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Formulations and Computational Engineering (FORCE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The FORCE consortium is a 10 pan-European expert partnership with the objective to develop a integrated Business Decision Support System (BDSS) based on open standards for industries engaged in formulating chemical ingredients. The generic BDSS is an open framework that connects any existing or future materials models at various levels of complexity and discretion (electronic, atomistic, mesoscop ...
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The mission of COMPOSELECTOR is to develop a Business Decision Support System (BDSS), which integrates materials modelling, business tools and databases into a single workflow to support the complex decision process involved in the selection and design of polymer-matrix composites (PMCs). This will be achieved by means of an open integration platform which enables interoperability and information ...
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...t the correct technologies for sustainable implementation in complex plant-wide and industrial data-intensive process systems, all the technology will be implanted in real-plant conditions at TRL6 in DOW.The strongly industrial oriented consortium is composed of 7 industrial partners, including 2 SME completed by 2 RTO and 2 university. This partnership shows a clear and strong path to the industr ...
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INSPIREWATER demonstrates a holistic approach for water management in the process industry using innovative technology solutions from European companies to increase water and resource efficiency in the process industry. This will put Europe as a leader on the world market for segments in industrial water treatment which will create new high skilled jobs in Europe. With extended collaboration betwe ...
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Shared Cities: Creative Momentum

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2020,

Shared Cities: Creative Momentum is a Central European consortium of cultural actors whose interest intersects in sharing, circulating, and exchanging the best practices in self-initiated, participatory and transdisciplinary architecture and urbanism collaborations.Over the course of four years, the platform of eleven partners from six countries, active in architecture, urban design, art and cultu ...
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Background Protection of water resources is a cornerstone of environmental protection in Europe. Clean water demands careful management to protect ecosystems, society and industry. However, water scarcity affects at least 11% of Europe’s population and 17% of EU territory. Poor or unsuitable water quality reduces its availability by restricting its poss ...
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European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC-CSA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The aim of the EMMC-CSA is to establish current and forward looking complementary activities necessary to bring the field of materials modelling closer to the demands of manufacturers (both small and large enterprises) in Europe. The ultimate goal is that materials modelling and simulation will become an integral part of product life cycle management in European industry, thereby making a strong c ...
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AGEFACTOR project insists on increasing the competences of educators and professionals in the adult education field to promote them for personal and professional branding. In particular, it targets over 50 age group, with an intergenerational approach to provide digital and transversal skills to create social reputation, professional credibility and to be able to increase the opportunity for lifel ...
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Current radar tracking technology to monitor insect movements in space allows us to catch only glimpses of their spatial movements – it is severely constrained by the restricted range that can be covered, the fact that individuals can only be tracked one at a time, and the lack of a height dimension. Here we propose ground-breaking technology advances to make insect telemetry fit for the 21st cent ...
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...g model that translates vehicle technology and digital content into competences and skills, transfers those competences into learning units and applies them in practical training. This will break down the supposed separation between mechanics and ICT in automotive engineering. In this context, we also encourage cooperation of VET-schools with research and science.The TARGET GROUPS are apprentices ...
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"Type-1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which pancreatic β-cells are gradually destroyed by autoreactive T-cells recognising autoantigens (Auto-Ag) such as GAD65 and insulin. ImCyse, a small SME, has developed a new technology based on short synthetic peptides flanked with a thioredox motif, which silence the pathogenic immune response against several auto-Ag through activation of one a ...
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WHRI-ACADEMY is a new fellowship programme which will maximise the career development of the next generation of translational multidisciplinary researchers geared toward therapeutic innovation across rapidly developing and integrated life sciences and health care disciplines. This is a new transnational fellowship programme which has been organised with 15 partner organisations in the EU and Third ...
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SusPIRE project assimilates in its conception the sustainable energy use challenge described in the European SETPLAN and in SPIRE road map. It addresses its efforts to energy intensive industries and within this segment market to energy recovery from residual heat streams. To achieve this goal a two clearly differentiated working areas will be key aspects of this project. Technology area will in ...
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Europejski system kształcenia szansą na sukces zawodowy techników.

