality Germany (AEG) through the qualification of staff especially in the areas of 1. information offer and campaigns, 2. volunteer work and 3. management. Furthermore, networking activities should ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

SIGNS FOR HANDSHAKES Deaf-Youth-Meets-Employers-Toolkit Project period: 10/2015- 09/2017 SIGNS FOR HANDSHAKES is a 2 year European project with partners from Austria, Bulgaria, UK and Slovenia with the aim of:  Build and maintain strong links with representatives of the employment sector and the Deaf Community.  Offer practical advice for employers on hiring young Deaf peo ...
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Sign Language Teachers in Europe: an Open Educational Resource

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...this field between organizations, between countries, and between the teaching and teachers of sign languages and those of spoken languages. The long-term objective: to promote sign languages as equal languages of the EU. Equally valuable, equally visible, equally learnable. The objective of the SignTeach project is not: to teach a sign language. The objective is to provide (potential) sign langu ...
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iNEETiative, Roadmap to Employment

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

...wadays the biggest challenge for young people is to find a job, to feel useful to society and to themselves. the project iNEETiative aims to explore the concept of youth employment in an informal and equal way, the young participants will discuss and analyze together their work experience and / or job search and they will improve the key skills required by the labor market. The goals of the projec ...
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Empowerment in Social Utilities and Skills for Young

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project "E-SUSY" intends to support significantly the acquisition of professionalism about the technical competences, pedagogical and social skills of the two identified targets: students and recent graduates in social and social health, providing additional knowledge needed to the enforceability of the daily work , the professional quality and the number of interventions that guide and suppor ...
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Entrepreneurship Laboratory

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The proposed Long Term Training Programme Entrepreneurship Laboratory is a result of cooperation among 8 organization from 8 countries coming to sustain the idea of promoting and developing the SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). The proposed activities will stimulate entrepreneurship among young people and give them the necessary competence and support needed for a start up. The training progra ...
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Hope is real

Start date: May 25, 2016, End date: Dec 24, 2016,

...ities.H-happiness. Feeling joy via creativity process. O-opportunity. Revealing new opportunities for intellectually disabled youth. P-participation. Learning socially and culturally. E-equality. Being together. R- responsibility. Feeling responsible for your actions. E-expectation. Believing in yourself and hope that changes will happen. A-action. Changing actively as citizen of Europe. L-learn ...
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“B.R.I.D.G.E. - BRing Inclusion anD Get quality in youth Exchanges"

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Dec 1, 2016,

The project “B.R.I.D.G.E. - BRing Inclusion anD GEt quality in youth exchanges” will bring together 24 youth workers, youth leaders, representatives of different organizations from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova. The project is implemented in cooperation between partner countries from above mentioned countries. The training course activity will ...
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The Transnational Strategic Partnership aims to develop the European “Code of Good Organic Retailing Practice” and to create and provide an e-learning course and platform in order to integrate the Code’s principles in the formal training of managers and personnel in the organic retail sector. Another objective is the transfer and promotion of Code’s principles and personnel training in the non-org ...
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WITTY! Work, Ideas-Tank Through Young!

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The project will explore the concept of youth employment in an informal and equal in which the young participants will discuss and analyze together their work experience and / or job search, employment and entrepreneurship, acquisition of key skills, mode entry into the labor market. The objectives of the project are therefore: to acquire critical skills and constructive respect to issues related ...
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Management and Teaching Innovation Project (MaT-IP)

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

1. Background EQUAL Ireland is not for profit charitable trust founded as a long term outcome of the EU’s EQUAL Community Initiative by the social partners (IBEC & SIPTU), a range of community organisations and a Network of five Institutes of Technology along with NUI Galway. We are engaged in designing, developing and delivering social and economically useful accredited education and training int ...
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Compass Human Rights Education Course

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016,

This is an Erasmus+ - Key Action 1 – Mobility of youth workers project, involving one mobility (training course).It will be held in Turku, Finland, in March 2016, and involve 31 youth workers from eight Erasmus+ Programme countries as well as a team of four trainers/experts and three logistical and management support workers. The project's main background is the rise in challenges to human rights ...
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Well done! Work, Experience, Learning, Life Done!

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The project will explore the concept of youth employment in an informal and equal in which the young participants will discuss and analyze together their work experience and / or job search, employment and entrepreneurship, acquisition of key skills, mode entry into the labor market. The objectives of the project are therefore: to acquire critical skills and constructive respect to issues related ...
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 FINISHED the game. Gender Equality the game.

Start date: Jun 6, 2015, End date: Feb 5, 2016,

The project will explore the concept of gender equality in an informal and equal in which the young participants will discuss and analyze together their experiences and their experiences, learn new approaches to gender issues, learn to overcome discrimination, confront others nell'eplicitazione of PO in daily practice, understand where it can generate violence against women, acquire critical skill ...
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...e countries of the participating organisations. Also, the principle of self-organisation shall be established in further Belorussian cities. The project is conducted by be Belorussian NGO "Different-Equal", the German organisation "Kanikuli" and the NGO "Academy of childhood" from Estonia.
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Education - Youth - Employment

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The primary aim of the pilot project is to create structures which will enable young people, 18-25, who have been identified as being at risk of becoming marginalised through non participation in both formal and informal modes of training and education to re-engage with the world of work and education. This pilot project with three EU partners, Ireland, Finland and Italy, is intended as a first ph ...
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Compass: Human Rights Education for Youth

