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CompServSME – Competencies Development through Self-learning in Services SME

In order to succeed in the increased competition both from Europe and global pressures, SMEs need to innovate constantly and to make use of the most recent ICT solutions. The CompServSME project aims to support the emergence of a new professional profile for facilitators of training addressing SMEs in services sector by developing and testing a package of methodology and instruments for facilitators of learning processes, more adequate to lifelong learning process. Specific objectives will be: to establish an intercultural teamwork, to investigate the state of art in each partner region, develop a practical instrument, to analyse the results and to evaluate those of the different sub-sectors. Primary target groups are trainer of training providers, directly addressing workers/employees of the services SME, training and developing organisations and self-governing bodies involved in the project running. The secondary target group are the vocational training providers who need trainers with a profile adapted to the new LLL approaches. Planned results are an “Intercultural Platform” document, Reports per country on the state of the art, a synthesis report and a Facilitation Guide to support implementation of learning process and a Final package with facilitation Guide and self-learning instruments for learning in services SME, as well as an Internet webisite, especially aimed at valorisation of achieved results in the selected sectors and further exploitation by other ones. The impact of this project in the short term is for the partner organisation interested in developing and adopting the products as a form of creating a need orientated approach to SMEs in the services sector. On the long term it will influence the training systems, bringing together key players from all partnership countries. Valorisation will be done in an ongoing strategy, using the partners network, website, flyers, electronic newsletter, etc.
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11 Partners Participants