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18 European Projects Found

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Percorsi Ludici

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The EVS hosting project “Ludic paths” is coordinated by association “CEMEA del Mezzogiorno” (Rome – Italy) within Erasmus+ program for youth mobility. Other project partners are association “CEMEA Centre” (Orléans -France) that is sending organization; and social cooperative “ConTatto CEMEA Veneto” (Padova - Italy) that is receiving organization. All the partners are part of educational movement ...
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Meta.young II

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

The social Cooperative META onlus operates through a variety of services that cover the territory of various municipalities in Rome. Meta has as varied view on the social context of the Italian capital. Each structure of the cooperative tries to answer to problems and needs related to a particular target group, in coordination with the local insitutional network. Each activity is co-planned with ...
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Inclui2: la inclusión se vive, la inclusión se aprende.

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Dec 1, 2016,

Context and objectives of the project.The im of the project INCLUI2 is focusing the attention on the real inclusion. The aim is that young people with intellectual disabilities can have the same opportunities as other young for mobility and participation. Also, the aim of the project is that young workers in the youth field can have the possibility and the opportunity to follow learning and thinki ...
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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 17, 2015,

The social Cooperative META onlus operates through a variety of services that cover the territory of various municipalities in Rome in Italy. Meta has as varied view on the social context of the Italian capital. Each structure of the cooperative tries to answer to problems and needs related to a particular target group, in coordination with the local insitutional network. Each activity is co-plan ...
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Voci che contano aims at giving to youngsters, youth workers and public institutions the opportunity to reflect about the meaning of "youth participation", by sharing concrete experiences, best practices, working methods, and possible approaches for the structured dialogue between youngsters and institutions.We plan 3 levels of work:1.young participants: working spaces for sharing the experience o ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2012,

"ARTivistes" is a youth exchange on urban art and how art can be used as a tool to motivate youngsters to actively and voluntarily participation in their local environment. There will be thirty young participants from six different countries: Greece, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey and Italy. It will take place in Kalamata, Greece from the 21st to the 30`" of July, nine days in total. The group ...
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A little difference - act it out!

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

A LITTLE DIFFERENCE - ACT IT OUT! project is a multilateral international training project on European level, directed to youth workers, trainers, youth leaders familiar with non-formal education, interested in issues of human rights education in a context of global challenges of a modern world, and methods of Social Theatre, willing to implement them in Youth in Action Programme. The project will ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The youth exchange “Trash” will be hosted by AMC and take place in a Youth Centre in the city centre of Lisboa-Portugal, during 8 days (3-10 October 2011) with the participation of 20 youngsters from Portugal, France, Spain, Italy and Netherlands.The project will focus on including youngsters with fewer opportunities (from suburbs, immigrants’ families with a low standard of living, disabilities o ...
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The EU'rban Gardens Otesha project

Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

EU'Go is an intergenerational, cultural and family-oriented educational project based on city garden tools.Over 24 months, six partners (FR, IT, UK, DE, ES, FR) will pool their skills, share them and use them in their work with a target group of 20 people per country to test, evaluate and validate an e-learning method centred on city gardens in the European Union. Under the name of ‘Otesha Garden’ ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

Le vieillissement de la population en Europe a un impact économique et social important. Celui-ci se traduit par un allongement de la vie active ; et donc la nécessité de rester actif à des âges de plus en plus avancés. Rester actif socialement et professionnellement.Or, rester actif professionnellement n’est pas évident pour de nombreux seniors qui après des années passées à mettre leurs compéten ...
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Start date: Mar 3, 2014,

YOU in EU aims to promote volunteering experiences with following aims:• To promote solidarity and tolerance• To increase social cohesion among European youngsters• To promote active citizenship and contacts between youngsters of different countries• To offer opportunities of non-formal education to 12 youngsters with low opportunitiesBeneficiaries are youngsters between 16 and 30 years old with l ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2007,

The univers of Wonderland show that the unknow and the unundestandable to be familiar, logic, funny too. If Alice can pace trough this world to live in it and to make frienda, than all is possible. By similar approach our imagination can pass beyond the actual world's limit, beyond the mathematical definition of local or national "common law", that can sometime turn into stereotypes and this stere ...
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Ruckenwind in the Hyères

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

Veuillez fournir une brève description de votre projet (10 à 15 lignes environ). Veuillez prendre en considération le fait que si votre projet venait à être accepté, ce paragraphe pourrait être utilisé dans le cadre d'une publication. Pour cette raison, nous vous demandons d'être précis et de mentionner les lieux, le type de SVE de votre projet, les thèmes, les objectifs, la durée du(des) Service( ...
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Pathway to Europe

Start date: Feb 1, 2010,

L'Associaçao Juvenil Peniche è un'organizzazione che ha cooperato diversi anni fa con il Cemea del Mezzogiorno prima nello sviluppo del Servizio Civile Italiano all'estero e poi con il Servizio Volontario Europeo. Il contesto locale raccolto e la modalità di accoglienza dell'associazione, che mette al centro l'attenzione per il volontario, rende questa organizzazione ideale per lo sviluppo di azio ...
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In cooperation with different local arts & culture entities, AACA develops travel informational, cultural & artistic initiatives for young travellers in Europe and especially in Athens. To carry out this project we propose to organize:" Providing information on Athens events, cultural initiatives and city happenings (producing a weekly flyer with a selection of the events of the city, informing or ...
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Passi da Gigante II

Start date: Feb 1, 2011,

...e young people with fewer opportunities are at the same time needed; only a common plan of action can provide a long term strategic vision and ensure sustainability of this mission.In the last years Cemea del Mezzogiorno participated in different international strategies to support and increase sending and hosting projects "inclusion targeted". In spite of this ambitious purpose, the most effect ...
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Ruckenwind for our future

Start date: Jul 1, 2011,

"R?ckenwind for our future" is short term group EVS project for social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Purpose of activities in the project is to support local community on site of implementation. This project is part of long-term strategy of international network R?ckenwind and phase of the strategy is aimed at social integration of disadvantaged young people.The project objec ...
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Jump Start 2011

Start date: Jul 1, 2011,

In the Jump Start 2011 short term group evs projects young people facing diffculties with employability will get the chance to come to Estonia to try their hand at different voluntary work activites and having workshops related to active citizenship, participation and employability as well as give a public presentation about their project to promote (st evs) volunteering. Estonian young people wit ...
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