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28 European Projects Found

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Europe4all 2016-2018

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Arvidsjaur kommun IDEUM kommer ha samanlagt fyra volontärer hos sig under en två årsperiod från Tyskland och Italien. Arvidsjaur kommun har ett tydligt mål att alla människor som kommer till oss. Vare sig de kommer som flykting, ensamkommande barn eller via olika typer av projekt, så ska vi ta hand om dem på allra bästa sätt och vi ska ständigt utveckla vårt mottagande. EUROPE4ALL:s mål är att utv ...
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Impact 2016-2018

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The project « Impact 2016-2018 » falls within the general initiative of developing CEMEA’s European dimension.This project meets the needs identified through a diagnosis carried out by our training centres in the socio-cultural field. This diagnosis shows that professional youth workers do not consider mobility as part of their culture and their usual work, and do not feel competent with foreign l ...
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The project is targeting young adults with different ethnic and educational backgrounds for projects with the German, Frensh and British Red Cross and its partners in order to raise voluntary engagement in the individual regions but also above them. The project should contribute to enable young people change their perspective and to take a view into an European context. Thus it contributes to in ...
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Trusted Badge Systems

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project “Trusted Badge Systems” aims at fostering the use of ‘Open Badges’ in European youth work in cooperation with the employment market. Open Badge is a visual representation of individual learning and achievements. Every badge contains meta-data which describes learning process, criteria and achievements of badge owner. They offer innovative ways to visualise learning pathways and docume ...
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Rencontre de Jeunes autour de la musique et des pratiques artistiques

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

International youth meeting about music and artistic creation isproposing to gather 35 young adults, aged 18-30 years, from seven different countris, and their groups leaders, to meet and share Practical music and artistic creation, in connection with the Festival "Printemps de Bourges 2017". The "Printemps de Bourges" festival is a music festival where the most famous artists meet young musical ...
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Young Europe - New Horizons

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

In a time, which is marked by a deep rift between the EU member states, growing nationalism and extensive lack of solidarity for poeple in distress, especially refugees, it is more important than ever before to return to the values of the European Union, to fight for them and to live them: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and constitutionality. Together with young people fro ...
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To become POP(ular)?

Start date: Jun 6, 2016, End date: Jan 5, 2017,

Context: Fashion is one of the things which distinguish young people from others and with new fashion young people bring new ideas to society. With fashion we express and communicate a lot of things about ourself, about our cultures and it's historical backgrounds. So we want to rise our consciousness about that. Besides we believe that developing our individual (not mainstream) fashion we could r ...
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Entrepreneurship for Inclusion

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

- "We Europeans should know and should never forget why giving refuge and complying with the fundamental right to asylum is so important. I have said in the past that we are too seldom proud of our European heritage and our European project. Yet, in spite of our fragility, our self-perceived weaknesses, today it is Europe that is sought as a place of refuge and exile. It is Europe today that repre ...
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The project is targeting young adults with different ethnic and educational backgrounds for projects with the German, Frensh and British Red Cross and its partners in order to raise voluntary engagement in the individual regions but also above them. The project should contribute to enable young people change their perspective and to take a view into an European context. Thus it contributes to in ...
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„SCHLAU – Summer Camp to foster Humanity, Leadership, Active Participation and Understanding towards most vulnerable“ takes place from 19th to 28th of August 2016. 42 young adults aged 18-30 years from Austria, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Germany and Latvia will gather in Lviv/Urkaine. As indicated in the name, the camp aims at fostering humanity amongst youth by focusing on methods which allow par ...
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SelfiE yoUrself! - Create yourself and not your selfie

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

A “Selfie yoUrself - create yourself and not your selfie” - youth exchange going to be organized in summer 2016 by Sustainable Ormánság Nonprofit Ltd. in co-operation with 10 partner countries (IT, PT, ES, D, GR, PL, BG, RO, CR, LV). Our topics are this timeEuropean solidarity, problem of migration and rassismus, young unemployment, looking for solutions together, personal responsibility, critica ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Youth exchange: Forced2MovePlace: Lithuania, Daugirdiskes, Elektrenai districtTime: 2016 June 1-11Project countries: Lithuania, Greece, Poland, Cyprus, Germany, CroatiaParticipants: 36 young people (including group leaders), between age 17-25Project goal - to acquaint young people with a migration history, evolution and causes, by promoting tolerance, understanding and respect between citizens and ...
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Community Based Comprehensive Recovery (COBACORE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The Community Based Comprehensive Recovery (COBACORE) project aims to support common needs assessment and recovery planning efforts in complex multi-sectorial, multi-stakeholder crisis environments by building upon the community as an important source of information and capabilities. COBACORE aims to help bridge the so-called collaboration gap: failure of collaboration through insufficient informa ...
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The project is targeting young adults with different ethnic and educational backgrounds for projects with the German, British and Bulgarian Red Cross and its partners in order to raise voluntary engagement in the individual regions but also above them. The project should contribute to enable young people change their perspective and to take a view into an European context. Thus it contributes to i ...
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Authentication and Authorisation for Entrusted Unions (AU2EU)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The aim of the AU2EU project is to implement and demonstrate in a real-life environment an integrated eAuthentication and eAuthorization framework to enable trusted collaborations and delivery of services across different organizational/governmental jurisdictions. Consequently, the project aims at fostering the adoption of security and privacy-by-design technologies in European and global markets. ...
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"The CRISMA project shall develop a simulation-based decision support system (Integrated Crisis Management System - ICMS), for modelling crisis management, improved action and preparedness. The ICMS shall facilitate simulation and modelling of realistic crisis scenarios, possible response actions, and the impacts of crisis depending on both the external factors driving the crisis development and t ...
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What is missing so far in the European Union are disaster management procedures, tools and systems which fully take into account the specific characteristics and requirements of large-scale international cooperation in emergency situations. These characteristics are distinguished by many diverse emergency response organisations that need to collaborate across technological systems, organisational ...
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New Programme, New Partners

