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25 European Projects Found

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Dynamic River System Lech (LIFE Lech)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Background The Tyrolean Lech River, with its huge banks of gravel and broad zones of lowland riparian forest, is among the last rivers in the northern Alps that remain more or less in a natural state. For over 60 km, the highly braided (multi-channelled) river occupies a gravel bed that is up to 100 m wide in parts. The river’s course is constantly chan ...
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Diversity and diversity consciousness in education as a concept have become more and more present in the last few years – as well in social contexts as in the international youth work. How each person defines those terms, is very different.In the intended project we want to start with the exchange about our self-concept. With our partners from different countries, we especially want to talk about ...
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Intercultural and interreligious dialogue have like the last dramatic occurrences in Europe demonstrate great relevance. This applies also to the Youth work. Youth worker have to create intercultural learning areas and have to be competent in intercultural Situations. YOIN Morocco 2015 offered 28 experts of the international and intercultural Youth work the possibility to meet a Muslim country, th ...
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La salvaguardia della biodiversità e il mantenimento delle risorse fitogenetiche hannoassunto grande rilevanza su scala mondiale. L’erosione genetica (la perdita progressivadi variabilità genetica) ha interessato soprattutto le colture agrarie, poiché le varietàmoderne hanno rimpiazzato le varietà locali. Queste ultime sono varietà tradizionaliadattate alle condizioni climatiche locali e rappresen ...
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Nelle strategie energetiche regionali del Land Tirolo e della Provincia Autonoma diBolzano si sottolinea la necessità di accelerare lo sfruttamento delle energie rinnovabili,in particolare di quelle solari (termica e fotovoltaica), al fine di realizzare le indicazionidella direttiva europea 209/28/CE sulla promozione delluso dellenergia da fontirinnovabili.Per la pianificazione di tali impianti ma ...
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Le gallerie naturali e le gallerie artificiali sono opere di grande importanza nellambito dei tracciati stradali in zone montane. Per questo limpianto operativo e i dispositivi di sicurezza sono molto importanti . Tra questi limpianto di illuminazione è certamente quello di maggior rilievo. Il seguente progetto cerca di ottimizzare lilluminazione in galleria riducendo il consumo di energia. Lobiet ...
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Come si può ottenere una crescita equilibrata della competitività e dellattrattiva delsettore del tempo libero in montagna e accrescere la sicurezza per la mountainoutdoor-community? Obiettivo del SUMMIT è dare una risposta risolutiva allinterno di una cooperazione trilaterale (Austria – Italia – Svizzera), attraverso: 1. la sensibilizzazione di utenti, gestori di infrastrutture alpine e settore p ...
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Donne che decidono Frauen entscheiden (DONNE)

Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Come obiettivo questo progetto persegue • il rafforzamento della presenza delle donne nelle posizioni decisionali nonche, • l’incremento della quota di coinvolgimento di donne nelle funzioni decisionali. Il presente programma contribuisce al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo intermedio sollecitando • l’assunzione di competenze, • l’interscambio di conoscenze e saperi, • il collocamento in rete di donn ...
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Con laumento delle estensioni degli insediamenti e con la crescita delle attività economiche, cresce anche lesposizione in confronto a danni e la sensibilità in confronto a disturbi del sistema economia e vita nelle regioni alpine. Oltre ai pericoli naturali sono sempre presenti i rischi tecnologici e i rischi causati dallattività umana, come li troviamo lungo le assi di transito e nelle aree dens ...
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Il grande numero di terremoti nelle regioni Tirolo, Friuli ma anche Alto Adige e Veneto rappresenta una minaccia per l’area economica come hanno dimostrato i terremoti in Friuli nel 1976 – ma anche quello a Merano nel 2001 e molti terremoti storici. L’obiettivo maggiore è l’elaborazione di un catalogo di terremoti di quell’area economica. Questo catalogo permette di calcolare realisticamente la pe ...
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Questo progetto persegue i seguenti obiettivi: 1) Sviluppo e impiego di un metodo integrale di pianificazione, basato sull'analisi dei rischi naturali per uno sviluppo territoriale sostenibile negli spazi alpini. 2) Sviluppo di spazi alpini esistenti e futuri (=spazi economici e abitativi, infrastrutture incluse) mediante opere di mitigazione del pericolo e del rischio per la protezione di questi ...
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Schutzwaldplattformen/-foren in Tirol und Bayern

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

...plattformen/-foren. Es folgt eine Phase, in der intensiv an der Gründung neuer Schutzwaldplattformen/-foren gearbeitet und gleichzeitig das Schulungskonzept aufgebaut bzw. umgesetzt wird. Der gesamte Prozess von der Zieldefinition bis zur Anwendung wird wissenschaftlich begleitet, um aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in den Prozess einfließen zu lassen (Politikberatung) als auch Schwächen un ...
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La Grande Guerra Der Erste Weltkrieg (WWI)

Start date: Apr 30, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

L`obiettivo principale del progetto consiste nella creazione di un network permanente tra i siti di guerra e i centri museali della regione Veneto e del Tirolo. L´allestimento di quattro centri d´informazione mira a conservare il prezioso patrimonio storico e culturale di entrambe le aree, garantendo per di piu´ la trasmissione di un´interpretazione moderna e popolare della Grande Guerra. Lo scamb ...
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Waldinformationssystem Nordalpen

