European Projects
SelfiE yoUrself! - Create yourself and not your se..
SelfiE yoUrself! - Create yourself and not your selfie
Start date: May 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
A “Selfie yoUrself - create yourself and not your selfie” - youth exchange going to be organized in summer 2016 by Sustainable Ormánság Nonprofit Ltd. in co-operation with 10 partner countries (IT, PT, ES, D, GR, PL, BG, RO, CR, LV). Our topics are this timeEuropean solidarity, problem of migration and rassismus, young unemployment, looking for solutions together, personal responsibility, critical thinking. This time we are going to use our "selfie" for self reflection to monitor ourselfs and others. To promote self employment is also our strong focus, because we offer new competences, touchable result and knowledge for young people which improve their initiative. Participants who arrives from different cultural backgrounds will learn from each other and from skilled masters to develope their skills based on non-formal education methods between 8-24th of July. In the "Traditonal professions" workshop participants will get tangible knowledge which help them to became self employed. They will build a mobile cley oven and repare old clay and straw houses with traditional technics, learn to weave strip carpet on traditional weaving machine. In "the media" workhsop 4 social awaraness short film going to be shooted and an analog photography group documents all workshops activities during the whole program. Photo exhibition and broschure will get ready which suitable to promote together with our films all result and topics of the project. The main goal in the workshop ensure media literacy and critical thinking. "The graphic design" workshop will combine technology of XXI. century and traditional motives to create distinictive and thought-provoking design product (t-shirts, stickers, etc.). Participants will experience creative knowledge which inspire them to start their own business ideas. Paralel with our workshops we will invite participants for common discussion, celebrate diversity and do 67 minutes community service in Ormánság on "Mandela day". We are going to organize a debate where participants make suggestions and creating a declaration which will be delivered to European descision makers. The programme also include discovery natural resources, sport activities, like bike tour on Ormánság Greenway, trip to Pécs, "My team selfie" sport competition day in mixed groups for participants. Results of the program will be presented on 23th of July.