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European Professionalization Networks
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The last 10 years Aventus invested much into knowledge exchange with European partners. This knowledge exchange especially concerned: - Improvement of the quality of preparation and tutoring of international work placements - Policy as to contents and validation of international work placements - Structure and design of courses and innovative projects - Monitoring of the learning process by students during the international work placements with accomplishing growth with linguistic and intercultural competences - Linking assessments during international work placements to student learning support - Assessment of professional competences during international work placements - Introduction of ECVET proof “European Job Profiles” To promote both the quality of international work placements and exchanges of expertise, innovations and best practices Aventus also invested strongly in sustainable cooperation with European partners. Moreover during the last 3 years getting acquainted with ECVET instruments was high on Aventus’ agenda. Because the translation of work processes into “units of learning outcomes” has only been realized to a limited extent, it is still very complicated to get a reliable and valid assessment of the achievements during work placements with training companies in Europe. For this reason together with a number of European partners, while utilizing ECVET instruments Aventus made new steps to realize both more transparency of qualifications and a matching assessment system of international work placements. This intensification of the cooperation led to the creation of formal networks, which use “European Job Profiles” as a starting point. The international work placement and staff professionalization are organized around these job profiles within these networks. In the meantime Aventus has become a member of the following “European Job Profile” networks: NETINVET (International Trade and Transport & Logistics), EUrFASHION (Fashion), EURO-AST (Management Assistant), EEE (green car technology), Shaping IT (IT and Media shaping), AEHT (Hotel and Tourism). The next few years Aventus aims at exchanging expertise experiences and best practices as to assessment and validation of professional tasks during international work placements of students, innovations and tested recipes to complicated educational issues together with its partners within these networks. All project partners with this project also offer many options for realizing personal learning aims by individual teachers and team goals of teaching teams during the “EUROPRO Networks” staff mobility. As a learning organization Aventus will submit this application both from the perspective of the individual teacher and of the organization. The effect for the individual participant will especially arise from job-shadowing linked to personal learning aims. These personal learning aims relate to e.g. bridging cultural differences with staff mobility to one of our Turkish partners or “job coaching” of students with a slight disability and their practice tutors in the training companies concerned in England. The effect for the organization can be found in: - Getting familiar with innovative didactical methods and pedagogical approaches - Gaining experiences with best practices and exploring possibilities, mindsets and solutions - Team goals: especially in the field of the implementation of European Job Profiles and ECVEt instruments. The ECVET instruments to be used with this staff mobility project are the “Memorandum of Understanding” and the “learning agreements”. The “MoU” (partnership agreement) expresses agreement by Aventus and each individual partners on the way and the content of cooperation, regarding staff mobility and in the “learning agreements” of the Aventus’ participants with the receiving partners the learning aims will be described. This professionalization process throughout Europe will be strengthened and extended with Aventus by internal workshops and seminars. With this project Aventus also aims at realizing external dissemination within its European networks, the region, national platforms such as BTGs, etc. In short “European Professionalization Networks” will result in a huge quality boost regarding knowledge exchange, educational innovation and sustainable improvement of assessments of international work placements for the benefit of a great variety of Aventus’ courses. The staff mobility will be planned and organized in the regions of the European partners between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2017, thanks to the intensive cooperation of this solid partners with Aventus in the fields of preparation, matching of demand and supply (described in learning agreements) , execution, and dissemination of staff mobility learning outcomes.

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