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Involving the private sector in Mobility Management (INVOLVE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project BACKGROUND is as follows. Sustainable transport is a high priority for the EC in order to reduce pollution and increase Quality of Life. Car-user rates can be reduced by MOBILITY MANAGEMENT POLICIES. But these can only be delivered by public authorities with ACTIVE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION of the private sector eg employers and managers of large sites that attract a lot of people (employment, retail, sport). Good practices have been developed in some regions but they are still not widely adopted.The project OBJECTIVE is to improve cooperation with the private sector and thus increase modal shift towards more sustainable forms of travel to and in business areas in European regions .The project CONSORTIUM comprises 11 REGIONAL PARTNERS from 11 different regions, 4 from new Member States, plus1 EXPERT PARTNER with research and practical experience of working at the public/private interface. Each regional partner has recruited a regionalconsortium. Key decision-makers from these organisations will be involved at key stages of the project.MAIN ACTIVITIES are: PHASE 1 Jan-12 / Apr-13: IDENTIFY GOOD PRACTICES: assemble a list of good practices; undertake three Study Visits per region (visit delegations will include members of the regional consortium). Promote the project to regional stakeholders, hold 11 regional conferences (in own-language). PHASE 2 Apr-13 / Jul-13 ANALYSE GOOD PRACTICES: analyse the Study Visit outcomes to identify the potential for transfer, draft the good practice methodology, plan phase 3, design the Regional Implementation Plan process PHASE 3 Jun-13 / Jul-14: ADOPT GOOD PRACTICES: all regions will (1) hold an Import Workshop (in own-language), where experts from the export-regions will advise on importing their good practices; (2) draft their Regional Implementation Plan, to be formally considered byregional authorities before project-end. Each region will promote the project locally to regional stakeholders, hold a regional conference. 5 regions will undertake 4 small pilot projects on specific laboratories PHASE 4: Jul-14 / Dec-14 FINAL OUTPUTS: finalise the good practice methodology, publish it as a conventional report, also as an application for smart-phones; hold end-of-project conference.Expected OUTPUTS are: 65 press releases, 1 brochure, 23 dissemination events, 78 other events attended. 48 interregional events (33 Study Visits, 15 Workshops), 48 good practices identified, 6 good practices tested via 4 pilot projects, 11 ambitious Regional Implementation Plans.Expected RESULTS are: extensive media coverage of issue and project, at least 6 good practices successfully transferred, 33 staff members with increased capacity, 6 regional/local policies and instruments improved, 1 good practice methodology also published as a smartphone app. Achievements: INVOLVE addresses a key issue of regional policy, ie the involvement of civic society: INVOLVE focuses on how public authorities can work with the private sector (employers, retailers, site-managers) so as to jointly dissuade people from automatically using their cars. MAIN ACTIVITY PHASES are: Jan-12 / Apr-13: identify good practices | Apr-13 / Jul-13: analyse good practices | Jun-13 / Jul-14: adopt good practices | Jul-14 / Dec-14: final outputs Expected OUTPUTS are: 65 press releases, 1 brochure, 23 dissemination events organised, 78 others attended. 33 Study Visits and 15 Workshops, 48 good practices identified, 6 good practices tested via 4 pilot projects, 11 Regional Implementation Plans. Expected RESULTS are: extensive media coverage of issue and project, at least 6 good practices successfully transferred, 33 staff members with increased capacity, 6 regional/local policies and instruments improved, 1 good practice methodology also published as a smartphone app. The project started in Jan-12. The first period was taken up with start-up actions. The subsidy contract was finally signed on 1-Mar-12; despite this delay the partners have mainly adhered to the work programme as stated in the AF. Under CP2, a draft Communications Strategy was discussed at the first Project Management Group meeting, and the work plan reviewed; however, because of the late start the project website and brochure were delayed until Period 2. Under CP3, partners clarified their practical understanding of the policy-area as it applies in the 11 regions, with a particular focus on the 6 Policy-Themes. All partners contributed to a first draft Register of Good Practices (the basis for selection for study, transfer and piloting); comprising 44 entries it provided the focus for partners to clarify their precise interest in good practices to import, and identify gaps (wish list). Partners also agreed draft procedures for planning and reporting Study Visits; and undertook a first marketplace to discuss bilaterally the good practices of interest. No action was taken under CP4 Pilot Projects, as action commences only in Jul-13.
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  • 78%   1 440 911,84
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants