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The existing research and policy reports show that adult education policies and practices are designed and carried out in ways and using means which are not always appropriate to vulnerable minority groups. In the EduMAP Project the diversity of societal participation and the wide range of cultural contexts and communicative practices among learners will be acknowledged. In particular, the educati ...
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Dynamics of and in Complex Systems (DIONICOS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

With the statics of a wealth of model systems in statistical and condensed-matter systems being relatively well understood, an increased effort in research in these fields is channelled towards the understanding of dynamical phenomena. This agenda is even more pressing as dynamic effects are of crucial importance for many experimentally observed and technologically important phenomena.In the first ...
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Today, significant decrease in the level of vocational motivation of entrepreneurs and entrepreneur candidates in the business world is observed. Thus, as the result of lack of motivation, expectations and needs have increased among individuals. A non motivated entrepreneur should not be expected to provide performance in the sectors which he or she will be involved in business life. For that reas ...
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Robotics Opportunities (to foster) STEM Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The ROSE partnership has been conceived against the background of the current crisis and the lack of growth and youth’s unemployment that have been upsetting strongly Europe’s society in the last 5 years. A paradox is evident: while Europe is struggling with two-digit youth unemployment statistics, companies experience growing difficulties in recruiting engineers and other technologists and scient ...
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ISSICEU analyses sources of stability and instability in the Caucasus regarding political regimes, civic participation, economic interdependencies and neighbourhood influences. We evaluate the implications for military, political, economic and societal security.We deliver three relevant products for EU policy formulation: We analyse and map emerging conflicts of local, regional and international d ...
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"GENOVATE is an action-research project based on the implementation of Gender Equality Action Plans (GEAPs) in six European universities. It brings together a consortium with diverse experience with gender equality mainstreaming approaches, with varying institutional and disciplinary backgrounds and located in different national contexts. All, however, share common challenges for women engaged in ...
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...tion, including towards hard-to-reach adults, and people over 45 years old. The Foundation Risorsa Donna (Italy) aims at promoting microcredit and works with isolated people. The social department of Ankara (Turkey) aims at promoting social inclusion of its citizens. Then, Pistes-Solidaires (France) promotes innovative solutions in order to foster social inclusion within the community, young or ad ...
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Quality of youth career guidance and nowadays media literacy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The slogan could summarize the project main idea: "FROM CAREER GUIDENCE TO SELF-GUIDENCE SKILLS" Context of the project: Nowadays, the youth career guidance format undergoes rapid changes. More and more young people are learning about jobs and how to reach them by the net, asking for advice their peers or some more experienced people via social networks, job portals, discussion forums or other In ...
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Multilingual Behaviours In Sign Language Users (MULTISIGN)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

This project examines a range of complex multilingual behaviours in sign language users and pursues three thematically related studies: a) Cross-signing : The development of improvised communication (ad hoc pidgins) between users of different sign languages in language contact situations; b) Sign-speaking : The simultaneous production of sign and speech, where the different structures of both la ...
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A Basic Approach for Disabled Students (Temel Engelli Yaklaşımı 101)

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Jun 29, 2016,

We, as Ankara University EU youth programme office assistant willing to run a project, based on ‘approaching disadvantaged young’s problems’. By being awared of many difficulties they face in their lives that we can’t even realize what they are. Besides, to provide enough knowledge for youth when they meet with any disabled person in the daily life a youth exchange will be done. Working on decr ...
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The increase in urban population lead to an increase in crime. This is aggravated by illegal immigration, criminal striping, degradation of zones. The increase of criminal activity is manifested in an increased frequency of small crimes like graffiti, theft, robbery, destruction of rubbish bins. This has had a big impact for local governments, citizens and businesses.Local government agencies are ...
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Power of life

Start date: Sep 3, 2015, End date: Mar 2, 2016,

Youth spends more and more time in the digital world, practicing unhealthy motionless lifestyle, losing touch with the nature and interest in direct human communication, possibly causing social fragmentation and exclusion. This allows and at the same time creates the need to address youth more creatively. AcroYoga combined with non-formal education methods can help to banish social exclusion and i ...
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New European Crimes and Trust-based Policy (FIDUCIA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2015,

