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28 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Improving learning outcomes of VET and enhanced transfer of competences into the workplace are at the centre of national and European policies. Regular evaluation and improvement at the classroom/workshop level contribute to this goal. They are, however, highly dependent on teachers’ and trainers’ competences of providing tailored training, reflecting on the learning process, evaluating outcomes a ...
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European Excellence

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The last 15 years Aventus invested much into sustainable relations with European partners. Reciprocal projects and knowledge exchange especially concerned:- Improvement of the quality of preparation and tutoring of international work placements by both Aventus and the foreign training companies.- Building up (formal) European networks of partners designing policies as to contents and validation of ...
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International Trade Mobility for You

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This project was born within the context of the sending organization development plans and internationalization strategy (with over 20 years of investment/activity in R&D and Innovation, Cooperation and Partnership national and international projects) as well as a result of the specific needs of the project direct beneficiaries.The project involves 70 participants, trainees from an International T ...
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ALL-ECOM seeks to address the challenge of skills and competencies imbalance within the commerce sector by improving commerce human resources’ qualifications in e-commerce through the integration of new technologies in the strategy of both retail and wholesale commerce and ensure harmonization at national and European level of standards of qualifications and skills in the e-commerce sector. The p ...
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Our project combines the development of an effective methodology to identify young people at risk of being NEET, an innovative intervention drawing on existing good practice piloted in PT, IT and ES to prevent young people with such characteristics from becoming NEET, and an impact analysis to measure the outcomes of these pilots at regional/national level. In combining these three elements, this ...
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As underlined in the recent study of Panteia “Developing the adult learning sector”, “In most countries there is a consensus that quality assurance systems should be developed for the adult learning sector, and especially for the non-formal sector. Most countries are currently developing or revising their legislative framework for adult learning, putting more focus on quality assurance mechanisms. ...
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European Professionalization Networks

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The last 10 years Aventus invested much into knowledge exchange with European partners. This knowledge exchange especially concerned: - Improvement of the quality of preparation and tutoring of international work placements - Policy as to contents and validation of international work placements - Structure and design of courses and innovative projects - Monitoring of the learning process by studen ...
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The main strategic references of the EU suggest and address the structuring of initiatives to foster entrepreneurial mindsets through education, learning and the development of synergies between education, vocational training and the labour market. In some contexts, such as that of the upper secondary education, we are witnessing a formal take-over of these guidelines. In fact, the curriculum of t ...
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Enhancement of Skills in Retail

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Recent research carried out in Turkey showed that the retail sector vocational training is limited to an average of 5 hours. On the one hand there are the companies where the staff trainings are exclusively well-done, with multiple sessions and effective methodology; on the other hand most of the companies organize the trainings orientation-like meetings. That creates a low profile for the retail ...
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European Profiles

