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Background Thanks to conservation efforts started in the 1980s, the Hungarian population of the eastern imperial eagle has come back from the brink of extinction, reaching 160 pairs by 2014. The Pannonian biogeographical region (which includes all of Hungary and parts of Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine) now holds some 220 pa ...
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Increasingly challenging global and environmental requirements have resulted in agricultural systems coming under increasing pressure to enhance their resilience capabilities in order to respond to the abrupt changes in resource quality, quantity and availability, especially during unexpected environmental circumstances, such as uncertain weather, pests and diseases, volatile market conditions and ...
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...d biosphere reserves. Objectives LIFE SUSTAINHUTS aims to reduce CO2 emissions emanating from buildings in isolated environments, such as mountain huts. The project also aims to prevent air pollution, preserve mountainous forests, promote sustainable tourism and introduce environmentally-friendly methods for the pr ...
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...lowing key steps will be followed considering the involvement and validation of relevant FCH value chain actors and the HYTECHCYCLING Advisory Board of manufacturers:1. Pre-study and techno-economic, environmental, RCS assessment related to dismantling & recycling of FCH technologies to detect future needs and challenges 2. Development of new technologies and strategies applied to FCH technologies ...
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Background Wied il-Luq (Valley of Poplars) is one of the tributary valleys feeding the Wied il-Kbir system, which is the largest valley system in Malta. Wied il-Luq now carries water only during the wet season, draining runoff from the higher ground and from the land surrounding its course. Over the past 200 years, gardens and woodlands were planted and g ...
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...minor channels, which has contributed to the gradual drying of the wetlands. Challenges remain in restoring the target sites to a state where they are capable of achieving their full potential as environmental assets. Research has identified the type of remedial habitat actions that needs to be taken to overcome such nature conservation challenges. Objectives ...
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Background The project area includes 32 Natura 2000 network sites (over a total area of 363 000 ha) located in south-western Lapland. The area is extremely valuable and vulnerable due to its unique biodiversity and rare limestone soil. Areas outside the Natura 2000 sites are mostly commercial forests, where mining districts and claims, peat industry and b ...
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...bring the products to market and explore different business models for micro-CHP deployment.The data produced by ene.field will be used to provide a fact base for micro FC-CHP, including a definitive environmental lifecycle assessment and cost assessment on a total cost of ownership basis.To inform clear national strategies on micro-CHP within Member States, ene.field will establish the macro-econ ...
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...evelop new eco-materials and components for the purpose of creating both healthier and more energy efficient buildings. We will create and symbiotically use natural eco-materials for healthier indoor environments through hygrothermal (heat and moisture) regulation and the removal airborne contaminants through both chemical capture and photocatalysis. Our objectives include advancing state of the a ...
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KnowHY aims to provide the FC&H2 sector with a training offer for technicians and workers featuring quality in contents, accessibility in format and language, practicality for the targeted audience, ease of scalability and update, and at competitive costs which make the training offer economically sustainable after project completion. Thanks to this project both OEMs as well as professionals can r ...
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...onal paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to test and improve their skills: professionalism in the specific areas of vocational education (agricultural, agro-industrial and environmental sectors), cultural knowledge and linguistic preparation. This general objective, in line with the ET2020 strategy is pursued through a mobility experience that consists of a learning mob ...
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Global Rivers for an Environmental and Energetical Education Network II

