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Well done! Work, Experience, Learning, Life Done!
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will explore the concept of youth employment in an informal and equal in which the young participants will discuss and analyze together their work experience and / or job search, employment and entrepreneurship, acquisition of key skills, mode entry into the labor market. The objectives of the project are therefore: to acquire critical skills and constructive respect to issues related to employment, career guidance, entrepreneurship. The project will explore the themes of youth employment with a focus on the development and recognition of skills, mode of entry into the labor market, on self-employment, on methods and tools for the research work, innovative start-ups, new technologies related employability and self-employment. The exchange is open to boys 8 girls / Italian and 8 girls / Spanish with a 'between the ages of 18 and 30 and will be held in Cosenza - Calabria. The two groups involved in the project will work with non-formal and informal methods: they will debate on training and work experience, share, participate in experiential paths of everyone and is concentrating on his own subjectivity and experience, all to facilitate comparison and discussion on issues related to work and employment, underlying theme of all activities. The exchange will then have a positive impact on young people as protagonists and witnesses of experiences and the community since the results will be disseminated by the two associations to their members and community of origin of the participants.

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