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ReSyFac Reference system for facilitators of learning

Almost all European training systems are going through a change process to adapt to the demands andneeds of companies being under high pressure to be able to deal with a globalising world. Especially SMEhave to make big efforts to keep their HR updated and to keep the business competitive. This is the reasonwhy VET providers need to move themselves from traditional training methods towards learningapproaches in which the actual problem situations of companies can become the pedagogical basis of theirlearning. In order to support this new learning process and approach, VET providers and organisations mustbuild up FACILITATORS able to stimulate learning more than providing teaching. Facilitation raises thevalue of non formal learning and can lead to further formal learning and validation processes.In a scenario of worldwide globalisation, where the creation of a European VET Space, in which mobilityis promoted and encouraged, and where, comparability, assessment, recognition and certification ofqualifications and competences are fundamental milestones (EQF, ECVET System), non formal learningprocesses – as the facilitator of learning process can be – play a central role.The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the recognition/transparency of qualifications offacilitators of learning in the European space and consequently to contribute to a sounder and effectivemobility of these professionals in the European Space through the setting up of a Reference System at theEuropean level which will be the basis of a future ECVET System for Facilitators of Learning. ReSyFac isfocused on the investigation of the facilitator profile (knowledge, skills and competences) in each nationalcontext to set up a reference system containing the different elements that a European acquiredFACILITATOR qualification could play, in each national context; on the identification of zones of mutualtrust concerning the regions that can be grouped by cultural similarities and can offer points of commonreference in the perspective of enhancing transnational networking and cooperation in the field offacilitation of learning in SMEs.To reach the project core objective the partnership wants: to make an investigation concerning thepossibilities and the variety of facilitation processes using a cross-sectoral and cross national approach,involving 27 European countries; to develop a typology of knowledge, skills and competences (followingthe technical specifications of ECVET) based on the comparison of the results and with the perspective ofturning effective exchange/mobility of facilitators; to set up a European Reference System for thequalification of facilitators of learning; to develop a tool which will support validation of individual workexperience and learning outcomes, especially during periods of mobility; to establish a Fora of consultationwith representative actors (VET providers, facilitators of learning, social partners and other strategicorganisations) to discuss the project results.During the project, there will be a set of dissemination and exploitation activities involving the projecttarget groups (internal and external learning facilitators, VET providers representatives and social partners)that will promote and insure a short-term impact of the project. The involvement of the strategic partners inthe project (national, regional/local authorities in the VET field) will insure, in the short-term and in thelong-term, the transfer and the exploitation of the project results into the national systems of the countriesparticipating in the project.
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