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Summer Camp to foster Humanity, Leadership, Active participation and Understanding towards most vulnerable.
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„SCHLAU – Summer Camp to foster Humanity, Leadership, Active Participation and Understanding towards most vulnerable“ takes place from 19th to 28th of August 2016. 42 young adults aged 18-30 years from Austria, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Germany and Latvia will gather in Lviv/Urkaine. As indicated in the name, the camp aims at fostering humanity amongst youth by focusing on methods which allow participants to understand the situation of vulnerable people better and “step into the shoes” of e.g. refugees or Internally Displaced Persons. The exchange builds on existing cooperations of organizations whose main aim is to provide care for socially insecure segments of population. The international youth exchange will enable youth to discover and understand actual needs of vulnerable people, especially those of refugees and internally displaced people and address them in a proper way. In eight intense days youth shares best practice examples, gains knowledge from experts in the field and gets hands on experience on creating promotion and awareness raising material. Another aim of SCHLAU is to enhance the participants’ leadership skills and their understanding of active participation. The main skills to be developed will be discussing, arguing, compromising and learning as well as listening to and accepting someone else’s opinion. Another important part of the programme is cultural exchange: participants from six diverse countries come together and enjoy the time and space given to them to get to know each other’s culture and learn to appreciate and live diversity.Activities will be carried out with non-formal methods, including a “human rights parcour”, role plays and simulation games. Young people will take responsibilities in planning and implementing activities, prior to, during and after the youth exchange. In the end, youth exchange also creates a basis for future cooperation between the youth.

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