Start date: Oct 17, 2016, End date: Sep 16, 2018,

The aim of the project is to raise our students’ professional, language and social competences. According to the idea of life long learning we are going to achieve our goals due to formal, informal and outsideschool learning, based on the European system of vocational education. The possibility to fulfill these aims are given by the training in Sewilla, Spain. Apart from raising professional qual ...
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...ned by a broad definition of learning which identifies benefits that people gain from interacting with arts and cultural organisations.The project develops within two years and includes both job shadowing, and a structured course in Trondheim, Norway. During these 24 months, there will be two major mobilities at three different organisations in two countries. The partners (both sending and receiv ...
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Creating Youth Opportunities

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The role of the volunteer should mainly be to offer his/her special skills connected to and co-ordinated with the program and projects of Sutton ColdfieldYMCA and the local community. The volunteer has the possibility to be part of various projects and will have the opportunity to develop own projects and activities.Activities could be: meeting other residents, offering play activities for young ...
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Maximizing Youth’s Talent and Heightening Self-confidence

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

"The truths which the religious teachings comprise are but so disfigured and systematically disguised that the mass of people do not recognize it as the truth.“ (Siegmund Freud)The project is inspired and based on the second oldest written epic mankind knows, Homer’s Odyssey, which tells the mythical journey of Odysseus, who first takes part in the ten-year-long Trojan War and then suffers a ten-y ...
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This work proposes the development of novel material and fabrication platforms to generate strong, tunable, and highly biomimetic nanofibrous hydrogel scaffolds with an unparalleled level of control of both signaling and mechanical properties. The break-through element is the combination of elastin-like polymers (ELPs) and self-assembling peptide amphiphiles (PAs) to create nanofibrous hydrogels w ...
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Lepszy nauczyciel- lepsza szkoła

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The project „Better Teacher – Better School” aims at raising teachers’ qualifications and as a consequence improving the quality of school work to influence educational success of its students. The improvement will be carried out in three dimensions: teaching and learning foreign languages, pedagogy and psychology, and early school leaving/overcoming failure in education.The development of the abo ...
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Podwyższamy swoje kompetencje i umiejętności zawodowe!!!

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

This is a project sets many challenges both for the organizers and for the three foreign partners. Partners are organizations from Germany, Spain and the UK.This project provides increased international mobility of 40 students and teachers of School Complex No. 1 in Pszczyna.The target group of this project are students receiving education in the following professions:- car technician- hairdress ...
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Akademia Mobilności

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

...industry.Participants in the project will be recruited from all students of technical classes- from year 2-4 and vocational school classes–year 2-3 ,according to the criteria laid down in the rules of recruitment :learning outcomes of vocational subjects, behaviour, motivation– desire to take advantages of internship based on an interview with the recruiment committee, attendance After collecting ...
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Mobilność i praktyka młodych budowlańców w Turyngii

Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Jun 29, 2018,

The project „Mobilität und Praxis junger Bauarbeiter in Thüringen“ was written by the Zespół Szkół nr 1 in Wadowice (Poland) in cooperation with the German partner. It continues the mobilities according to the Erasmus+ 2015 „Junger Bauarbeiter auf kleinen Baustellen in Deutschland“ and the Erasmus+ 2014 („Kleine Baustellen – individuelle Entwicklung der Kompetenzen”). The project starts at the 31s ...
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CPH WEST/KTS - a merge of mobilities

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The central project goal needs to be considered as a part of the school’s internationalization strategy. Working and studying in other countries must be made easy for the school’s students. This project is geared towards the students at CPH WEST who wish to go abroad to further improve upon their competencies, especially in connection with language and culture. This opportunity provides a chance f ...
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AmerXchange: more than learning a trade

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

MBO Amersfoort is a regional vocational education centre (ROC) in the Amersfoort region (The Netherlands), with seven schools in Amersfoort, Leusden and Barneveld and 7.000 students. Together with schools in Finland, the United Kingdom and France we have set up this project, called Journey that will offer 34 students and 18 teachers to study and learn abroad.During the project work on knowledge, s ...
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Europakaufmann und European Business Baccalaureate Diploma

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...lity's results to other apprentices in Germany. For BRIDGES our apprentices and English students will plan, realize and evaluate a social project together. Additionally they will contribute to Sussex Downs College's school life by volunteer work. The instruments of documentation an evaluation mentioned above will be used accordingly.With regard to our apprentices we expect increased compentence in ...
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Staż fundamentem europejskiej kariery zawodowej

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The aim if the project is to improve the quality of vocational education through the organization of professional internships in Germany for vocational school students under the supervision of teachers from ZSB No. 1 in Płock. ZSB Students will be equipped with additional skills to increase employment opportunities in the European labor market. Teachers of professional training - youth tutors will ...
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Developing Research and Pedagogy

