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Hous-Es has brought together a strong and varied partnershiprepresenting both the new EU member states and those fromthe EU 15 (benefiting or having benefited from URBAN initiativesor Urban Pilot Projects) with the aim of examining togetherthe subject of Management and Renewal of Large Housing Areas. The network is characterised by a high degree of differentiationnot only in geographical location but also in the scale of urbanconcentration and perspectives, involving 1 provincial authority,3 capital cities, 1 urban agglomeration, plus city and districtauthorities – as well as 4 important associate partners.The intention was to focus on the policy issues and situationsaffecting large housing estates and homogenous inner-cityhousing areas with a view to identifying strategies which canproduce improved urban planning, architectural and generalliving standards in such areas. The network placed animportant emphasis on the improvement of living conditionsin deprived housing areas and neighbourhoods.In order to examine and share partner experience andexpertise Hous-Es instigated a series of working seminarsfocussing on thematic aspects of the problem but alwaysreferring back to a holistic point of departure. The seminartopics are outlined below:> Duisburg (Germany) – An introduction to integrated practices> Milan (Italy) – The public realm> Brindisi (Italy) – The physical dimension> Gelderland (Netherlands) - Process> Brno (Czech Republic) – Financing housing provision> Rillieux-la-Pape (Grand Lyon, France) – The social context> Csepel: Budapest and Dunaujvaros (Hungary) – Reviewof partner experience and future perspectives…The result of these exchanges (based on preparationof case studies and papers, site visits, and partner debate)has generated a common understanding of the issuesbut also demonstrated a wide variety of experience amongthe network members ranging from: the comprehensive andoften sophisticated approach to neighbourhood renewal withhousing as a key component, to; the application of targeted evenpunctual actions in response to defined priorities; and theappreciation of the scale and scope of ongoing difficultiesconfronting many cities which is frequently context specific. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.

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  • 50%   298 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

12 Partners Participants