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

It is time for implementation of ECVET. Aventus is ready for this and by participating in European Profiles Aventus’ students who distinguish themselves by making the choice of having a traineeship with one of Aventus’ European partners will benefit from this new step by Aventus. The past 10 years Aventus has positioned and structured international traineeships solidly. First Aventus introduced an ...
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Companies more and more tend to orientate themselves on the basic principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and thereby are able to create competitive advantages. Around 75 percent of the companies asked in an analysis among SMEs that has been carried out in the frame of an EU financed project by GILDE in Germany, France and Poland, believe in an increasing importance of CSR in the futur ...
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ROQET aimed at supporting the Quality of the Vocational Education & Training systems in the participating countries (Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Hungary, Greece and Germany) by the continuos improvement of teachers/trainers competences.The goals and objectives were the creation, development and implementation of a procedure for the self-assessment of competences, taking as a reference the European ...
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In Slovenia there is a need in retail to employ the qualified persons to occupy the post of goods and product manipulator. For this occupation there was no list of competences in Slovenia and no appropriate training to train persons for this post on national level. Slovenian Chamber of Commerce with this project therefore transfered innovation: list of occupational competences and training program ...
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At national level, each of the countries involved face, on one hand, the need to adapt their own VET system and quality VET assurance and development system to integrate EQARF recommendations, and on the other hand, are dealing with the implementation of LLL policies and the corresponding need to address quality assurance and development in a particular field of VET operation - guidance and counse ...
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Reason of the project. Big and multinational companies have clearly understood the new trend: they present themselves as companies having adopted Corporate Social Responsibility as a mission, towards their employees as well as towards consumers and the society as a whole. This is well founded, since acceptable relations with employees as well as consumers and other stakeholders is an increasing fa ...
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From experiences in the MOVE-IT study, the EU-Move project and the 'Meerwaard met IBPV'-study, we see that mobility of students and workers occur, but that there are still barriers to go abroad. These are to a large extend related to quality assurance of assessments, the quality of work placements and languages and intercultural aspects. Mobility is important for Europe in terms of creating a more ...
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The proposal is to design and introduce third-level training for a European vocational diploma in assistant management for small and medium-sized companies and industries. The modular course will have common core content in all the countries where it is offered but will also take account of national specificities. In some countries it will be integrated into existing training provision and in othe ...
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In order to succeed in the increased competition both from Europe and global pressures, SMEs need to innovate constantly and to make use of the most recent ICT solutions. The CompServSME project aims to support the emergence of a new professional profile for facilitators of training addressing SMEs in services sector by developing and testing a package of methodology and instruments for facilitato ...
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The transparency of qualifications is the widest aim of this project, which focuses on the strong need of a European professional profile in the field of international commerce: the harmonisation of a specific diploma, of a post-secondary level and non-academic, is particularly needed because of the growing role of SMEs in the European context and because of the full absence of training to specifi ...
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The CSR/SME project aims to widen the debate on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that has been engendered by the 2001 EU Green Paper, particularly within SME's, and to further contribute to generating transnational consensus on its practical application. The project will organise awareness-raising events, will identify good practice and will develop information materials, a new curriculum and ...
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The main aim of the AVALNET network project is the conception, delivery and transfer of innovative products in the field of assessment, evaluation and return on investment (ROI), with a view to improve the quality of VET systems and practices throughout Europe. The main target groups are training consultants and trainers, vocational training experts, human resources managers and company managers, ...
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The general aim of ELQ-SME’s project is to improve the quality of e-learning in order to enhance vocational training in SME’s from the trade and service sector. This objective will be pursued by facilitating access to on line resources and training services and by promoting the use of multimedia technologies and a guidance and counselling approach. The project also aims at defining new products to ...
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Helping business to evaluate training : The project has developed a set of indicators, tools and a methodology which will allow companies of all sizes to evaluate the effectiveness of their staff training programmes. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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The C.E.S.E. project aims at identifying both tools and methodologies for English teaching and self-learning to SME employees. These identified tools and methodologies should be flexible, tailored, transferable to other languages/target groups and aimed particularly at the cross-cultural aspects of communication. All tools and methodologies should also be strongly linked with the working environme ...
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Almost all European training systems are going through a change process to adapt to the demands andneeds of companies being under high pressure to be able to deal with a globalising world. Especially SMEhave to make big efforts to keep their HR updated and to keep the business competitive. This is the reasonwhy VET providers need to move themselves from traditional training methods towards learnin ...
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Le projet Réseau ECVET RECOMFOR a pour objet de créer un réseaueuropéen de formation (niveaux 4 et 5 EQF) dans le secteur duCommerce international, dans un premier temps. Il vise à ouvrir unespace dans lequel la mobilité sera une composante essentielle de laformation à la fois en centre de formation et en entreprise.Il repose sur un partenariat dont le noyau est constitué par les paysmembres du pr ...
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The risks created by the early school leaving phenomena are of different nature and creates high individual, social and economic costs. Those risks are essentially connected with integration difficulties either in society or in the labour market since those young people with only lower secondary education or less are more often affected by unemployment, are more likely to depend on social benef ...
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Faced with rising levels of unemployment, it is becoming harder for young people to find a job. Youth unemployment in Europe is strongly linked to the lack of appropriate competences required by the job market and it varies from country to country. EU Member States need to ensure that their education and training systems are fit to equip young people with relevant skills in an efficient way. So co ...
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