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CSR/SME - Promoting the Social Responsibility in Small and Medium size Enterprises

The CSR/SME project aims to widen the debate on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that has been engendered by the 2001 EU Green Paper, particularly within SME's, and to further contribute to generating transnational consensus on its practical application. The project will organise awareness-raising events, will identify good practice and will develop information materials, a new curriculum and a series of training modules on the subject. The project will begin with a review of SME practice in relation to CSR and a survey of existing training provision in the participating countries, with results being published by the project (in EN). Initial review and survey activity will be followed by the hosting of a series of local workshops and study visits to allow the documentation of existing good practice. As a result of these initial investigative phases, a selection of products will be elaborated by the project, initially in EN, with certain products then extended to the six partner languages (IT, NL, DE, PT, EE & HU), to include a glossary, a guide to implementing CSR, a series of training modules and a range of promotional materials, A collective process of refining the products will be undertaken via multi-partner workshops to ensure they constitute a relevant tool-kit for SME stakeholders. Partners who are training providers will introduce the end module to existing programmes and other VET bodies will be invited to incorporate the project results into existing structures. Information campaigns and other awareness-raising activities will benefit employer associations, VET organisations and individual students. A virtual newsletter and regular articles in trade magazines will further complement these activities, with the project maintaining strong links with European and national CSR networks and promoters, including the EU Multi-stakeholder Forum on CSR.
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5 Partners Participants