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Euroopa Liidu tööturul konkurentsivõimelised kutseõppeasutuse lõpetajad
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics is a government funded vocational school which offers formal education as well as continuing education and retraining in agriculture, tourism, food processing, chef, secretary work and handicrafts. The purpose of this project is to enhance the quality of vocational education offered in Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics, secure the sustainability of the school and to secure the managing of the graduates in the EL job market. For this purpose 1 teacher from the tourism field and 1 teacher from the food processing field will be sent to Finland for a 1 week mobility to become acquainted with curriculum development while taking into account the real needs of the job situation, the immediate cohesion of theory and practical study and the development and application of V level curriculum. During the mobility the teachers will also complement their specialized knowledge, foreign language skills and cultural knowledge. During the project 2 students from the food processing field will be sent to Finland for a period of 1 month and 2 students from the agriculture field will be sent to Germany to gain specialized and cultural knowledge and to increase language skills. As the result of the project the participants foreign language skills will increase and their understanding of the world will broaden as well they will gain new specialized skills and knowledge. As the result of the project the participants knowledge on tying the curriculum with the job worlds needs and applying the curriculum will increase. This is especially important today because it will determine in which field and in which school the student will start to study.

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