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A Közép-magyarországi Agrár-szakképző Központ tanulóinak és munkatársainak nemzetközi tudásfejlesztése, tapasztalatbővítése a korszerűség jegyében
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to develop training and educational activities of the Agricultural Vocational Centre of Central-Hungary in such a way as to take into account the development needs of each target group of participants to reach international experiences, knowledge and abilities. The school, in accordance with its professional profile, wish to develop both the student's and staff's competencies of agricultural and food field, which will contribute to the modernization of the training content. The aim is to provide knowledge to the students that increase their chances on the labor market and increase the quality of the education. It is important project objective to develop the general training methodology, and to install up-to-date methodological elements into the school's educational culture. In doing so, participating colleagues are acquiring pedagogical practices and training organization knowledge what are useable at any profession and any level of training in the school. Our goal is to get knowledge about the project method in education and its best practices, monitoring the operation of the method in various institutions, and also getting to know the new generation method of evaluation systems, the presentation of the student portfolio assessment application. We have chosen countries for the project activities where for our purposes the most appropriate pedagogical practice works. Germany is the home of the dual vocational training, Denmark and the United Kingdom are individual learning paths and the project method widely applicable countries, there is a high-level methodological and institutional practice working with disadvantaged children and their reintegration in vocational training in the UK, and Finland applies assessment focused on the individual learning activities with high efficiency. The training's quality is based on the teacher and the student common activities. Results can be achieved in developing the quality of education when teacher and student in similar environment with similar experiences reach the same stimuli. Therefore, in our project the student and staff mobility activities was connected and students and staff activities are achieved in similar atmosphere of learning and technology. The student activities have been developed by the taught professionals of the school, and all activities are implemented on target areas, what provides long tradition and modern technology. Thereby the students participants in the mobility activities study a successful and effective working practice, and this situation highly developes their motivation and the professional and social competences. Ultimately it is contributing to the development of a successful personal carrier and lifelong learning.
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