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...n to the learning paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to test and improve their skills: professionalism in the specific areas of vocational education (renewable energy and environment), cultural knowledge and linguistic preparation. This general objective is pursued through a mobility experience that consists of a learning mobility internship abroad of 3 weeks for 80 st ...
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..., Norway and Russia - was estimated in 2004 at only 20-30 breeding pairs or respectively 60-80 individuals. The most significant threat to the species has been identified by the United Nations Environment Programme African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (UNEP/AEWA) as being hunting along the European flyway (Single Species Action Plan, 2008). This project therefore addresses the whole European flyw ...
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Conservation of root vole *Microtus oeconomus mehelyi (Microtus)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Background The Mehely’s subspecies of root vole, Microtus oeconomus mehelyi, is restricted to the western (especially north-western) Hungary, eastern Austria and south-western Slovakia, occupying habitats formed by sediments of freshwater marshes, swamps, floodplains or watersides with dense vegetation. The current status of Hungarian Mehely’s root vo ...
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...ning paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to test and improve their skills: professionalism in the specific areas of vocational education (agricultural, agro-industrial and environmental sectors), cultural knowledge and linguistic preparation. This general objective, in line with the ET2020 strategy is pursued through a mobility experience that consists of a learning mob ...
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Background The Slovenian sea is home to a significant portion (11.4 % or around 2 000 individuals in non-breeding period) of the biogeographical population of Mediterranean shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii). Other seabirds, such as the Mediterranean shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) and Mediterranean gull (Larus melanocephalus) can also be found h ...
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...rk, SCOW focuses on the collection of organic waste in tourist areas with a view to valorizing biowaste as compost for sustainable agriculture practices.Specific objectiveTo develop an integrated and environmentally organic waste management system, ensuring sustainable methods for collection and treatment by involving all the relevant waste treatment stakeholders and enhancing their knowledge. ...
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The FluMaBack (Fluid Management component improvement for Back up fuel cell systems) project aims at improving the performance, life time and cost of balance of plant (BOP) components of back up fuel cell systems specifically developed to face back-out periods of around 1,000h/year for specific markets: USA, Africa and North Europe where hard operative conditions are present (high and low temperat ...
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The aim of HyTime is to deliver a bioprocess for decentral H2 production from 2nd generation biomass with a productivity of 1-10 kg H2/d. The novel strategy in HyTime is to employ thermophilic bacteria which have shown superior yields in H2 production from biomass in the previous FP6 IP HYVOLUTION.Biomass in HyTime is grass, straw, molasses or unsold organic goods from supermarkets. The biomass is ...
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The growing demand for renewable energy (RE) will increase the pressure on the Alpine environment. It will strongly impact land use patterns, ecological connectivity and biodiversity. Both the demand for renewable energy and the need for the conservation of biodiversity, soil, and connectivity transcend national borders. A transnational dialogue to address multiple environmental objectives, interd ...
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...e thermal efficiency in new and retrofitting buildings. The insulating material will have enhanced performance compared with the state of the art products and will contribute to the protection of the environment through the reduction of greenhouse gases generated in heating and cooling the building.The concept described in HIPIN develops technology which is affordable and easily applicable. Insula ...
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Network of STRAits (NOSTRA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...opment, maritime safety…), which all have an impact on the natural heritage of the straits. The partners have thus decided to exchange experience in order to be able to implement more efficient and environment-friendly policies at strait level.NOSTRA aims at showing how integrated governance tools (bi-national ones) can help improving the way strait areas are managed.In particular, the objective i ...
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MULTIple Eco-Friendly FORest use: Restoring Traditions (MULTI EFFORT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to to improve quality of life of the target groups and final beneficiaries through improved forest ecosystem services and more sustainable multiple use of forests in the region.Main activities• Landscape ecological planning and its implementation in practice. • Improving provisional and cultural forest ecosystem services.• Improving regulati ...
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Incubator units for creative industries business start ups provide much needed space and act as vital support mechanisms and catalysts for the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in this sector right across the EU. The creative industries (e.g. Advertising, Textiles, Fashion, Television & Radio, Photo Imaging, Graphic Design and Interactive Media, Publishing, Animation, Computer Games, ...
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The project has been built on the previous experiences of the consortium, including the participation in one of the first CBC projects in Croatia (Development of cross border tourism in Middle Danube, financed from CARDS 2004). Four protected areas are included, among them the Danube-Drava National Park (HU) and both nature parks on the Croatian side of Programme area: Kopački Rit and Papuk. For a ...
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Baltic COMPASS project has been successful in demonstrating the importance and testing different platforms for agri-environmental dialogue on challenges and solutions across the Baltic Sea Region. One of the conclusions from Baltic COMPASS stakeholder activities underscores the importance of bottom-up activities and cross-sector collaboration on the local scale. On this basis, Baltic COMPASS devel ...
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... and non-governmental organisations in Estonia, Latvia and Russia, promote exchange of experience between partners and target groups, raise capacity of 14 nature education centres, elaborate advanced environmental education methods, train target groups to secure spreading out ideas of sustainable development of a long term basis, inform general public about importance of integrated nature conserva ...
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Cities on Power (CoP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

