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motion of residual forestry biomass in the Mediterranean basin (PROFORBIOMED)
Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROFORBIOMED promotes renewable energies in rural areas by developing an integrated strategy for the use of forest biomass as a renewable energy source, improving forest management systems, recovering forest biomass potential and developing new opportunit Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startSince 2011, PROFORBIOMED has achieved a common strategy for the 18 organizations involved in the whole Mediterranean area in the promotion and sustainable use of forest and wooden biomass. The real cooperation has been translated in a strong cooperation within the 13 Pilot actions that are in development within the project. These pilot actions wich are the core of the project, are now in full implementation and will result in the tools and mechanisms that are required in the Mediterranean basin to achieve a better use of the biomass impacting in rural areas in the whole of the basin. The current state of play, shows that efforts are given results in the increase of agreements signed, in political commitments and in the increase of the use of renewable energy in MED territories. An strong emphasis is being placed on the cooperation of similar projects along the EU programmes to achieve synergies leading to better results as well as with other projects of Strategic point of view.Latest project activities and outputsPROFORBIOMED has hold its third Steering Group Meeting in Greece during May, having the opportunity to meet the needs of the project implementation. Further to this, National meetings and Regional seminars have been conducted in partners areas. PROFORBIOMED has also finalised the draft model for amendments to the CAP and developing an Energy Pact for future policy recommendations. Liason is being established with other projects in MED area and Pilot actions are under development, the website was launched as well as the newsletter, increasing our presence in the media with the use of the social networks and the participation to international events in the promotion of the biomass. The number of key stakeholders of the project has increased due to the field actions and seminars open to the public and the launching of initiatives such as the Front Office that has undergone a process of public consultation and dissemination.Next key steps for the projectThe next PROFORBIOMED meeting will be in Portugal during October. Expections about the pilot action development are created regarding methodologies and field works. The website & social media development and the publication of our second Newsletter will be a fact. New regional events are planned and the Front Offices for the biomass will be ready as well as the Policy recommendations CAP Amendments and Energy Pact) and the holding of main dissemination events at regional and international level
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  • 75.9%   4 239 550,85
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

17 Partners Participants