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Transnational cooperation for the improvement of buildings energy performance and efficiency  (TRACE)
Start date: Oct 31, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The building sector, responsible for about 40% of the EU's total final energy consumption and CO2 emissions, provides many cost-efficient opportunities for action, while contributing at the same time to the welfare of EU citizens. The EU is making a real effort to improve the energy efficiency of Europe's buildings and recently revised its legislation to prompt faster improvements. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD - COM 2002/91/EC and recast COM 2010/31/EU) has been the main legal instrument in this effort. Successful implementation of this legislation lies not only at national, but also at regional and local level, as territorial authorities can play an essential role in the field of energy performance of buildings and lead by example. South East European public authorities at all levels are putting in a large effort to get the legislation implemented. Some are well advanced while others are at an initial stage. In order for the territorial authorities to respond to their demanding role, the promotion of dialogue, transfer of know-how and exchange of experiences and good practices among them and other interested stakeholders is necessary. The overall objective of the project is to support local and regional administrations in South East Europe to develop, uphold and advance policies and mechanisms for improving the energy efficiency in buildings. This objective will be achieved through the development of a transnational partnership, which facilitates the exchange of experience, knowledge and good practices among its members, and the implementation of joint actions on this matter of strategic importance. Achievements: The TRACE project has been successfully implemented as a result of a well structured and efficient cooperation of its partners, who collected and analysed best practices in the fields of energy performance labelling and energy efficiency of buildings in SEE. In the context of the project, the following activities were organised and deliverables produced:Four (4) transnational meetings were organisedThree (3) thematic seminars were completed, with more than 50 participants, on the topic of the implementation of energy efficiency improvements and the benefits for constructors and building ownersThree (3) workshops with more than 50 participants were organised to promote knowhow transfer, enhance policy debate and propose improvements on the local, regional and national policies for energy efficiency in buildings and the implementation of the EPBDOne (1) core training for trainers was organised by the KDZ partner for the preparation and guidance of local administration executives in each country, in order to increase their capacity regarding building efficiency policies and practices. Educational material was produced including evaluation forms etc. Five (5) local trainings were successfully completed in Piraeus, Gabrovo, Mantova, Perugia and Zagreb, with more than 100 traineesTwo (2) 2-day study visits were organized by CRES and KDZ in Greece and Austria respectively, with more than 60 participants, aiming at capacity building and knowledge transfer, at demonstrating best practices and alternative approaches and at developing a common transnational perspectiveNine (9) operational plans were developed for each country, based on the specific policyrecommendation of the respective partners institutions which in some cases led to the submission of proposals for funding relative policy recommendationsDissemination and awareness raising activities among citizens and stakeholders were organised, such as the TRACE website, nine (9) successful info days, active participation of all partners in third party events, article publication, creation of Facebook and LinkedIn accounts and production of promotional materialA network of five (5) Energy Investment Forums in Piraeus (Greece), Gabrovo (Bulgaria), Mantova (Italy), Perugia (Italy) and Zagreb (Croatia) was formed to help capitalise the projects results and contribute to specific energy investment plans.All TRACE outcomes can be found in

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  • 85.1%   1 321 848,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

13 Partners Participants