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Large Housing Areas Stabilisation Action (LHASA)
Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Throughout the CADSES area, large housing areas, often located at the periphery of major cities, are of great importance for the future quality of life in urban areas. In Eastern and Central Europe, prefabricated housing slabs that give a home to about 30 million inhabitants are dominant. East German prefabricated housing areas show today problems of increasing vacancy and fluctuation - baring the dangers of social decline and leading indirectly to urban sprawl as many inhabitants move out into peripheral "green" towns. The problems in the new member states are similar in the long-term but different at present. Still presenting the dominant form of residence in many cities, ownership, shortages of living space and physical decay of the buildings are the main concerns today. LHASA will address both categories of problems. Building on the experiences of the City of Venice and the East German cities of Marzahn- Hellersdorf (Berlin) and Leipzig, which have experienced the transition process much faster than their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe, the project will provide solutions for the further development of those areas in the contexts of urban planning, housing development, local economy and quality of life. LHASA aims to contribute to the stabilisation of large housing areas by integrated planning efforts (zoning plans), new initiatives for the reconstruction of the housing estate and possibilities to reuse vacant buildings, and through pilot measures to improve employment and social inclusion. Expected Results: The problems mentioned before are discussed within the four major themes of the project: urban development, revitalisation, participation and local economies. LHASA addresses these problem categories. Building on the experiences of the City of Venice as well as the East German cities of Marzahn-Hellersdorf (Berlin) and Leipzig, which have experienced a much faster transition process than their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe, the project will provide solutions for further development of those areas in the context of urban planning, housing development, local economy and quality of life. LHASA aims at contributing to the stabilisation of large housing areas by integrated planning efforts (zoning plans), new initiatives for the reconstruction of the housing estates and possibilities to reuse vacant buildings. Moreover, pilot measures should improve the employment situation and should foster social inclusion. Whereas the partners from the new EU Member States will benefit from the transfer of experience and planning expertise from the German and Italian partners, who will prepare the investments necessary to ensure the regional and social cohesion in East and Central European Countries, the partners from Italy and Germany will carry out innovative pilot measures to hinder social segregation and deterioration of the living environment. The findings of the latter will be presented to a wider audience of interested actors in the CADSES region and beyond.
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  • 62.4%   1 122 512,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

9 Partners Participants