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The training course “Compass: Human Rights Education for Youth" was implemented in Fasano by the Association ASAP Europe with the valuable help of the Associations Human Rights and Equalities Charnwood (UK); SMIT Creator (Poland); Association for progress, education and lobbying PEL (Macedonia); Youth EPICenter (Lithuania); Inter Alia (Greece); Super Tineri (Romania) andYouth Leaders Coalition (La ...
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Compass: Long-Term Human Rights Education Training

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

This is a long-term training programme, implemented by HREC and European partners, for youth workers and youth leaders from 8 countries (UK, Romania, Poland, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Finland), focusing on developing participants' competences in Human Rights Education, notably through the use of Council of Europe's educational resources, mainly the Compass HRE Manual. The pro ...
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Council of Europe’s Compass Human Rights Education Programme

Start date: Sep 2, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015,

“Compass” is an Erasmus+ - Key Action 1 – Mobility of youth workers project. The main project activity is an eight-day training course on the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Education Programme – Compass, and the Compass HRE Manual. The course will held in Wroclaw, Poland, from 7th to 15th November 2014, and involve 24 youth workers from 8 Programme countries as well as a team of 2 experts and ...
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Start date: Mar 30, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

The objective of the project is to identification and popularization the culinary traditions in the border area. Expected Results: The implementation of the project leads to the increasing management capacity of NGOs involv ...
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Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

Gender4Growth answers 2 background necessities: growth and gender equity. Gender inequalities are today still present in the economy. This provokes two problems: 1) a structural obstacle against growth, because significant share of the population (mainly women) has restrictions to job market access and entrepreneur opportunities, and 2) a source of unacceptable inequalities for a wants-be democrat ...
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The need for socio-economic inclusion of immigrants and minorities and the reduction of migration waves are challenges widely recognised throughout the EU. In the IMMENSITY project host countries and the immigrants' countries of origin are involved, because both have to face the consequences connected with immigration. One problem is that, compared to the rest of the population, the share of self- ...
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Local Equality Agencies Development (LEAD)

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007, citizens, women in the EU are still under-represented in many decision-making structures. Typically women are key players in local associations such as residential organizations but do not have an equal share in high-impact decision-making forums. In order to help address existing imbalances in the cities and regions, effective policies are needed that ensure participation of women in the decis ...
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ELFE - E-Learning for Female Entrepreneurs (ELFE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

...DP impression is that the ELFE web-site has significant value as a back-up information resource to more interactive enterprise supports, namely, training courses, and/or mentoring. The Longford EQUAL Development Partnership continues to promote the site as part of its integrated package of supports
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Women Engendering the Finance Network (WEFneT) (WEFneT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

The WEFneT project is based on Women's Resource Centres as an instrument for local development with a gender perspective. The main objective of the project is to achieve local development through an increased participation of women in economic, political and social life - both in quantity and in quality. The Women's Resource Centres are a co-ordination service of territorial actions and actors eng ...
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European Network of Women Resource Centres - W.IN.NET. (W.IN.NET)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Jan 30, 2006,

...them in promoting the role of women in local and regional development. The network wishes to improve the efficiency and transparency of these organisations and consequently the policies and tools for equal opportunities between women and men. Five thematic sub-networks will be set up within W.IN.NET: 1. WRCs - Quality indicators and modelling; 2. Women entrepreneurs; 3. Territorial system on gende ...
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The reasons for development of the ECVET-EcoQualify project could be described in the following aspects: - The expanding organic retail sector which needs qualified workers and managers, respectively teachers/trainers who will teach them;- In response to the recommendation of the European parliament to promote ECVET ‘involving VET providers’;- Changes in VET teacher/trainer’s role, and using the ...
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The project, based in ten countries, will raise awareness of the importance of personal competences ('soft skills') for labour office advisors, counsellors and mediators as they deal with clients (job seekers and employers) and will support the matching of employer requirements with job seekers skills. The ultimate aim being to improve the job matching process offered by labour advisors, counsello ...
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The Equalineurope project developed and managed an international, pre-professional online course for practitioners working with refugees and asylum seekers in host countries. The project and training course was designed to provide tools and strategies for improving their professional abilities and skills in the fi eld. The Equalineurope project focussed on the development of educational strategies ...
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18th-21st September 2012 will be the days for 120 young people to meet other young people and decision-makers from around Europe under the headline Come together! The theme of the seminar will be community and inclusion – in groups, schools, across borders and regions. Through a variety of informal and non-formal workshops the goal is to strengthen the students’ consciousness of the many communiti ...
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For the majority of Deaf people who use a sign language as their first or preferredlanguage, the only realistic option is to learn a second sign language. The opportunitiesto do this, however, are extremely limited. The interest on the other hand, is high. Deafpeople travel abroad, Deaf students study abroad.In the Signs2Go project, we want to accomplish two objectives:1. to develop an on-line e-l ...
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BADGE aimed to transfer and adapt an innovative support programme - Diversity in Business Workshops - developed in the UK, and that enabled female start-ups experiencing double-disadvantage to gain valuable soft skills and competences to assist them in starting up their own business. The purpose of the transfer was to strengthen the position of women entrepreneurs in the face of a difficult econom ...
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