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Hall Meadow Primary School s located on the edge of a market town in the East Midland and has been established since 2003.It now functions at full capacity with 7 single form entry classes from reception to year 6. Graded as an outstanding school since our last inspection in 2008, we work with an ethos which encourages, Respect, Responsibility and Reflection. Through a pedagogy that attends to th ...
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Working & Learning Experience Abroad

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...model for students and ideal promotors for international mobility and cooperation.In cooperation with the heads of the departments and our HRM department the international labourmarket relevant jobshadowing or internship is promoted in our college. Professionals apply through HRM, after discussion with their head of the department for an international labourmarket experience.The international expe ...
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Building a Human Tumour Microenvironment (CANBUILD)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2018,

Even at their earliest stages, human cancers are more than just cells with malignant potential. Cells and extracellular matrix components that normally support and protect the body are coerced into a tumour microenvironment that is central to disease progression. My hypothesis is that recent advances in tissue engineering, biomechanics and stem cell biology make it possible to engineer, for the fi ...
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The main goal of this proposal is to induce and detect in real time and at single-cell level the differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells using mechanical loads in 2D and 3D conditions. This proposal integrates disciplines from nanotechnology, bioengineering and cell and molecular biology. First we propose to develop a method to track the differentiation of stem cells in real time and at t ...
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This project aims to improve evidence-based decision-making. What makes it radical is that it plans to do this in situations (common for critical risk assessment problems) where there is little or even no data, and hence where traditional statistics cannot be used. To address this problem Bayesian analysis, which enables domain experts to supplement observed data with subjective probabilities, is ...
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"There is great need for radically new paradigms that significantly push forward the complexity, multiscale control, and functionality of novel materials. Molecular self-assembling strategies are continuously being explored for developing ever more precise and organized materials. The development of adaptive materials that can be morphed into complex shapes of hierarchical structure through bottom ...
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Beyond45 was created in response to unfavorable social and economic trend in the form of marginalization amongst the working age populations regarding citizens aged 45 and over. According to the official statistics in the EU this problem affects every fifth person from this group. The countries where the partners come from - have both similar and complementary socio-economic trends. Each of these ...
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Sugars and amino acids are natural building blocks which are used to form precisely regulated sequences in carbohydrates and proteins, respectively. While the field of proteomics has advanced immensely during the last past years, the field of glycomics is much less developed. The advance in synthetic polymer chemistry is allowing the possibility of controlling monomer sequences in synthetic macrom ...
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The goal of this proposal is the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into both nanostructured materials as well as valuable chemical platforms for biofuels production. This will be accomplished in one single hydrothermal treatment step.The resulting nanostructured carbons will be used as heterogenous catalysts for the conversion of the bio-derived chemicals from the liquid phase into biofuels. ...
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Force is ubiquitous in nature and physical stimuli are crucial for cell function. How cells process forces determines key physiological processes such as cell growth and differentiation, in which cells divide or differentiate according to the chemical and physical cues cells receive from the extracellular matrix. Physical stimuli have also been involved in the development of pathological processes ...
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Advances in genomics offer new opportunities for identifying loci that behave unusually against a background of neutral variation. Detecting divergent sites among related individuals and taxa can shed light on the process of adaptive divergence, from non-random mating to the establishment of reproductive barriers. Conversely, identifying convergent sites among unrelated taxa can offer insights int ...
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Changing Lives: Service to Others and Self-Leadership

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project “Changing Lives: Service to Others and Self-Leadership” has been developed by Time for God drawing on our 50 years of experience in international volunteering. The project involves volunteers from 3 countries (Spain, Germany and the Netherlands) travelling to the UK for a year to volunteer full-time in various projects based in local communities. The volunteers will be given lots of su ...
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Supporting Communities, Encouraging Potential, NI 2016

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...acilitate involvement in the arts and introduce creative activities to local communities through the outreach and centre based programme of events and activities- 3 volunteers will be hosted in North Down YMCA supporting BME communities and local children, young people and families. This will include helping in the creche, supporting centre based and off site youth work and engaging BME groups ( ...
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Fachkräfte für Europa

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The participants of our project are students of our acknowledged 3-year professional training in „Assistant Tourism & Event Management“ as well as „Assistant Sport & Event Management“ and for the first time in Assistant Tourism & Event Management Health & Wellness". As an integral part of their studies they have to do a 25-week internship abroad in the third year of their professional training. E ...
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