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Gamification for hard-to-reach adults New horizons for re-engaging and re-mobilizing hard-to-reach adults in long-term unemployment situations
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT The job situation is still very problematic in Europe, including for the hard-to-reach adults. How to ensure a social inclusion to this type of public, how to ensure that they get offered job opportunities, when they lack self-esteem and confidence? Which method could apply and make the difference? Some methods don't work anymore; then arises the question of a new approach. An innovative method is necessary in order to offer an alternative to traditional methods whose limits we can observe. This project is offering a solution, at an experimental level. OBJECTIVES The Gamification project aims at remobilising hard-to-reach adults and to foster their entrepreneurship spirit, through different ways. The innovation part of this project lies on the use of the game in the different sessions with hard-to-reach adults. The game, considered as a dynamic and participative tool; we use games with our kids. We consider its values for respecting the other, for personal development and learning about ourselves, for opening ourselves to the others, for communicating. Why not using these benefits for another kind of target group? It is important for hard-to-reach adults to get confidence. This two-years experimentation at the European level helped mobilise soft skills for these hard-to-reach adults through games. PARTNERSHIP AND PARTICIPANTS The project was implemented by nine European partner organizations, each one of them with different profiles and roles. The practice partners were seven; they were in charge of implementing the experimentation at the local level. The knowledge partners were three, and through their expertise, helped the practice partners in understanding the gamification process and giving advice. Then a quality manager was ensuring the good implementation of the project within the limits of the application form and ensuring a good management of the project. KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS The University of Coventry (United Kingdom), through its serious game laboratory, Cookie Box (Spain), company working in the field of gamification and transmedia storytelling, and then the University of Chester, through their combined expertise in the gamification domain, helped the partnership through a modelisation of the process. Their knowledge fed the experimentation process in each territory of test. PRACTICE PARTNERS Fantom and ASSE associations (Romania) are very active in the development of their communities through European and national projects. Within the frame of this project, Fantom could rely on the local ressources and start a community centre in the town. The Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell (Spain) is a public institution which aims at promoting the economic development of the area, including through the development of entrepreneurial skills. The continuous training centre of the University of Helsinki works in the field of adult education, including towards hard-to-reach adults, and people over 45 years old. The Foundation Risorsa Donna (Italy) aims at promoting microcredit and works with isolated people. The social department of Ankara (Turkey) aims at promoting social inclusion of its citizens. Then, Pistes-Solidaires (France) promotes innovative solutions in order to foster social inclusion within the community, young or adults, through non-formal and informal methods. ACTIVITIES & RESULTS Each organization started first to create the activities in order to foster personal development of the participants, and keeping in mind the gamification aspect (with the help of the knowledge partners). Then, groups were constituted at the local level, trough the network of the press. The activities helped the participants to regain confidence in themselves, to mobilize their knowledge, their capabilities, their desire, et then to see doors opening. Some of them started a new job (local crafting, teaching, in a company), others got involved as volunteers in local organizations, or others were recruited in companies. A very diverse accomplishment but still very positive.

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9 Partners Participants