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31 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

CityLOGO is a transnational learning experience on city branding and marketing in modern urban policies. About better positioning cities in the post crisis economic arena and reinforcing the communication dimension in the chain of strategic planning. The project will cover four sub-themes: I) city brand management; rethinking organizational models, II) city brand building; beyond the marketing app ...
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My Generation at Work

Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

The main objective of My Generation at Work is to promote the employability of young people in a changing labour market, with special focus on enterprising skills and attitudes. The network will produce three sets of practical results: reduced drop-out and brain drain with new connections between education and work, (self) employment for young people in identified economic sectors and creation of ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...vents, 9other events attended,16 interregional events,40 good practices identified,13 pilot projects designedRESULTS:13 good practices successfully transferred,60 staff members with increased capacity,13 local/regional policies improved,13 RIPs to be considered by MAs for next Programming Period ...
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Involving the private sector in Mobility Management (INVOLVE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...11 ambitious Regional Implementation Plans.Expected RESULTS are: extensive media coverage of issue and project, at least 6 good practices successfully transferred, 33 staff members with increased capacity, 6 regional/local policies and instruments improved, 1 good practice methodology also published as a smartphone app. ...
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... within these seminars are: 1). Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Safety and Protection; 2). Fire Fighting and Operations; 3). Damage Control and Salvage; 4). Contingency Planning. After each seminar, each city partner will discuss with their local stakeholders the good practices identified in order to raise awareness of the problems tackled and to establish ownership of the good practices identified. ...
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Effective Technology Transfer in Biotechnology (ETTBio)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...nd regional policies. The expected outcome of improved policies will be a higher number of new companies, creation of new jobs, higher tax income as well as an increase of the regional innovative capacity and economic performance.To have a heterogeneous level of experience, 10 partners from 7 regions were selected. Involved partners from UK and BE have extensive experience in the topic, DE and ES ...
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moting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions (Cross-Innovation)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...ial Cross-Collaboration - services offered to companies in co-working spaces, incubators, fab-labs, science parks and to local clusters Each partner champions such practices in its respective city. To further learn about them the partnership will put in place a participative programme of experience-exchange events designed to stimulate high levels of stakeholder buy-in from diverse domains of the ...
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...nd inside the region. The objectives of the project are to market the whole region and its different parts by developing joint promotional services and to test them in practice; to make positive publicity of the BSR lifestyles and to encourage the we-feeling of the Baltic Sea Region.ONE BSR project is implemented by 17 partners from around the entire BSR. ONE BSR partnership is built on expert org ...
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Cities on Power (CoP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

The challenge of the global climate change and the pressure on resources stemming from the global competition combined with the high dependency of the energy import of the European Union requires concerted strategies and innovative adaptation approaches. The EU directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES) from 23rd April 2010 imposes on the EU Member States the obli ...
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Design led Innovations for Active Ageing (DAA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

...he Design led Innovations for Active Ageing project consists of a network of cities that drastically need to find economic and innovative yet sustainable solutions for senior care. Each participating city brings forth a best practice in the field of senior care and a need for a change of policy in that area. The project’s starting point is a shared European challenge: Demographic ageing is identif ...
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Rail Baltica Growth Corridor (RBGC)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

The RBGC is led by the City of Helsinki and coordinated by the Aalto University Small Business Center. The project has in total of 21 partners from 6 BSR countries. Target groups of the RBGC are City and regional authorities, Transport service providers, Logistics centers, Intermodal terminals, Public transport authorities, Universities and other research centers. RBGC's partner composition is bas ...
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Integrated energy concepts which increase the energetic and economic efficiency of rehabilitation projects, and which are embedded in integrated urban development concepts, are hardly applied in Central Europe. Integrated approaches for an energy efficient urban development are an essential part for an effective energy-efficiency policy at local and regional level.Integrated approaches for an ener ...
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 FINISHED and strengths to carry out actions. Project activities started with a study visit in Warsaw in June 2010 which focused on the good practices 'Capital of Ambitious Business', 'Innovation Potential City' and 'Mazovian Found of Credit Sureties'. The two-days visits in Gothenburg in December 2010 gave insightful information about the local contexts for entrepreneurship and about how local stakehol ...
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...ainable Tourism Economy- Improved regional/local policies for the developing of ICT-based public services to increase the productivity and competitiveness of businesses and entrepreneursIncreased capacity of local/regional administrations across Europe to roll out ICT services, overcome obstacles, ensure that European Regions exploit the possibilities offered by the Information Society - Increased ...
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 FINISHED BSR. Promo supports the objectives of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region by aligning its horizontal activities in the fields of identity building, marketing and branding.Project is led by City of Helsinki and coordinated by Aalto University/CEMAT. Project works from the metropolitan and transnational perspective in the framework of Baltic Metropoles Network (BaltMet) and Baltic Developme ...
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Baltic Sea Innovation Network Centres (BaSIC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

BaSIC aims to build a “Baltic Sea Archipelago of Innovation” (recommendation of BaltMetInno). The objective is to create a seamless working environment for fast growth innovative SME all over the Baltic Sea Region, embedded in a reliable network of leading Science Parks and clusters. Emphasis is given to identify, select, train and coach SME-gazelles; to provide them harmonized access to markets ( ...
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... intellectual property, form an integral part of the knowledge economy (Interreg IV C Operational Programme). Through exchanging experience and good practices, this project aims to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of public support to unlock and support the economic potential of the creative economy. In particular, 5 policy areas are addressed within the project:1. Structure of public sup ...
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...e project. All partners contributed to project presentations on international and national conferences(Germany, United Kingdom). Hungary and Slovakia prepared final project closing DVDs. The city of Paks prepared a beest practice study on the basis of the experiences of the site of Lussonium (landscape architectural plan, garden design plan, reception building's plan, signpost designs) and continu ...
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My Generation

Start date: Nov 20, 2008, End date: Jul 18, 2011,

... Achievements: Documents/reports:Overview of outputs18/02/2015My Generation - Gothenborg study visit Rotterdam 201020/01/2015My Generation – Gothenburg city visit to Rotterdam and Antwerp – March 201020/01/2015My Generation – Gothenburg city visit to Rotterdam and Antwerp – March 201020/01/2015My Generation – Local support group Gothenburg – March 2010 ...
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CAPRICE - Capital regions integrating collective transport for increased energy efficiencycomprises a network of actors from European Capital regions who are responsible for public transport.CAPRICE will contribute to reach the goals of the Gothenburg agenda by- increasing efficiency of public transport services in regions,- implementing policies to stimulate the accelerated introduction of 'clean ...
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Start date: Jun 11, 2005, End date: Jan 10, 2008,

...e cities, unemployment, increase in alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness. An increasing part of lifestyle diseases and injuries from accidents will make great demands on the future treatment capacity of the health services.The problems require imaginative, complex and diverse solutions. It also requires transnational cooperation and shearing of knowledge across national borders.HEPRO is a pro ...
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Baltic Spatial development Measures for Enterprise (B-SME)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

This project has set itself the following overlapping goals: strengthening of competitiveness in the whole Baltic area generally as well as for SME especially strengthening of co-operation between the old and the new member countries of the European Community as well as with the neighbouring countries Russia and Belarus; promotion of economic and cultural identity, development of intellectually me ...
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Large Housing Areas Stabilisation Action (LHASA)

Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

...n many cities, ownership, shortages of living space and physical decay of the buildings are the main concerns today. LHASA will address both categories of problems. Building on the experiences of the City of Venice and the East German cities of Marzahn- Hellersdorf (Berlin) and Leipzig, which have experienced the transition process much faster than their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe, ...
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... Achievements: All MA+ partners demonstrated concretely their interpretation of polycentricity and the problems in the implementation of this strategy. Several conferences, workshops and meetings took place, which were organised alternately by the participating project partners.A WP2 study ...
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Via Baltica Nordica Development Zone (VBNDZ )

Start date: Jul 31, 2002, End date: Jul 30, 2005,

The Via Baltica Nordica is a coherent development corridor stretching from Berlin to Mo i Rana in Norway. The idea is not to construct or develop the Via Baltica road connection as such, but to develop the regions located along the corridor by means of transnational co-operation. More than 40 cities, municipalities, regions and other development organisations from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Estonia ...
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 FINISHED of differentiationnot only in geographical location but also in the scale of urbanconcentration and perspectives, involving 1 provincial authority,3 capital cities, 1 urban agglomeration, plus city and districtauthorities – as well as 4 important associate partners.The intention was to focus on the policy issues and situationsaffecting large housing estates and homogenous inner-cityhousing ...
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Project activities include ensuring permanent internal and external communication and information exchange, project webpage management, selection of students and staff by common selection committee, managing mobility flows, performing respective financial management, preparing the regular project reports. Hosting institutions for incoming Asian students and staff are responsible to carry out all a ...
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S1-L13 One More Step

Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

...rovide 138 mobility grants at different levels, to improve academic exchanges and knowledge, mainly at PhD, post doc and staff levels, as well as Ba and master and to promote enhanced partnership capacity contributing to MDGs achievement and to the development of human resources and academic institutions. OMS will involve 20 partners and 9 associates in 15 countries on enhanced research and prof ...
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Science Fiction in Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

The SciFi-Ed project aims1. To increase pupils’ motivation and achievement in science and other subjects, through the introduction of Science Fiction in education.2. To enhance the quality of teaching Science and Technology, as well as an array of other subjects to children aged between 9-15 years old. 3. To connect science education with real-life issues such as the environment.4. To provide gir ...
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Zukunftswege öffnen WEGE

Start date: Sep 1, 2012,

In dem Training befassen sich 50 Akteuren der Jugendhilfe aus AT, BE, FR, PL, CH und DE mit der Frage, wie junge Menschen mit Lernschwächen dauerhaft integriert werden und beim Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und / oder Beruf unterstützt werden können. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Arbeitsansatz „Schülerfirma“ als eine Möglichkeit der auf nachhaltige Integration gerichteten non-formalen Jugendbil ...
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Europe is our playground

Start date: Feb 17, 2014,

...sations.• Participation of 33 organisations in the actions of the project.• Assistance in the project actions by 80 volunteers.• Multiple publicity and promotion actions (brochures, newsletters and press releases, press conferences).
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