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Nov 16, 2014,

This Project is addressed to create new ways of networking partnership in order to develop common projects in the frame of new programme Erasmus+. The main activity of the Project is the meeting among 15 entities from differtents countries which work actively in the field of Infancy and Youth. This meeting will take palce in Madrid from 13th to 18th of July 2014. We want to work out the network an ...
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Honorary post platform (Ehrenamtsbörse)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Aug 30, 2008,

Im Mittelpunkt dieses Projekts stand die medizinische und soziale Hilfeleistung.Unter Leitung des Roten Kreuzes sollten Ehrenamtliche dafür gewonnenwerden, ihre freiwilligen Tätigkeiten auch grenzüberschreitend auszuübenund so unmittelbar spürbaren Mehrwert für die Menschen in der EMR zu schaffen.Allgemeine Projektziele waren eine grenzüberschreitende Solidarität undgutnachbarliche Beziehungen zwi ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Ziel dieses Projekts war der Wissenstransfer und Erfahrungsaustausch zu Fragender sozialen und kulturellen Integration. Hierzu wurde ein Netzwerk euregionalerprivater Organisationen gegründet, die sich so dem Problem derzunehmenden sozialen Ausgrenzung und Armut (auch in der EMR) widmenwollten. Die Projektinitiatoren und ihre Partner hofften, über das Netzwerkder sozialen Ausgrenzung besser entgeg ...
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"PROTECT" aims to improve access to life-long learning for migrants and boost their participation in education – by making the voluntary sector more accessible to them as a place of learning and encouraging them to make use of the opportunities available. There are three interconnected levels of activity:* Actor level: awareness-raising and competency development among voluntary organisations whic ...
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Recent demographic changes in Europe contribute to an increased risk of social exclusion for senior citizens. Whilst civic engagement is often an attractive option for older persons, participation is usually restricted to those with higher-than-average levels of education, further increasing the risk of isolation amongst those with little or no formal education. To address this phenomenon, the pro ...
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Its aim is the improvement of supplementary competences as well as language proficiency relevant for the labour market by e-learning
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The \"Dissemination and further development of the Net-Trainers Training in Europe\" is a transfer of innovation project. It is based on the successful project \"Net-Trainers\" which developed a harmonised training framework and certificate for France, United Kingdom and Germany. A European Net-Trainers Association was founded to deliver the certificate and hold the kite mark. The project results ...
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Bringing basic skills up to scratch : Originating from a previous Leonardo project, the current project sought to provide training and accreditation in basic skills such as communication, numeracy and ICT skills. In achieving this aim, the project has developed competence definitions and tests. This project started in 2001 and lasted 36 months.
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The \"Dissemination and further development of the Net-Trainers Training in Europe\" is a transfer of innovation project. It is based on the successful project \"Net-Trainers\" which developed a harmonised training framework and certificate for France, United Kingdom and Germany. A European Net-Trainers Association was founded to deliver the certificate and hold the kite mark. The project results ...
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Das Projekt besteht aus folgenden 3 Teilen:A) vergleichende Studie unter 300 deutschen und niederländischen Patienten bzgl. 2 Behandlungsmethoden des "diabetischen Fusses" hinsichtlich Genesungszeit, Kosteneffizienz und Lebensqualität.B) Entwicklung eines standarisierten mobilen Modell-Untersuchungsplatzes ("tool box") für die Diagnose von diabetischen Fußerkrankungen sowie eines technischen Patie ...
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In diesem Projekt schließen sich Organisationen aus dem Bereich der Opferhilfe zu einem grenzüberschreitenden Netzwerk zusammen und schaffen ein grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerkes von Organisationen, deren Aufgaben es ist, Opfern von Unfällen und Straftaten zu helfen. Im Rahmen dieses Netzwerkes sollen Maßnahmen (z.B. regelmäßige grenzübergreifende Abstimmungsgespräche und Info-Veranstaltungen) entw ...
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