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"Drafting and adopting joint practicable concepts for the preservation, development and networking of selected living spaces of significance to the EU, taking Natura 2000 into special account." (Living Space Network)
Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project has the following aims:1. The safeguarding and development of sufficiently large habitats in a cross-border alliance is imperative if the biological diversity of the Alps ecological system is to be preserved. This is made evident in particular in the pilot projects Cross-frontier running waters in the Alps and Protection of cross-frontier populations of bats in the Alps. In addition to this, quite apart from the preservation of the genetic resources in the Alpine region, diversity of species and habitats is a factor contributing to the quality of attractions for tourists. The preservation of natural and nearly natural habitat structures in the Alpine region helps to prevent the increasing threats to nature posed there. The pilot project Cross-frontier running waters in the Alps therefore needs to handle the aspect reducing the risk of threats to nature as well as the aspect biological diversity.2. New forms of cross-border collaboration at administrative level and between scientific institutions, associations and private individuals are brought about when as many affected parties as possible take part in the pilot project. With the project partners belonging to the administrations of the various countries, the continuity of this collaboration is guaranteed.
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  • 41.5%   124 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants