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Wild river landscape of the Tyrolean Lech (Tiroler Lech)
Start date: Apr 1, 2001, End date: Mar 31, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The Tyrolean river Lech, with its huge banks of gravel and broad zones of lowland riparian forest, is probably the last river in the northern Alps which is still more or less in its natural state. For over 60 km, the highly braided river occupies a gravel bed that is up to 100 m wide in parts. The course of the Lech is constantly changing due to erosion and deposition. In the past, however, flood disasters and increasing pressure from human activities in the valley necessitated hydrological regulation measures, which in certain sections severely narrowed the riverbed. The construction of debris traps across the streams and growing exploitation of gravel also contributed to a deepening of the riverbed and a lowering of the water table. The consequent disappearance of floods and of forests which are regularly submerged, was affecting numerous species characteristic for gravel banks, including the German tamarisk (Myricaria germanica), the pink-winged grasshopper (Bryodema tuberculata) and the little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius). Objectives A central concern of the LIFE-Nature Project was to restore habitats of free-flowing water wherever the demands of flood protection and the socio-economic conditions would allow it. Thus it planned to considerably widen the bed of the river over 6 km of its length. In the widened sections 35 hectares of new Alpine river habitats (gravel banks) would be created. At the same time, the supply of gravel to the main river channel would be increased by gradually opening the debris traps in the lateral streams. The project was to be accompanied by special measures to protect threatened species of dragonfly and amphibians in the riverside meadows, as well as by forestry compensation payments to foresters to improve conditions for bird species dependent on dead wood, such as the grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus) and the white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos). Finally, there would also be a section of the project devoted to visitor management in the Natura 2000 site. Results River restoration measures were carried out on River Lech as well as River Vils on a length of 6km. Due to the river-widening projects the River Lech is getting back large parts of its former river bed within the project area. Removal of two gravel barriers in the frame of this project, significantly increased the bed load transport in the River Lech, an important step to stop the river bed erosion in the River Lech which has caused a substantial lowering of ground-water levels. The lowering of the ground-water level is one of the main threats for some of the project's target habitats. Small restoration measures were also carried out at several brooks and ditches. They aimed to remove fish migration barriers as well as to create a mosaic of habitats of ecological importance. A total of 40 small ponds for amphibians and the highly endangered dragonfly species, Coenagrion hylas, were created or restored. A total of 98 bulbs of existing lamps were replaced by insect-friendly bulbs and in 15 lamps insect-friendly bulbs were installed. The public awareness-raising work included creative events like school contests, training for nature guides, and a time-lapse movie in addition to more established activities. Good co-operation among the nature conservation administration (beneficiary), the river engineering administration (partner) and an NGO (WWF as partner) was established.
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