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18 European Projects Found

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...-urban use• validate green driving support systems, active management based on European GNSS• identify a suitable big data management architecture for integrating mobility data• produce a city-based open integrated mobility repository of public transport and traffic city-based data
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Najlepsze szkoły futbolu

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project represents a further stage in the development of our Association staff's skills. In the periods of 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 the project promoter implemented projects within the frameworks of Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus + programmes which aimed to provide support for 61 football coaches from Poland. There is an approving and even enthusiastic feedback regarding the projects ...
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 FINISHED with our trustworthy partners whom we worked together in similar previous projects, came up with this project idea and developed this idea as a training of trainers to increase the quality and capacity of youth workers and trainers in terms of working with mixed ability groups of young people in fully accessible youth projects. ?Nothing about us, without us? motto has been lately used by leadin ...
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Future Policy Modeling (FUPOL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The FUPOL project proposes a comprehensive new governance model to support the policy design and implementation lifecycle. The innovations are driven by the demand of citizens and political decision makers to support the policy domains in urban regions with appropriate ICT technologies. It will specifically target domains such as urban economy, community facilities, urban mobility and sustainable ...
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...s based on geometric, semantic, morphological and structural information at urban scale level, which can be used by local governments to:- improve decision-making on issues related to urban planning, city management, environmental protection and energy consumption based on urban pattern and its morphology;- promote inclusion among various users groups (e.g. elder or diversely able citizens) throug ...
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 FINISHED a strong cost- savings ratio for each user for space cooling. Used chillers can be considered as real recovery of energy; > very low energy consumption: the primary energy used is heat, and electricity is only committed to operating equipment on the movement of the working fluid; > variable power depending on the heat load through an “intelligent” control; > high efficiency, high reliability an ...
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Energy Vision 2020 for South East European Cities  (EnVision'2020)

Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

...lative link between energy use and economic growth indicates that energy use in this region is likely to increase at above average rates. Envision2020 is based on the assumption that the energy elasticity (the ratio of the change in energy consumption to the change in GDP) of target cities can be modified based on forward looking approaches, in particular by undertaking foresight activities focusi ...
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...tion of the EPBDOne (1) core training for trainers was organised by the KDZ partner for the preparation and guidance of local administration executives in each country, in order to increase their capacity regarding building efficiency policies and practices. Educational material was produced including evaluation forms etc. Five (5) local trainings were successfully completed in Piraeus, Gabrovo, M ...
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...seniors require good governance and leadership, realistic and attractive goals, innovative, integrative approaches, a bottom-up involvement and financial resources. OBJECTIVES: Long term goal: Silver City contributes to developing sustainable communities and growth areas characterized by strong public leadership and human capital, social inclusion and sound urban planning for the benefit of all & ...
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Vukovar Film Festival – Danube Region Film Festival

Start date: Oct 30, 2013, End date: Aug 30, 2014, film programming. Films are selected on the basis of quality and originality and the preference is given to premieres. What differentiates VFF from other festivals is the fact that it is held in a city that literally has no cinemas, which were destroyed during 1991 Croatian War for Independence. In this respect one of the biggest challenges for us (the organisers) is that each year we have to b ...
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South East Transport Axis (SETA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Together with the projects SoNorA, BATCo, SCANDRIA North and SEETAC (Central Europe, Baltic Sea, SEE Programme), SETA is aiming on the analysis and development of the transport corridors from Scandinavia to South-East Europe. Competitive Accessibility of regions is one of the most important preconditions for their economic growth and development (as the project SIC! has shown). Fluent transport of ...
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Higher rate of integrating common material and non-material cultural heritage into the tourist offer, in new tourist products and in the promotion of the entire cross-border area as a tourist destination in new forms and with an improved offer and a better use of natural and cultural resources, which will ensure new sources of income for the rural areas. ...
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Municipal PROperty Management In South-Eastern Cities (PROMISE)

Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

Municipal real estate is one of the most underutilized local resources in many cities, especially in the SEES countries. The object of the PROMISE transnational cooperation project is the development of integrative tools and methods and the implementation of a comprehensive system for the efficient municipal property management. The projects outputs and results will support cities in developing to ...
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Education Gate (EdGATE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The operation “Education Gate” focuses on the educational dimension of European integration and the challenge of the knowlegde-based economy for the educational systems and policies in the regions. The partnership aims to translate the experiences of an earlier INTERREG IIIA project on education in the knowledge society into strategic measures for improving regional educational policies identifyin ...
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Services sector enterprises are in most cases SME (very often small and very small scaled enterprises) with a great potential to act flexibly and innovatively and to be the backbone of the regional innovation process. In many cases this potential remains unused in terms of transformation into sustainable development and economic growth, creation of new products, new employment and internationalisa ...
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...o reducing energy and potable water use, the result is less water pollution from contaminated runoff, less flooding, replenished water supplies, and often more natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing cityscapes. In summary, the use of SuDS reduces energy consumption in cities by: - Reducing use of potable water, hence, energy consumed by acquisition -frequently by pumping- and treatment of drinkin ...
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The overall aim of Training Course“Youth Centres to empower youth social development”(Banja Luka,Bosnia Herzegovina,9–18 April 2012),proposed by the hosting organisation "Zdravo da ste-Hi neighbour" Youth Centre,is to create an international opportunity for 24 youth workers and trainers from Programme and SEE countries to explore new competences and approaches in the youth work and non formal educ ...
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Informacija - motivacija - akcija

Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

... of them are not active members of organizations of the civil society or administrative bodies for issues of young people, some are representatives of youth organizations and the Youth Council of the City of Zagreb, representatives of municipal administrative bodies and central Public Administration bodies, who participate directly, at local or national levels, through their decisions or the impl ...
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