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26 European Projects Found

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Wealth: Promoting Local Sustainable Economic Development (Project Wealth)

Start date: Apr 24, 2012, End date: Aug 24, 2015,

PROJECT WEALTH aims to introduce new approaches to socio-economic development and enhancement of territories, based on the needs and assets of local communities. To that end, the project will enhance economic clusters through local sustainable economic initiatives as a tool to bringing about economic, environmental and community wealth. ...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUM PROJECT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

...on through the participation in the program.This consortium is composed by:Municipality of Vigo,Regional Management Agency of Energy,Region of Murcia,Regional Agency for Energy and Environment in the Algarve,Municipality of Messina, Municipality of Reggio Emilia,Riga City Council,City of KatowiceMunicipality of Vratsa,Sofia Municipality,Regional Energy Agency of Pazardjik,Amiens City council,The S ...
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PROFORBIOMED promotes renewable energies in rural areas by developing an integrated strategy for the use of forest biomass as a renewable energy source, improving forest management systems, recovering forest biomass potential and developing new opportunit Achievements: ...
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 FINISHED were organised and done Think tank activities were completed & winners attended Athens congress and fair Started the organization activities of the final Cong. in Valencia the 2nd phase of labs in Algarve and Sicily were carried out 2 Workshops were done in Milan & Calabria Skype meetings and 2 face2face metings (in Athens) were done for the 3 scientific working groups. the 3 e-books will be av ...
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The main project objective is to foster the competitiveness of MED SMEs promoting a new public-private partnership to support innovation based on a more open approach of knowledge and technology transfer and a strong public-private cooperation. The main activities are: innovation providers’ quality certification system analysis of existent public-private mechanisms of cooperation to fund innov ...
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The MED TECHNOPOLIS is a project for 36 months which consists in: - the creation of technology interface structures (TISs) belonging to the technopolis generation, in all the participant regions - the completion of a cycle of Action-Training Programs (ATPs) and six Regional Action Plans (RAPs), based on INNOV/COMP and R&AT partnerships among the actors of these regions. At the closing Co ...
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Connecting the territory through the innovation network (INOLINK)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...semester has been the beginning of the second round of the study visits Previously during 2010 and 2011 a total of seven study visits (first round) were organized in seven different partners regions: Algarve, Essone, Saarbrücken, Andalusia, West Midlands, Maribor and Tuscany. Each study visit aimed to present an overview of the regional economic situation so that participants would have an idea of ...
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The aim of the project is to develop and transfer, through common approach at transnational level, an integrated model for the prevention of forest fires. Focus will be placed on the prevention phase fundamental for environmental, economic, cultural and social sustainability. In particular, 3 thematic areas will be dealt with to ensure an integrated and effective model: 1) The development of share ...
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Tool for the Territorial Strategy of the MED Space (OTREMED)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

OTREMED begins from the need to provide public bodies with competence in spatial planning a tool to facilitate decision making for the territorial governance, consistent with the structure and the dynamics associated with uniqueness of the Mediterranean. 13 actions consistent with the sustainable and balanced development of the territory will be carried out. Its capitalization will pour into who ...
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PAYS.MED.URBAN understands high quality of landscape as a key factor of sustainability and competitiveness of urban areas. High quality of landscape is not only important for the identity, the ecological health and the quality of life of urban areas but also is a key factor of the attractiveness and distinctiveness of these areas. For this reason, it is an territorial capital and soft locational f ...
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Culture de risque incendie en zone d'interface forêt/habitat (PYROSUDOE)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

El objetivo final del proyecto PYROSUDOE es mejorar las políticas de gestión de los interfaces bosque/hábitat en favor de la prevención del riesgo de incendios, con el fin de reducir las amenazas para la población e infraestructuras y proteger el medio ambiente y el medio natural, todo ello a través de la elaboración de estrategias comunes entre los actores protagonistas del espacio SUDOE, de acci ...
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The years 2004 and 2005 have been catastrophic with regard to forest fires around the Mediterranean.This return of serious fires makes it necessary to consider, on a Euro-Mediterranean scale, the efficiency of policies adopted and how they fit in with planning in the regional territories. These territories are increasingly exposed to the risk of fire for a number of reasons: • Development and poor ...
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Le but du projet est de comprendre dans quelle mesure et avec quels instruments les Etats membres et les Pays tiers peuvent contribuer, approfondir et définir les thèmes concernant laménagement du territoire contenus dans: - Les nouvelles priorités européennes exprimées dans les déclarations de Lisbonne et de Göteborg - Le SDEC en ce qui concerne les spécificités de lespace méditerranéen et les pr ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

