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Lifelong Learning at Open Air Museums: Improving Competences of Adult Learning Facilitators
Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Sep 4, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Although the role of adult learning is increasingly recognised in the Member States’ National Reform Programmes, in the context of the Lisbon agenda, there has been no common framework regarding the content, competences and processes for continuous training of adult learning staff. This is mainly due to the diversity of the adult learning sector and the diversity of the professional pathways to becoming an adult learning professional. The need for the safeguarding and improvement of the professional quality of Learning Facilitators in Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) is ongoing as the demands of the society change rapidly along with its demographics. Adult learning staff have a key role in facilitating lifelong learning experiences and thus, their professional development is one of the vital measures to improve quality of adult learning. As competences are context bound, it is therefore necessary to take the context in which professionals are working into account.The Lifelong learning at Open Air Museums: Improving Competences of Adult Learning Facilitators at European Open Air Museums (LOAM) project addresses adult learning and competences development for museum personnel at four Open Air museums in Sweden. It unfolds in a systematic attempt to explore how museums can become better adult learning providers and facilitators, and how can we ensure high quality provision? How to address better the diverse range of adults we receive nowadays? How to become and remain relevant to these adults?In collaboration with three receiving organisations in the UK and Norway, LOAM will give the opportunity to 24 participants from Sweden to meet staff who are involved in similar activities but in a different context. Through the collaboration and exchange of practices, knowledge and skills among the partners, LOAM aims at improving the competences of adult learning facilitators at six open air museums in three European countries. Each partner is carefully selected on the basis of the competences and services that they have developed through the years. All four Swedish museums are members of the Swedish Association of Open Air museums, and have longstanding commitment and collaboration with each other. Each organisation has specific competences that will benefit the work carried out by the rest of the partner organisations. The aim of the project is to initiate a process of continuous professional development for museum staff by joining up eight partners in three countries that contribute to lifelong and informal learning. The project will provide opportunities to share skills, approaches and expertise between these adult learning providers and thus, cement a truly joined-up lifelong learning movement. The key aim of the project is for staff members from all participating museums to improve competences on how to reach audiences based on the specific competences of the staff in for example crafts or farming.Colleagues from all partners together will hone their competences and develop their skills and knowledge. The insight and lessons learned will inform best practice guidelines for reaching and facilitating adult audiences. There could be a final course in Norway for two days during which the participants from Sweden will be instructed by NCK into using the Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) to assess their learning outcomes. The Generic Learning Outcomes are underpinned by a broad definition of learning which identifies benefits that people gain from interacting with arts and cultural organisations.The project develops within two years and includes both job shadowing, and a structured course in Trondheim, Norway. During these 24 months, there will be two major mobilities at three different organisations in two countries. The partners (both sending and receiving) will identify the key areas of expertise and the members of staff responsible for carrying these out. The line manager together with the leader of the project will decide which employees will be selected after inviting them to express interest in mobilities. The selections will be in line with the area of expertise of the receiving organisations. Negotiations and practical arrangements will be finalised at least four months in advance of a proposed activity. All participants will compile a written report before, during and after their participation. It would be essential that participants learn together and that for example the Swedish participants offer to disseminate the results to colleagues from other open air museums in Sweden. By doing so, the project hopes to create a new powerful alliance that builds on each organisation’s resources, competences and skills, and thus, encourage innovative and sustainable partnerships among the partners.

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3 Partners Participants