"The FIDUCIA project will shed light on a number of distinctively ""new European” criminal acts that have emerged in the last decade as a consequence of technological developments and the increased mobility of populations across Europe.The objective of the project is to develop policy responses to “new” forms of deviant behaviours that are also highly relevant to responding to “conventional” forms ...
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The aim of EU-GEI is to identify the interactive genetic, clinical and environmental determinants involved in the development, severity and outcome of schizophrenia (EU-GEI, Schiz. Res. 2008; 102: 21-6). In order to identify these interactive determinants, EU-GEI will employ family-based, multidisciplinary research paradigms, which allow for the efficient assessment of gene-environment interaction ...
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Many potentially hazardous compounds are traded as chemicals or incorporated as additives in products. Their release to the environment has been a concern of EC, UNO, WHO and OECD. The discussion of the assessment and management of chemicals and products led to the OECD program Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The World Summit encouraged countries to i ...
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Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation (PIDOP)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

This project will examine the processes which influence democratic ownership and participation in eight European states. It will draw on the disciplines of Politics, Sociology, Social Policy, Psychology and Education to examine macro-level contextual factors (including historical, political, electoral, economic and policy factors), proximal social factors (including familial, educational and media ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The recently finished FP6 RI Black Sea SCENE project has established a Black Sea Scientific Network of leading environmental and socio-economic research institutes, universities and NGO’s from the countries around the Black Sea and has developed a distributed virtual data and information infrastructure that is populated and maintained by these organisations to improve the identification, access, e ...
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The purpose of this study is to develop a new oscillatory squeezing flow instrument for viscoelastic characterization of materials, ranging from very soft biological polymer networks to irregularly shaped solid materials like corn grains. This relatively low-cost and easy-to-use instrument will be suitable to be used as an attachment for commonly available instruments such as the Texture Analyser ...
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The importance of electronic assembling technology in the process of industries has increased gradually in recent years. In the highly industrialized countries, process electronics serves to enhance product quality, master the whole range of products, and efficiently utilize resources. In the rapidly developing countries, mass production is the main motivation for applying process of electronic as ...
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Aim:-providing easy and free access to an electronic training platform for all the parties involved with strategic development in order to increase awareness about the existing lack in strategic development and planning in small companies and the importance of this issue;-improving the competitiveness of small and micro enterprises by supporting management staff in strategic planning.Specific obje ...
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 FINISHED, Greek, Turkish and English (Pilot Class for Actors). The consortium is formed by 8 partners representing 8 countries of 2 macro-areas, Western and Eastern Europe. It puts together 2 Universities, Ankara University Tomer (Turkey) and Polytechnic of Valencia (Spain), 2 language schools, Perugia Language School (Greece), CIAL Centro de Lìnguas (Portugal), 2 research centers, Novacultur Srl (Italy ...
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Agriculture is one of the most hazardous sectors in many countries. As a rule, the safety employees and experts attach high value on two points for the purpose of safety. The first one is safe design of product/material/manufacture and the second one is safety education/training. The main aim of SAFER project is to transfer of innovative training materials from successfully completed projects an ...
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...The Kossuth Zsuzsanna Vocational Training School from Hungary is exporting and Kizilcahamam Technical and Vocational High School from Turkey and Vistula University from Poland are importing partners. Ankara Directorate of National Education (Ankara DNE) and Kazan Businessmen Association (Kazan BA) are the partners for dissemination activities in Turkey. Mainly, we aim to develop new curriculum uni ...
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The importance of automation in the process industries has increased dramatically in recent years. In the highly industrialized countries, process automation serves to enhance product quality, master the whole range of products, improve process safety and plant availability, efficiently utilize resources and lower emissions. In the rapidly developing countries, mass production is the main motivati ...
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Aiming to have its students acquire the language and culture of two foreign associate universities whilst studying for their undergraduate and masters degree, Campus Europae must offer an integrated pathway for quick and consistent language learning during university years. The project will offer a blended approach to foreign language learning combining live and virtual classrooms and tutoring, of ...
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It is noted by a report published by the European Commission about SMEs in 2011 that SMEs has a key role in shaping out European economy with a share of 99 %. SMEs in Europe provide employment for 2/3 of the private sector and constitute priority areas in terms of development of European economy. In this framework, it is one of the priority issues to render SMEs, which have a significant place in ...
