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Soil stabilisation measures to protect Annex I habitats in Buskett-Girgenti Natura 2000 site (LIFE SAVING BUSKETT)
Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Wied il-Luq (Valley of Poplars) is one of the tributary valleys feeding the Wied il-Kbir system, which is the largest valley system in Malta. Wied il-Luq now carries water only during the wet season, draining runoff from the higher ground and from the land surrounding its course. Over the past 200 years, gardens and woodlands were planted and game enclosures, irrigation works, fountains and fish tanks were constructed along the river banks. Wied il-Luq was extensively modified in the process, and its banks were reinforced with dry stone walls and ashlar walls. As a result, it became an artificial channel along most of its course through Buskett. Sections of the dry stone retaining walls have now collapsed and other parts contain breaches and damage due to erosion, overexploitation and poor upkeep. Moreover, invasive alien species planted many years ago are now spreading across the areas targeted by the project. Objectives The objectives of the project are to: Protect the watercourse and its banks supporting the Annex I-listed priority habitat Arborescent matorral with Laurus nobilis and Annex I-listed species, Salix Alba and Populus alba galleries, and other trees characteristic of riparian woodland, such as Fraxinus angustifolia and Ulmus sp, through (i) the repair/restoration/rebuilding of retaining walls that define the watercourse and (ii) a reduction in the run-off of soil and debris from the valley, which cause sedimentation in, and occlusion of, the watercourse; Protect the stability of the substratum on the valley sides supporting the following Annex I-listed habitats: Arborescent matorral with Laurus nobilis, Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines, Olea and Ceratonia forests, and Quercus ilex and Quercus rotundifolia forests; Remove invasive alien species that compete with the targeted habitats and plant new trees characteristic of the targeted habitats. Expected results: Reparation/restoration/rebuilding a stretch of 176m of dry stone ashlar wall along the watercourse; Rebuilding a stretch of 176m of dry stone rubble wall along the watercourse; Rebuilding of 49 arched buttresses along the watercourse; Safeguarding (as a result of the previous three actions) of 2971m2 of Arborescent Laurel matorral habitat and 12 629 m2 of willow and poplar rivers gallery forests; Reparation/restoration/rebuilding of 6 297m of dry stone rubble walls along the watercourse and further up the valley sides; Reparation/restoration/rebuilding of 1 020 m of dry stone ashlar walls along the watercourse and higher up the valley sides; Safeguarding (as a result of the previous two actions) of: 4 231 m2 of laurel matorral; 14 076 m2 of willow and poplar; 7 441 m2 of habitat Olea and Ceratonia forests; 2 330 m2 of Quercus Ilex forests and 3 432 m2 of pines forests; Silt/boulder clearing along 1 208 m (area 9023m2) of the watercourse, safeguarding 2 971m2 of arborescent laurel matorral and 14 076 m2 of willow and poplar rivers gallery forests; Removal of the identified invasive species (Ailanthus altissima, Vitis sp, Agave spp and Ricinus communis) from the whole area targeted by the project (241 742 m2) including: 4 231 m2 of laurel matorral; 14 076 m2 of habitat 92A0; 7 441 m2 of habitat 9320; 2 330 m2 of habitat 9340 and 76 478 m2 of habitat 9540; The planting of 3 300 trees that are characteristic of the targeted habitats.

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