The challenge of the global climate change and the pressure on resources stemming from the global competition combined with the high dependency of the energy import of the European Union requires concerted strategies and innovative adaptation approaches. The EU directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES) from 23rd April 2010 imposes on the EU Member States the obli ...
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"A total of 19 market-ready fuel cell systems from 2 suppliers (ElectroPS, FutureE) will be installed as UPS/ backup power sources in selected sites across the EU. Real-world customers from the telecommunications and hotel industry will utilize these fuel cell-based systems, with power levels in the 1-10kW range, in their sites. These units will demonstrate a level of technical performance (start- ...
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...ties and facing major ecological impacts caused by individual vehicles . Based on this fact, EU-, national strategies and INTERREG-outcomes a project was jointly developed under the leadership of the Environment Agency Austria. The proposed project aims at achieving 'Durable environmentally friendly tourism accessibility and connection to, between and in sensitive regions of the Alps and Carpathia ...
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Introduction of Regional Energy Concepts (CEP-REC)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The classic central energy systems based on fossil fuels and nuclear power have a central supply distributing the energy to the consumers. Contrary to this, renewable energies and energy efficiency need the action of many persons, citizens, municipalities and enterprises in order to succeed. In addition the acceptance of the population plays important role in the change towards renewable energies. ...
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... lakes. 2)To ensure exchange of experience between different actors and stakeholders involved in management of lakes, as well to provide decision makers with actual infomation and data on state of environment in lakes and its basins in cross-boder area. 3)To promote public involvement and information about protection and management of lake areas and disseminate the results of the Project. Main act ...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

...rotected areas is a very big challenge for all EU Member states and still more for candidates - policies integration and concrete application to face the increasing demand of land to the detriment of environment, and mitigate the related conflicts - uniformity of strategies and lobbying for the reduction of gaps in the field of environment management and protection - transnational communication an ...
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BIOREGIO Carpathians is aimed at enhancing the integrated management of the Carpathians protected areas and natural assets in a transnational context and thereby increase the attractiveness of the region. The Carpathians, the largest mountain range of Europe, harbour a unique natural heritage and act as a major ecological link within Europe. Experiences e.g. from the Alpine Space demonstrate that ...
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...llion units of poultry in the region. (Gren, I.-M. et al., 2008: Cost of nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea - technical report). Intensifying and concentration of animal production has resulted in environmental problems caused by manure based nutrient surplus and water eutrofication in some regions. Whilst animal manure is still considered mainly as an environmental problem, agriculture uses su ...
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Le projet vise à réaliser des actions transfrontalières entre les Régions Piémont et Rhône-Alpes, les clusters de l'Energie et les Associations industrielles pour le soutien à l'innovation et à la diversification productive des filières industrielles locales vers le marché des nouvelles énergies
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Project for Optimisation of Water and Emissions Reduction (POWER)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Background The European IRENA programme, coordinated by the European Environment Agency, identified the agriculture sector as having the highest water consumption (50%) in Southern European countries. Spain has the biggest irrigation area in the EU and 68% of available water is consumed by the agricultural sector. However, there is a high percentage of in ...
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Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections are a major financial issue in the European healthcare system. The financial impact of these infections counteract medical advances and expensive medical treatments by increasing the length of hospital stay by at least 8 days on average per affected patient, hence adding more than 10 millions patient days in hospitals in Europe per year. The statistics on ...
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Start date: Jun 9, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

...s future solutions to stop all sewage releases from ships into the Baltic Sea. The project shall result in a web-based Pan-Baltic Best Practice Manual and a strategy for Clean Shipping. Scenarios for environmental impact from different technical measures and specific port elaborations by pilot projects form the basis for future commitments and decision making about needed investments.The CLEANSHIP ...
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Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

...production• Mussel Cultivation for nutrient recycling, feed and fertilisers• Reed Harvesting for nutrient recycling, biofuel production&construction material• Fish Aquaculture based on new, environmentally friendly technology and combined, integrated mariculture systems• Blue Biotechnology for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and industrial purposes• Wave Energy to support alternative local energy product ...
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