European civil society is based on a set of activities carried out by non-profit making entities supported by voluntary work and operating in conjunction with national, regional and local administrations in order to improve many sectors of contemporary society. Public authorities have become heavily involved in the development of policies and services in support of these bodies, promoting their va ...
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« Medwet Regions » sintéresse à la conservation des zones humides méditerranéennes. Le projet prévoit des actions de conservation dans ces zones dimportance majeure, ainsi que la promotion des politiques et des stratégies nationales, afin de prendre en considération la valeur de ces zones dans le processus de planification. « Medwet Regions » vise donc lamélioration du niveau de connaissance et lh ...
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VREM : The Mediterranean Roman Routes (VREM)

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Oct 29, 2004,

Les voies romaines constituent un important élément du patrimoine de la Méditerranée qui présente de nombreux atouts et un grand potentiel de développement, mais qui doit en permanence faire face à de nombreuses menaces, renforcées par labsence actuelle dune approche densemble, concertée et opérationnelle dans une perspective de durabilité. Dans le but de rendre cohérente et effective à long terme ...
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« ETSM » s’intéresse au tourisme durable en lien avec les activités sportives de pleine nature. Le projet entend mettre en évidence les problématiques communes aux zones côtières du littoral méditerranéen (mauvaise répartition temporale des flux, les conséquences négatives sur l’emploi , les emplois saisonniers, la « fuite » des jeunes, manque de valorisation de l’arrière-pays), et prévoit des sol ...
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« REVER MED » sintéresse aux voies de communication au sein des espaces urbains et périurbains. Il a pour objectif principal de mettre en place un réseau de voies de communication autonomes destiné au transport non motorisé (donc non-polluant et respectueux de lenvironnement). Ce réseau devrait ainsi être constitué principalement de voies vertes, de voies faisant partie du patrimoine culturel natu ...
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AMAT: Workshops Regional planning (AMAT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2004,

« AMAT » s’intéresse à l’aménagement du territoire. Le projet vise à faire un état des lieux comparatif des stratégies, des modes d’organisation et d’actions touchant les politiques territoriales dans les différents pays et régions de l’espace Medocc. Il s’agit de poser les bases d’une meilleure coordination des politiques régionales grâce à un travail commun entre les responsables de ces politiqu ...
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...ting the regional RDC, 1 chamber of commerce, 1 energy agencies, 2 transnational networks oriented at economic development) from 7 countries from the extreme Occidental boundaries of MED Programme (Algarve) to the extreme Eastern ones (Central Macedonia) crossing other 5 eligible areas (Catalonia, Rhone-Alpes, Marche, Slovenia and Sarajevo Macro Region). Moreover, 5 external partners: users intere ...
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SMARTinMED aims at increasing Mediterranean SMEs innovation capacities with a specific focus on renewable energies and energy efficiency. The project capitalises on the results achieved in previous European projects and specifically on IC-MED project, so to help SMEs in better facing local, national and international competition by increasing their market shares, by supporting their capacities to ...
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The aim of the project is to implement Qualification Framework ideas in the Central Asian counties. It is planned to improve their educational systems by further development of existing requirements to educational standards in particular fields on the base on new European approaches and the Tuning Programme.During the project realization, a Concept of General Regulations of education standards wil ...
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Shapes is focused on the excellences of the Knowledge/Creative Economy in the MEDarea. In this area are concentrated in fact the most appreciated talents/brands/know-hows worldwide. The creative asset directly or indirectly produces cultural products and includes not only commercial/production/service enterprises but also artists, public and non-profit organizations. For this reason Shapes is also ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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ECOFUNDING aims to create a new structure to promote investment and access to energy and eco-innovation funds in the MED area in a key moment for European strategic development where two factors occur: a major credit and investment crisis and an excessive dependence of the southern Europe economies on energy. Therefore, ECOFUNDING focuses its efforts on three main activity sections. The first set ...
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L05 - Russia

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

Triple I addresses the needs and constrains of the countries involved by disseminating the social and democratic values of the EU and promoting better understanding of Russia, thus supporting the development of Euro-Russian relations in whole. The theme of Integration, Interaction and Institutions is strategically chosen to address the issues important in the Euro-Russian relations. Triple I mobil ...
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