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10 European Projects Found

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Fit für Europa 2.0 - Mobilität für Auslandspraktika

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The BilSE-Institute is located in the northeastern part of Germany, in the federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV). The area is economically affected by agriculture and tourism. Lacking of infrastructure, MV has to deal with increasing migration of young professionals and with obsolescence. Therefor it is one of the major issues to stabilize and consolidate a professional competence for the agri ...
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Fit für Europa 2.0 - Mobilität für Auslandspraktika

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The BilSE-Institute is located in the northeastern part of Germany, in the federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV). The area is economically affected by agriculture and tourism. Lacking of infrastructure, MV has to deal with increasing migration of young professionals and with obsolescence. Therefor it was one of the major issues to stabilize and consolidate a professional competence for the ag ...
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A KASZK Európában - 2015.

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The aim of the project is the development of the vocational-teaching activity of the Agricultural Vocational Centre of Central-Hungary in a way when every stakeholder’s needs are satisfied and the participants get international experience, knowledge and skills. The school, focusing on its professional profile, firstly would like to develop those competencies in the field of food-industry and agric ...
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The project aims to develop training and educational activities of the Agricultural Vocational Centre of Central-Hungary in such a way as to take into account the development needs of each target group of participants to reach international experiences, knowledge and abilities. The school, in accordance with its professional profile, wish to develop both the student's and staff's competencies of a ...
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Vi er en lille landbrugsskole-afdeling på Sydfyn med ca. 100 elever på grundforløb/1HF. Rammerne er gamle som andels- og højskolebevægelsen. Her er en lang tradition for at arbejde international. Vi har arbejdet med undervisning af især østeuropæiske elever i en periode. Vi har modtaget elever fra Kina i 4 ugers forløb. På adelingen i Odense har vi etableret en egentlig international kursusafdelin ...
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Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics is a government funded vocational school which offers formal education as well as continuing education and retraining in agriculture, tourism, food processing, chef, secretary work and handicrafts. The purpose of this project is to enhance the quality of vocational education offered in Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics, secure the susta ...
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One of the key challenges across Europe concerning Youth is: • to solve the extremely vulnerable situation of unemployed Youth in regard of an appropriate vocational educational training • In some EU member states the youth unemployment rate is currently higher than 40%. That means, nearly every second young person is out of work in some EU countriesAlthough youth unemployment is very hi ...
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Evaluation is traditionally part of teachers' work, but the methods as well as the actual target of the evaluation are changing with the time. Teachers face new demands: in particular, they should be able to identify prior learning and assess competencies of young and adult learners with different backgrounds. The project objective is to create a new training module for teacher training that empha ...
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Reasons.Vocational colleges in the agricultural sector in Europe experience problems to deliver well qualified workers to innovative companies in the Bio Based Economy (BBE). In general, teachers do not have the specific training materials at hand, directly related to the new BBE. Most VET colleges (EQF3-4) do not possess the right and specific educational materials that fit the BBE challenge.Outc ...
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Communication between schools and families is essential for building trusting relationships that foster parental involvement. Parental involvement in schools and social institutes is necessary for youngsters to develop successfully and to make decisions that will have positive outcomes for their futures. This study will examine the role of new ICT communications technologies in fostering parental ...
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