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Purpose of the project was to develop transferable modules for geriatric care and evaluate its appropriatness for vocational training.The project had a focus on different culturel backgrounds and the different modules have been made comparable by a credit point system accordng to ECVET. The project was based on a German curriculum that has been transfered and adapted according to specific national ...
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A new job opportunity for unemployed youth project aims to develop a new transparency of vocational qualifications to meet the training and the methods of the EU and also the usual tests, assessment and certification methodology in preparation for Europe to create jobs for unemployed youth . In addition, the project is the introduction of new qualifications for "Qualified Data Security" for traini ...
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Researchers must remain in touch with technical developments in order to provide solutions to industry. Such up-skilling must be subject-specific but equally important (see the TUNING initiative) are the generic skills. Essential though they are in today’s world, they are not usually part of course provision. Vocational Aqualabs focuses on generic skill provision to aquaculture researchers at all ...
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This project will transfer the major activities of a previous project named “ICT Skills for Guidance Counsellors” which was funded within the “Reference Material” measure of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. Although ICT has provided unprecedented access to information and tools for instruction and assessments regardless of time and location of the counsellors/client and has brought important chang ...
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...argeted to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes for rational use of drugs through training modules of virtual learning environment by physicians who are assigned in Ankara Provincial Health Directorate as the first step and to generalize these trainings in the country with the Ministry of Health as the second step in long- term. The partners of the proposed project have e ...
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VET system for the education and training of geography academics lacks of basic competencies. This is reflected in the number of the quality of the work produced and citation rates in international indexes such as SSCI. One of the main reasons for this is the problem in the vocational educational training (VET) system in geography programs. Geographers trained without sufficient VET skills such as ...
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Bank financing will become more difficult for SMEs in the future because of Basel II. SMEs usually have very small accounting departments and often they have no accounting department at all. The entrepreneurs themselves may lack financial administrative skills to manage financial risks and they are involved in day-to-day business matters that the documents required by the bank are often neglected. ...
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First Steps of HERMES is a renewed version of the previous HERMES product. It aimsto produce internet and CD-Rom based A1 level language products in GR, HU, LT andTR designed both as a self-study tool and for in-class use, targeting both high-schoolstudents and young adults who would like to take up a new language on their own, andtheir teachers who will be able to make use of the products in thei ...
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 FINISHED LANCELOT aims to promote online language learning through the professional development of ‘live online language teaching’. This qualification will give the language teachers a competitive advantage in the market increasing both their employment opportunity and their mobility within the Union.
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1)IntroductionThe EU as an organization operates in 20 official languages. The 2004 enlargement of the EU, which nearly doubled the number of official languages from 12 to 20, focused attention on the role of languages in the EU as never before. The Union actively encourages its citizens to learn other European languages, both for reasons of professional and personal mobility within its single mar ...
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The project objectives are to develop a new training programme in agri-marketing, focusing on alternative and non traditional crops, speciality and locally produced foods and branded production, farmer retail and wholesale markets and e-commerce, and to train trainers to deliver the training programme.
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The project intends to produce and exploit an integrated solution to the multiple needs of foreign language learners. The project will provide learners with the instruments to develop general language skills in the target language, deal with business language material, and also gain intercultural awareness within the program. The project will develop the following main products: 1) An all-dimensio ...
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The project has planned to bridge the gap between the needs of therapeutic professionals whose increased mobility on the European labour market demands specific, work-oriented language skills and the lack of relevant educational tools in this field. In order to develop didactical concepts and enable their technical realization, a trans-national Virtual Language Campus in the field of teaching Engl ...
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The project has planned to bridge the gap between the needs of therapeutic professionals whose increased mobility on the European labour market demands specific, work-oriented language skills and the lack of relevant educational tools in this field. In order to develop didactical concepts and enable their technical realization, a trans-national Virtual Language Campus in the field of teaching Eng ...
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