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Language Learning by Certified Live Online Teachers

1)IntroductionThe EU as an organization operates in 20 official languages. The 2004 enlargement of the EU, which nearly doubled the number of official languages from 12 to 20, focused attention on the role of languages in the EU as never before. The Union actively encourages its citizens to learn other European languages, both for reasons of professional and personal mobility within its single market, and as a force for cross-cultural contacts and mutual understanding. LANCELOT aims to promote online language learning through the professional development of ‘live online language teaching’. Live online language teaching is language tuition held in virtual classrooms via Internet, face-to-face with a teacher. This teaching approach offers European citizens, who are learning languages for private or professional reasons, the opportunity to learn from the comfort of their homes or offices without the loss of time incurred in cost-intensive travelling to a traditional classroom. Access to language tuition is facilitated and language learning by qualified online native speakers is enhanced through learner orientated, communicative and ‘live’ lessons.The vocational training of the live online language teacher does not exist. A certification to document qualification as a live online language teacher does not exist. The LANCELOT project will establish this on a national and European level by doing the following:identify and determine specifications for the live online language teacher develop guides and online courses for the training of live online language teachers develop and create a certificate for live online language teachingThis qualification will give the language teachers a competitive advantage in the market increasing both their employment opportunity and their mobility within the Union. Furthermore language learners will acquire skills on how to use modern communication technology improving not only communication skills in speaking EU languages but media competence alike. This will improve the foundation of economic collaboration in Europe.2)Project overviewWorldwide, the demand for language learning by qualified language teachers is great and is met largely by native speakers. In the case of traditional language training, many teachers have to leave their home country and move abroad in order to reach their target group. Due to the nature of language learning (typically a few hours a week over longer periods of time), travel expenses increase the very cost of language lessons. Many motivated learners in remote areas may not be able to enjoy live language classes and/ or might never have a chance to learn with native speakers. If such lessons were conducted from home in virtual classrooms by means of the Internet, travel expenditure would be reduced and access to lessons with native speakers would be easier. Whilst virtual classroom technology offers great opportunities in our mobile and networked business world, it is seldom used in reality in language learning. Pedagogical and technological skills as well as experience in the appropriate use of the medium are lacking. LANCELOT aims to fill this gap by developing professional standards and by providing training material in pedagogical and technological areas. The professional development of live online language teaching is an important area, and the new professional group of live online language teachers will be established and recognized through LANCELOT.3)Project OutcomesIn LANCELOT, the specifications for the praxis of live online language teaching will be determined and developed within the project. These specifications will be implemented in form of guides/manuals in a hard copy and in CD form as well as a training concept for the training of live online languages teachers. Project outcomes are as follows: a manual for the live online language teacher, detailing practical guidelines a guide is for the...
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