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2011,

...her Eich- und Kontrolldaten im Gelände ergänzt. Der Datenbestand erlaubt es, Wuchsbedingungen und Gefährdungen differenziert zu beurteilen und mit Modellen auf der gesamten Projektfläche zu prognostizieren. In einem grenzüberschreitenden Workshop wurden die Erwartungen der Zielgruppen an Waldtypenkarten und ergänzende Spezialkarten abgerufen. Die Ausarbeitung der Waldtypenkarten (Teilgebiet Salzb ...
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Bergrettungsnetzwerk Trockenbachtal / Samerberg

Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

Gemeinsam werden die Rahmenbedingungen für eine dauerhafte Zusammenarbeit erarbeitet und umgesetzt. Unter Verantwortung der Bergwacht Rosenheim wird in der Gemeinde Samerberg eine Bergrettungszentrum gebaut, das in verschiedenen Einsatzsituationen und zu Ausbildungszwecken von der Bergrettung Kufstein mitgenutzt wird. In einem weiteren Schritt erfolgt die Angleichung der Einsatzausrüstung beider E ...
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"Climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies in the Alpine Space” is a strategic project with the aim to give concrete input to a future Alpine Space Programme based on conclusions about the type of climate changes in the Alpine Space and its potential effects. By a general assessment of historical climate changes and its impacts as well as by climate models, future scenarios and their effec ...
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In today's mobile society and economy, the provision with public services (or more precisely: with services of public interest) is a locational key factor. Topographical features and frequently low population density mean that the public services in Alpine regions generally cover only a part of their costs. Market liberalisation and other factors threaten to reduce the availability of some service ...
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Wild river landscape of the Tyrolean Lech (Tiroler Lech)

Start date: Apr 1, 2001, End date: Mar 31, 2007,

Background The Tyrolean river Lech, with its huge banks of gravel and broad zones of lowland riparian forest, is probably the last river in the northern Alps which is still more or less in its natural state. For over 60 km, the highly braided river occupies a gravel bed that is up to 100 m wide in parts. The course of the Lech is constantly changing due t ...
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Die Lawinenwarndienste in Tirol und Bayern sind nahezu gleich organisiert und arbeiten sehr eng auch überregional zusammen. Dabei ist eine Vielzahl von Daten zu berücksichtigen, die möglichst rasch verschiedenen Nutzern zur Verfügung gestellt werden muss, damit diese notwendige Warnungen rechtzeitig weitergeben können. Derzeit ist es einlanger Weg von den zahlreichen Beobachtern und Messfeldbetreu ...
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River Basin Agenda Alpine Space (River Basin Agenda)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Feb 27, 2006,

The risk potential in river basins has risen sharply throughout Europe due to the enormous pressures of utilization in the narrow valleys. In order to improve safety for the valley populations, increased, sustained inter-regional and transnational commitment is required. The Alpine River Basin Agenda thereby makes innovative contributions in 10 selected river basins: - from working focussed on the ...
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RDA-net CEDA² is a network of regional development agencies (RDAs) with a complete set of services and tools for fostering and improving the partners' capabilities in practical cooperation vis-à-vis the challenges of EU enlargement. RDA-net CEDA² aims to: - Generate innovative projects for regional development of CADSES by using the synergies of the network's experts, - Increase the competencies a ...
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The project has the following aims:1. The safeguarding and development of sufficiently large habitats in a cross-border alliance is imperative if the biological diversity of the Alps ecological system is to be preserved. This is made evident in particular in the pilot projects Cross-frontier running waters in the Alps and Protection of cross-frontier populations of bats in the Alps. In addition to ...
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Monitoring the Alpine Regions' Sustainability (MARS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2005,

Development of a database with up to now in this form not developed, yet indicators for monitoring sustainable development of the Alpine Space and all its regions at the NUTS2 level. Analysis of the results as a basis for the formulation of policy recommendation with respect to the promotion of the Alpine Space as a competitive and attractive living and economic space in the scope of a polycentric ...
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...und Erweiterungs- möglichkeiten bieten. Ziel ist ein transnationales, multimediales Informationssystem zu anwendungsorientierten Fragestellungen. 60.000 Quadratmeter Fläche, gemeint sind insgesamt über vier Staaten mit zwölf Ländern, Provinzen, Kantonen und Regierungsbezirken, werden als digitaler Atlas bis 2007 ins Internet gestellt.LAtlante del Tirolo offre divertimento storico-geografico, inter ...
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QuestCity -Edutainment for Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

Das Projekt "QuestCity - Edutainment for Europe" fördert die Verbreitung des transnationalen und interdisziplinären non-formalen Voneinander-Lernens und Miteinander-Kooperierens von Jugendlichen im Alter von 10-16 Jahren in gesellschaftsrelevanten Bereichen der Selbsthilfe und Katastrophen- und Notfallhilfe über das Serious Game "QuestCity" QC. Das Lernspiel wirkt als Katalysator für die Aufklärun ...
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